Attached: weed.png (869x581, 1.16M)
Was marijuana intoduced by kikes to make people homosexuals?
Grayson Campbell
Lincoln Bell
weed has been smoked by the indo-europeans for thousands of years
Leo Campbell
Austin Perry
Was women voting invented to make people homeless?
Austin Ross
Hunter Adams
Explains why the Greeks were (are) such faggots
Anthony Flores
nobody really cared about weed till it went on a list.
same with coke or anything else. it was just medicine
Nicholas Sullivan
It has been PROMOTED by the Zionists, (not all jews are evil, a lot are though)..
because it destroys all motivation, permanantly kills the receptors for life and literally shrinks the frontal lobe of the brain over time.
It makes you dependent on weed as a crutch to feel good( dopamine ) so you don't seek out pleasure in actual life.
Thus you can sit in front of a screen with mindless bullshit in front of you and be completely entertained for hours.
Camden James
this there were alot of gays amongst this group
Jace Long
>rastafarians are some of the most anti-homosexual people there is
>what did op mean by this
James Harris
Zionists are the good jews. They believe that anyone can be a jew as long as they believe in the faith and speak the language. That's essentially marxism.
Hunter Flores
>Zionists are the good jews.
Kill yourself.
Jordan Phillips
>permanantly kills the receptors for life and literally shrinks the frontal lobe of the brain over time.
No permanent effects have been proven. I had 122 IQ when I started smoking and 141 IQ when I had quit.
Nolan Watson
Orthodox Jews are the ones you need to fear. They are the talmudic jews. Zionist jews are largely secularized.
Connor Robinson
Have you ever met a pothead over 25 that had his shit together? All the ones I know still live with their parents and work $10/hr jobs while "going back to school" aka showing up once a month to a community college class at night
Levi Stewart
No you're gay bc your dad molested you and you liked it
Jaxon Martin
I don't fear men like you do, scum.
Ryan Gray
No wonder your nation is infested with savage animals. Fear is healthy. Only succumbing to it is shameful.
Nathaniel Powell
Nolan Ward
yeah, i know at least 10 of those in my close friend circle. the losers are just easier to spot i guess even tho they are a minority
Cooper Gutierrez
that's some nice looking weed
Cooper Wood
Don't blame your homosexuality on your pot use, the two are completely unrelated.
Logan Johnson
Most Orthodox Jews are Zionists.
Hudson Scott
Women voting was a mistake
Isaac Martinez
That's obviously what they want you to think.
Jackson Thomas
No its a plant. If anything its been around since before jews.
Try looking it up before you come here and shitpost. People have been using cannibis for 8000 years.
William Stewart
Humans have used weed since the dawn of humankind. We have endocannabinoid systems in our bodies for a reason. Faggot.
Kevin Rivera
Or you can go out to the garden. Check on all the food you are growing. Or check on the farm animals. Maybe boom it up and mow the lawn too. You are just a WASP shill and should try to smoke some nice sativa.
Colton Davis
sativa is great
Zachary Young
>Was marijuana intoduced by kikes to make people homosexuals?
you're thinking of estrogenic petrochemicals
Carson Cox
Weed is based if you are already red pilled
Gabriel Nguyen
Theyre marxist, this makes them good. Noose yourself
Nathaniel Watson
>hurr durr ur a fucking looooooooooooooooooze4r cuz u smuk put
You have your shit together faggot? I doubt it. Working some faggot desk job, just another suit no one gives a fuck about.
I wish you would just kill yourselves but you faggots have way too much pride AND THE LORD WILL COME BACK TO SPILL BLOOD OF YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES
Gavin Turner
I prefer a sativa for the most part. Gives you just a little energy and enough head high to fuck up what you are doing. lol. Take it from me. It is much harder to fix a broken lawnmower after a strong sativa.
Gabriel Wright
Regular weed smoking is for absolute nigger degenerates.
Noah Hernandez
This. You have to smoke only sativa. It gives your energy and doesn't make you tired and all weird like indica or hybrids do. Strong Sativa with high thc is the only thing I smoke
Zachary Price
>some of the most anti-homosexual
Makes me think...
Owen Turner
This guy gets it too. Wake up, smoke sativa, go outside and tie up my tomato vines which are now almost 8 foot tall. Then feed all the animals. Then give neem oil and water to the white scallop squash that has a few squash bores on it. Then go inside and bake some scallop squash chips with garlic and parmesan on em.
Easton Anderson
It was invented by God to make sex better and bullshit more manageable.
Lucas Bennett
This is right too. God made weed so that we could have awesome sex with our opposite sex spouses only. lol. Sometimes i do find it hard to focus enough to "get over the hump" when high. Meaning i can get hard for days, but i can't always come to fruition. It is a mind thing for me. I will literally start daydreaming about something and then lose it.
Lucas Martinez
>God made weed so that we could have awesome sex with our opposite sex spouses only
I've got some bad news for you and God
Robert Peterson
Where the fuck are you from? Everyone smokes weed here regardless of success. Maybe it's just California, but the wealthy love their weed and they spend a lot. I know people who want even sell to you if you're not in a private community because they assume you're not gonna buy enough
Nolan Reed
spit it out faggot
Jayden Wright
faggots smoke the herbal jew too
Aiden Garcia
But also to make them desparate consumers of junk as they attempt to locate what's missing from their lives.
The jews made it illegal in order to make seem like the secret answer to people's spiritual longing.
There are no good jews. Jews would feel insulted if you thought they were 'good'.
Anthony Moore
Me sheckles.png
Luis Price
/next question
Xavier Taylor
How the fuck do people even smoke indicas? That numbness makes me feel sick and every guy i've spoken with hates indicas.
Julian Murphy
indica is the whiskey while sativas are like red wine, time and place for both
Julian Russell
No if anything it "straightened" me out. Homosexuality is a mental illness and coping strategy.
Ian Sullivan
whats taters precious
Andrew Powell
I guess. If people get something out of them, more power to them. But I've never had an indica that didn't leave me feeling like a nauseous zombie. Sativas on the other hand are energizing and heighten the senses.
Ryder Morgan
Indicas are good for the dreamy detachment. U need both for the best tuning.
Sebastian Gonzalez
with some indicas, they have that altered perception of time where you explore inside your self and consciousness and the hours fly by, it can be therapeutic
Adam Campbell
So you admit you're all gay?
Michael Diaz
We have some 'men' here who smoked weed, then started wearing drag and whoring themselves.
Samuel Morales
thats not how weed works it makes you paranoid to the point you must requestion your own degenerate reality
David Butler
Say it to the people in drag smoking weed
Jace Cooper
Was judaism introduced by homosexuals to make people marijuanas?
Logan Adams
Yes, and they banned psilocybin because it boosts our cognitive abilities too much for their liking.
Jordan Martinez
Either yall have a low tolerance or your weed is way too fucking strong
Adam Smith
Ah yes I'm sure it all started with the devil's lettuce lmao
Isaac Butler
Jayden Myers
they probably wouldve killed themselves by now cause they've sunk down the cracks so low if they didn't have it which is too bad they exist in the first place
Ethan Moore
No, anime is pushed for that
Aaron Russell
Flouride and PBA was
Thomas Nelson
i cant think of any reason not to believe this
Jaxon Butler
This. It's also an entheogen and can help you to gain wisdom if used with that intention, rather than abused for hedonistic purposes.
Daniel Cruz
>weed has been smoked by the indo-europeans for thousands of years
Tyler Gutierrez
Carter Nguyen
This guy get it
Ian Murphy
i can't even
Jeremiah Adams
you sound like a yuppy faggot.