How is it in (((their))) long term interest to screw over wypipo?

If Jews get the public to hate whites, then Jews can no longer hide behind the white label. They'll have to out themselves as Jews. Everyone knows that no one likes Jews, so what gives Jow Forums? Why do you fuckers hate Jews so much?

Attached: 612313131313.jpg (1280x1730, 318K)

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in those shitty 3rd world dumps there is a rich elite white/jew cabal that is well funded and protected from the dumb black horde

>in those shitty 3rd world dumps there is a rich elite white/jew cabal that is well funded and protected from the dumb black horde
Wait wait. So you're saying they'll just protect themselves from the mob? That's their plan? To create an upheaval - even though they're perfectly comfortable now - and then protect themselves from the mob? Does what you type make sense even to you?

Sephardic jews are doing just fine ruling over third world shit holes like Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil from their gated communities. Meanwhile, the Khazarian mafia rules Europe, USA and mineral rich African countries from the safety of Israel with the help of their mercenary fellow jews and shabbos goys. Even when there is a threat literally on their border, they're good at getting the goyim to fight other goyim and give token support both sides to save themselves from justice.

Only the white man is strong enough to stand up to the Jew. You will never see a black version of Hitler which is why Jews feel safe in multicultural societies.

Why does Israel have an extremely tight immigration policy and 20 foot walls with machine guns on top?

it isnt they just dont know yet

>They'll have to out themselves as Jews

They already do that though, when convenient for them.

Attached: 1526999507764.jpg (1026x792, 206K)

This explains it

Let's get this straight. You're saying destroying the white identity will not affect the Jews in any way? They'll just sit over everyone?

Everyone from Blacks to Arabs hate the Jews, but when they overthrow whites, everyone will accept them as the overlords?