Jews really don't like Trump's tariffs

Jews really don't like Trump's tariffs.

Attached: 1533385933589.jpg (1041x649, 100K)

Even after defending israel? What will it take to please them?

dammit, cant piss off our lords and masters. guess ill have to go to war again to stop this madness

I have a question (not directed at you OP). Why is it that everyone is flipping out about Trump sticking the EU with a pricey auto tariff, when the EU has had a tariff on American autos four times higher than it's counterpart for years?

This photo is anti-semitic you fucking cunt biggot

An oven

Really makes you think...

Jews are international people. They don't like barriers except in Isreal... they are also the people who benefit most from all that delicious cheap labour, because they run the businesses -- and they don't do labour type work themselves

The EU needs to sell cars to bribe their niggers into tranquility. Without constant nigger bribes, civilization would cease to exist

Post more jews graphs like this. I have a redpill opportunity later