Which of these men would clean up Europe the fastest and most efficiently?

Attached: Augustus, Napoleon, Eugene, Arthur, Bismark, Gustavus, Peter, Alexander.png (981x737, 1.66M)

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Of those, probably Alexander, but where is Julius Caesar?

Augustus or Bismark.


greatest politican of all time

None of these seem really effective.
Alexander The Great pretty much invented multiculturalism...

I'd vote for Hernan Cortes.

Augustus... literally. He was a genius and he stabilized Rome. That was his thing...ending a clusterfuck.

Napoleon created a lot of problems. The failed Stalin of the French Revolution. Unlike Stalin, he didn't last.

Napoleon got rid of the Jewish ghettos

> where is Julius Caesar?
I like these threads, but why do you never have Caesar in the pic?

None of the above.

Who is Charles the Hammer for 1 trillion Alex

(Charles Martel)

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Actually a very apt comparison

Caesar was too lenient. His nephew finished the job and killed fuckers without mercy. First Emperor of Rome.

Augustus was the man, the nation builder... the wise Emperor.


certainly not Wellington either

All of them were members of a secret society.

By integrating them into the wider societies. My vote is Bismarck to get this done politically, Fredrick the Great (not in the picture) if not.

>The failed Stalin of the French Revolution. Unlike Stalin, he didn't last.

the ethernal Anglo hides behind the flag

There was zero collectivization by Napoleon or any of the communist crap.

Removing the landed aristocracy made France a powerhouse. Napoleon's limit was his endless ambition. Then again when you go undefeated for so any times, it's hard to respect your enemies.

Napoleon was bad for Europe. Weakened the Spanish Empire. Fucked the Holy Roman Empire and the German nations.

Spain never recovered from Napoleon... lost the colonies to independence. Bourbon king in limbo. Bullshit led to Spanish Civil War.

The French Revolutionaries were big cucks,. "Le King is a tyrant, let's trade him in for another tyrant and a douchebag."

Napoleon made France politically unstable until the USA took it from the Nazis. Look up history after Napoleon's demise.

French didn't know what they wanted.

>asks who would clean up Europe best
>doesn't include Adolf "Kike-Cleaning Kommando" Hitler
who are you trying to appeal to?

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Your boy genghis khan

And set them free to roam the nations and spread their evil, and interbreed with Europeans. Fucking mong, Sweden should be nuked.

> no charles martel or vlad the impaler

question discarded

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Adolf was probably a kike psyop, just like trump

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exactly, you want a remove kebabber. pretty much any of the catholic kings of spain or maybe some of the habsburgs (Charles V, Philip II) who were extremely religious and BTFO the turk/arab at every turn

Jan III Sobeski

Augustus hands down. I don't think people truly understand just how ruthless he was. He killed anyone who remotely threatened him or his goal of stabilizing a empire torn to pieces by civil war. I'm almost inclined to think he was a sociopath due to how much he casually ordered people to their deaths.

What people refuse to understand is that good leaders rarely have the luxury of being good men.

Julius Caesar

This great man will do the job. Ingenious tactician, never loose a single battle. Conducted more than 60 major battles and came up victorius every time. This man is impersonation of glory and honor. Also famous for saying: "We're Russians! What a joy!".

With Suvorov you win.

Attached: Suvorov.jpg (512x620, 70K)

>not posting Sulla, romes greatest dictator

>Not choosing Pelagius of Asturias
Genocided both jews and kebab whilst starting the reconquista, single handedly saving Europe from Kebab.

None of them. This iconic duo tho...

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Bismarck and Augustus

Andrew Jackson would shoot every single rapefuge

Attached: andrew-jackson-9350991-1-402.jpg (1200x1200, 166K)

Napoleon, motherfucker already did it once during his time while motherfuckers were cutting off heads. OG right there

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If by "clean up" you mean destroy everything that is good and holy and spread misery and death to all mankind, then Napoleon.

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In regard to efficiency, Napoleon, then Bismarck, then Peter.

alexandre, caesar and based Napo were literal genius

None of those men were explicit racial nationalists.

Attached: This portrait was on the cover of the Illustrierter Beobachter,#16-1941 — the issue on Hitler' (673x917, 73K)

California education right here

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>Napoleon made France politically unstable until the USA took it from the Nazis

you are incredibly ignorant even by american standard


Genghis Khan, easily. Order would be restored in a few months.

Probably Napoleon.

He did a lot of good for Europe in the short period he ruled us.
He had good ideas and then made them happen.
I really don't get why he doesn't receive more respect.

Unironically this

>t. Kike

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Bismarck is the only capable politician of them
Everyone else would just invade and create a shitload of problems

>Cleanse Europe of Arab rapists
He literally imported Arab rapists to suppress Spanish resistance to his rule

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>no Hitler

Insulting tbqhwy.

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He was Jew himself.

Finally a good thread

Does it get any more efficient than the Vlad pill?

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Uhm... aren't most of these ok with multicultural society?

Bismark, i guess

Napoleon or Alexander

Probably but so was Napoleon.

This dude should get the job done

Augustus doesn't have the military ability, he was just a competent administrator
Napoleon didn't understand diplomacy at all

I'd say Bismarck since he understood diplomacy and would be able to cleanse the africans without diplomatically alienating himself

Classic French faggot move

Vlad Tepes was too crazy. He actually liked to watch the impalements himself and was so aroused by it he started masturbating on the spot.

Someone like Augustus would just raise armies and murder anyone he should. We absolutely need someone to get slightly rid of values and morals that completely fuck us.

None of them could, faggot

Probably Bismarck

Indeed he has the subhumans purge each other without dirtying his pure white gloves.

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That's kike lingo for anyone who understands and is willing to act in accordance with nature.

It's not a remove kebab party without Don John of Austria. Bastard son of Charles V

Attached: John_of_Austria_portrait.jpg (640x739, 150K)

>This man is impersonation of glory and honor
It's "personification" bud.

This. Caesar was a liberal democrat that got what he deserved. Augustus went straight to the heart of the matter and did what needed to be done. Ruthlessly.

Napoleon was a nigger. Obsessed with marrying into German royalty... forced a marriage with a German princess.

Nullified the French Revolution and created a ton of more problems than he solved.

Also, his family was cucked. Napoleon 3 wasn't even related to his uncle.

France had like 10 governments and 10 coups by the time Hitler rolled in.

None of them since they didnt followed an ethnostate ideology.

He would literally just become head of the EU, it pretty much coincides with most of his ideas.

You seem to forget something extremely important - Charlemagne literally invited the fucking jews and gave them control of money-lending. He was close friends with a lot of jews and shit.

>Augustus doesn't have the military ability, he was just a competent administrator
Who needs a fucking general? Only literal retards assume that heads of state actually LEAD military matters. Napoleon himself, even though he LARPed as supreme leader of the armies, in reality had very minimal direct control.

He's not the hero Europe deserves, but the hero Europe needs.


it made a lot of money to fund napoleons failed war machine.
it was a banker war anyway

are there any proofs for this statement


By our modern standards, most of the were absolutely ethnonationalists, if not straight up ethnic supremacists

Oh really? Good to know, thanks.

>jews over 1000 years ago are the same as midern jews
Thats some brainlet shit user. Ashkenazis didnt even exist back then

Excuse me what? Out of all the people there only Bismark could be considered that would put germanic interested and people above all else, but for the rest they were civic nationalist at best.

this. alexander would build a shit ton of hype as he never loses.

Augustus via pre-Christian brutality and painfully high IQ. Alexander would just make us all have sex with each other.

Which one?

Oh look, it's this SLUT again.

Most of them believed their people to be superior

I dont think it will be hard for you to find quotes of them saying or thinking this right?

Napoleon would whip France into shape very quickly and those countries that didn't follow suit would be crushed, Bismarck would be a good second choice.

Leonidas ofc.

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>Nazi LARPers unironically calling out for Hitler
Bismarck was the greatest statesman in German history.

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I'm absolutely not going to do that you lazy illiterate fag
Try learning some basic history

Leonidas would kill us all out of shame probably desu.