Does anyone here actually like this guy?

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yes, because he is not a retarded """conservative""" boomer shill

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even if he wasn't so effeminate and gay, i'd still dislike him because his super deep big-brained shit is embarrassing
if you use the word "neitzschean" in a simple conversation about niggers and jews, i'm out

yes. he has spread the word to a lot of people, and is a good source of introductory knowledge about racial politics. some may dislike his personality, and how he sounds like a queer, but he has done a lot of good.

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this exactly

Yes, only boomer tier trumptards hate him.

You can spot shills by them never engaging with his ideas, just namecalling

or fedposting

Why did you make his forehead smaller in this picture?

Because I appreciate that he is standing up for whites and his goals are the same as ours, I can ignore his fart sniffery. He is not the leader of the alt-right and the alt-right does not need to justify every goofy thing he says.

No he is a embarrassment to the alt right!

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Yeah he's a great advocate. He's made some mistakes but everyone does. He is already wealthy so it's not like he has a lot to lose by taking up the cause.

I don't like him or particularly trust him, but he's a helluva lot more genuine than Ben Shapiro. That little faggot needs to be gassed

he's interesting to listen to


He’s alright by me.

>Ben Shapiro
why are you comparing these two?

> One has a wife and kids and the other is a queer with a beard.

spencer has a wife with a kid, shill
stop spewing missinformation like a fed

No, he's a racist nationalist and antithetical to everything America and the Constitution stands for. PragerU already exposed him and the alt-right movement for the leftists/socialists that they are.


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i don't get how that's embarrassing, you get sucker punched with a wrench and you're still standing.

no. Anyone that likes richard spencer is intellectually compromised. He's one of the examples of people you can just look at and know they shouldn't be trusted. A complete and total phony and a bush protege.

>such a weak punch that he cant even knock him down or even do anything other than make him flinch
when a right winger punches a left winger they get brain damage

I've met him a few times at private events, he is a very good speaker, especially when there are no cameras there to recording.

>No, he's a racist nationalist
Why are you here? This is racist nationalist land. Are you lost? Get the fuck out.


Are you arguing he should instead throw around racial slurs and not use as many big words? Lmao

He is "just fine". He said some stupid shit, but whatever, he is better that many.

He's not standing up for white interests, he serves them up to Jewish media to silence whites.

What a weak pussy punch

he always hits the spot for me. i find myself agreeing with the vast majority of his points

I don't really like him all that much, but I must say that he's recently managed to become a lot less annoying.
If he keeps it up, he'll do fine.

this must be bait

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This. Eric Striker is a peak orator. Listen to how simply and beautifully he breaks this kike

Richard Spencer is the official leader of Jow Forums and the Dissident Right. Ignore the shills who say otherwise.

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Richard? Is that you?

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lol i hate this shitty boomer argument. "he has some ideas that could be considered left wing so that means hes bad"

dumb ass boomer who thinks left and right are like sports teams you support unquestionably with no room for shades of each side

He's the future but you retards don't understand most of the things he tries to do.

He's literally a modern-day National Socialist. Just listen to his podcasts and you will realize he knows what the true NS-Weltanschauung is which is quite different from Jow Forums's autistic vision.

Try and link me a video where he is talking to a person smarter than him.
I'll wait.

>Yes, only boomer tier trumptards hate him.
>You can spot shills by them never engaging with his ideas, just namecalling
Fucking irony. Ok I'll engage with one of his ideas. He doesn't like Trumps RAISE act where we would only let in skilled workers he actually prefers to let millions of mexicans in because he somehow thinks whites will be the elite so it's ok to be Brazil because there will still be a few white people in power somewhere that's shit.

Every single one of his podcasts. Richard is just the face it's his buddy that has all the ideas but he must not be very photogenic.

good goy

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Hes right tho. Raise act doesnt solve anything, just floods you with afluent asians.

He's likely controlled opposition imo. Constantly doing this in-fighting thing & attacking purple pill people and pushing idealistic bullshit like the idea of starting a "third party". He doesn't seem very strategic imo, just either wearing his heart on his sleeve 24/7 like a tourettes retard or a shill. He's too smart to not notice that his behavior is foolish which is why I think he's a shill.

tommy supports kikes. nobody likes kikes or tommy's pedophile supporters.

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It isnt infighting if cuckservatives are anti white.

t. MAGA, guis!

This, Also
>implying that left-wing economics makes you a progressive democrat
Conservatism in America has been completely subverted by jews and shabbos goys like PragerU. To think that the right originated with monarchists in France who fought for the absolute authority of the monarch while the right today is neckbeard libertarians who spend all their money on bitcoin and hentai. Makes my blood boil desu

There's probably a few. I can't see what they find impressive about him though.


Greg? Yeah, he probably is a bright fellow as well.
So it makes Richard even better? That he has right type of guys by his side.

He decleared himself a white Zionist, you know

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Only shills.

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Imagine being this much of a micro-brained bumpkin that terms like that infuriate and confuse you

Pull yourself together

His mannerisms and the way he speaks make him seem like a literal faggot.

yes, he's the next prez

Ehhh I mean he's done more than anyone here so...

He seems fine and he used to banter and trade ideas with Jonathan Bowden, whose encyclopaedic knowledge would bury absolutely anybody here and on "the left." Nothing bad to say about Dickie Spencer other than he's a slightly gay sounding rich cunt and I have to hate wealthy people on principle being working class scum as I am.

He acts a little larpy, and doesn't have a whole lot of tact (too much power level in public), but I think he is a genuine white nationalist although I disagree with some of his ideas


You faggots think this is Tommy Robinson don’t you...?

>eloquent speaker who stays level-headed even in fiery debates
>seeks to reinstate aristocracy as a political system
>devout supporter of anime nationalism
>cares deeply about the white race
>despises compromising cuckservatives
>doesn't care about optics at all

If you don't like Spencer you are a traitor to the white race

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Ew can't tell if troll or actually retarded

>Prager sides

I stopped caring.

Shapiro striked up as a somewhat solid minded person. But I disagree intensely that running random numbers and being loquacious at speed means you deserve a cult of personality. Some of his facts figures seems dodgy (survey and statistics) but most are legit because the people he faces usually do something stupid like arguing against science which is pretty much universally tested.
Only thing I admire is that he lives his life in stride and is successful as a man by all accounts. He didn't fall for vidya, porn, dragging feet vices and has a family at so young.

Pewdiepie is like mook. He's faggot. But he's our faggot. Same goes for Garrison.

Erik Striker is simply the new who. Kind of reminds me of Jordan Peterson. But it's assuring that we have more eloquent people addressing the stupidity of liberalism at large.

Raise act will Import a new asian upper class that's going to displace Whites from what influential positions they still hold. You're already going to become a minority, with Raise you'd be in an even worse position to do anything about it.

Cringe and boomerpilled.

funny how 90% of people attacking spencer here are only engaging in character assassination and not even mentioning his ideas, hmmm i wonder who would do that...

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Spencer is kindof irrelevant, but he was given a ton of negative media attention. That seems to be the reason most people know about him. A lot of his ideas don't really seem to be very deeply thought out.

His "Unite the Right" rally was a massive mistake since it demonized us, but everyone makes mistake.
Plus, it brought us to the mainstream and showed everyone we weren't alone.

His beliefs are consistent and correct. Aside from some moments where he spergs out, like in that interview with a black guy, he's still a important figurehead whether you like him or not.

Sure. Reminder that only shills and retards condemn peopel for absolutist reasons. There is no perfect special organization or person for you - you have to take what you get.

Spencer isn't doing any harm as I see it, at worst he is ineffective but I don't think he is.

Controlled Opposition

He's responsible for pushing a hardline collectivist narrative and would sooner have us equating our identities with that of our nations and ethnic groups rather than focusing on our own identities.
That is, the exact same strategy the left is pushing.
Thing is though, it's hard to argue against collectivism when it's becoming so rife in the modern world. How do you combat the collectivist identitarian left with an ideology that pushes for individualism? As good as individualism is, a single man can't stand against a rabid mob ruled by a common identity.
The only reasonable way to defeat collectivism is with collectivism. A tribe must rise to defeat another tribe. I hate collectivism as a concept, but I can't think of an argument against it because it's just so fucking effective at uniting people.
I don't like Richard Spencer. I don't like what he stands for, since in my view he's just the Left with a different colour-scheme, but I don't know anything can stop the Left's current collectivist agenda with anything other than Right-wing collectivism.

He only said that because Israel does a lot of things they themselves tell white people not to do.

i used to like him before in the day when he ran radix, i really liked reading it, it was cool and insightful for its time, but with the alt-right thing it all turned to uber cringe
i dont like nationalism, racism or anything of the sort, but i still prefer him to most of fags in these political circles

I lost respect for him when he ran away crying after he had got punched.


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You know the value of someone to the future of white people based on the number of kike shills screeching against him in every thread.

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cia alt kike babysitter

yoyoyoo ricardo wassup bro

He’s a fucking (((cuck))) so no.

>antifa members are weak

Yeah that why you get reports of them assaulting, beating up people and burning cars and shit.

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No. He's a Collectivist Cuck.

more than any other alt-right figure

always on point, always focused, always idealistically rooted in the big picture yet still with his feet on the ground, and his takes are always on point without exaggeration
others have the bad habit of being in constant shift

He LITERALLY fucking renounced Nationalism and think he's going to be part of some elite class in his space faring Pan-European Empire. Dude sees us a useful tools and doens't give a shit about whites.

He's a CIA pied piper plant.
He's also a fucking faggot and a hypocrite.

Dinesh exposed Richard in his new movie. Spencer is a massive atheist Collectivist Cuck.


lmao that prager guy let some queer mentally ill australian jewish convert suck his cock in la about 20 years ago

that prager guy is basic bitch jew conservatard in it for the shekel

I do.

I think he should reconsider his position on banning porn and homosexuality but in general I find his positions to be a lot more agreeable than those of most other American "conservatives". In particular because he's not obsessed with the idea of freedom.

Yes, petty vandalism and ganging up on non-combatants to opportunistically hit them with a bike lock, while masked, and running away/getting BTFO when met with physical resistance are all hallmarks of true tough-guys.

Spencer is good, I've been following him since his interviews with Jonathan Bowden. I highly recommend you start there.

Yes he's smart and makes good content. Btfo'd sargin

I don't agree with him on much, but I think he's interesting and should be allowed to speak.

No, he is a false flag lefty. Try reddit.

Bowden was arguably smarter than him.

This, you can't individually defeat people with a open in-group preference.
I don't think we'l maintain a collectivist mindset when the minorities are gone through, so i see it as a temporary compromise.

I'd rather have him out there bringing attention to race realism, white nationalism, and Western chauvinism, than not.

With that said, I am not a big fan.

I don't like him at all he's a globalist, aristocrat/monarchist that is against white nationalism because he wants "globalism" and thinks that whites should devote effort to helping and promoting the well being of non-whites

I have no idea what the fuck his problem is I guess he just likes to larp as a supporter of aristocracy.

richard commie spencer and his little russian cuck boy dugin both need to get gassed

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His views are a lot more nuanced than the MSM portray. They scream “ethnostate” and run away. And a lot of times, he doesn’t fit in with the typical AR stance. They scream “fake right” and run away.

Collectivist means you are a leftist, huehuehuehue.

hwite. hwite. ethno state.

I like him more if someone would punch him in the face.