Explain to me how this can all tie into the meaning of the universe and the secrets it contains?

Explain to me how this can all tie into the meaning of the universe and the secrets it contains?

Could we just be in the brain of God?
Would it make sense?
Is the Internet a false god?
Is the brain an internet?
Is the brain a decentralized network?
Why did we only create the internet so recently?

Attached: e3e.jpg (500x500, 95K)

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The main message is that all is one

here OP let me educate you

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Pareidolia is an indicator of schizophrenia.

My internet is an indicator of gonnorhea

you forgot mycelium, pleb. In Oregon resides the largest living organism on Earth, a giant mycelium growth that produces honey cap mushrooms. It weighs 6k pounds and it over 2000 years old.

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>schizophrenia is real

go back to art school

>rotation axes of the central supermassive black holes ... are parallel to each other over distances of billions of light-years

Attached: eso quasars.png (920x725, 421K)

Do everyone a favor and ignore degenerate fags. They're new age pill poppers.

>Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

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Thermodinamics, everything tends to be energy efficient, for that reason, you see the same shapes over and over. Discs, spheres, webs. Probably, supply chains will have a similar structure, the web of friends or acquaintances, a good water supplies pipe map, the same with sewerage, our circulatory system, road maps have the same structure.

All is one looks like cracked ice is the same as the universe

Attached: 3758016-cracked-ice-seamless-texture.jpg (1300x1300, 605K)

Maybe we are just bacteria growing on a brain cell

GOD is scary even satan scared of GOD

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probs nothing ay I wouldn't worry about it

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>how can the shortest distance between to points be a straight line in all circumstances

Math works the same everywhere

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>Is the Internet a false god?
Internet is the Devil. It's like in the bible "My name is Legion, for we are many." that's actually us, no names no faces, we are the legion

No gods and no secrets, it’s just us wanting to feel special and unique
Rats aren’t unique , they die
Millions of living roaches with brains die everyday, there’s no heaven for them
The universe just is

checked and we are all extensions of the universe, given senses and judgment so it can look inward on itself

We are unique, we are the universe observing itself. If an event happens with no observers can you really claim it to be significant?

That's a good start, now think about the concept of senses and judgment and the idea of a self in that same light.

>be me
>take on line pareidolia test
>score high
Interestingly religous ppl tend to score high, I am as non-religous as can be.