To french speakers

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>1 minute in
>it's an arab

Si t'as un truc intelligent à dire, dis-le, sinon retiens-toi.


>low IQ batshit sandnigger having a meltdown calling to revolution from his car in a field with a rant full of insults and no actual facts or useful infos besides saying fags are mentally ill (no shit sherlock).

Give me back these 15 minutes of my life (I watched in x2 and it was already too long) and call me back when he actually does something besides hysteric youtube videos.

Kill yourself. Literally nobody needs people like you.

Ok Ahmed, now stop posting arabic AW here.

Kill yourself, vermin. The world is overflowing with copies of you.

>peut etre porteur d'un chapeau du papier d'aluminium

I don't need some unemployed cube whorshipping, pedo fanboy, goat rapist asshole to tell me about the evils of the world.

Indeed, what you need is a punch on your ignorant, arrogant face.

Ha, way to go showing your capacity for tolerance and reason. You come here and demand all the tolerence you can get, which doesn't mean one has to like it btw. , but when somebody criticises you you go buhuhu those evil words heard poor little baby, how dare you wwaaaah muh honor. You pampered little mommy's best boy shit. The West has given you incredible amounts of tolerance and all the chances in the world and you piss it all away and claim racism because again buhu. We're so fucking tolerant we even make excuses for your smelly ass when you walk around in packs groping women, selling drugs, or whatever you fucks do instead of working. Fuck you and your stupid religion. Go home, be amongst yourself where you can dagger eachother 24/7 over meany hat words, you overly fragile piece of donkey excrement.

>tolerance is a virtue
I have no tolerance for lowly scum. Day of the rope is coming for you. Utterly unable to think for itself. You'll rot in hell, good riddance.

Bro, if heaven is hanging around with your lot I'd rather be in hell. Don't tell me about not being able to think for myself while you have to follow some shitty pulp fiction, ancient ass pedo scribbles by the letter in order to live some halfway functional existence. Allah literally needed to tell you to wash yourself behind your ears because it took a revelation to convince you of basic hygiene. You tooth stick using, raggedy ass, dress wearing motherfucker you. You're a jew without the intelligence with the reference midas tough turning everything in your grasp to shit. Possibly because you still use your left hand to wipe. Your mother's cunt smells like old tuna and salty cunt, no wonder your dad fucks goats you cultist freak.

>I literally don't even know one thing true about islam, the post
You're a waste of brain matter.

What I understand about islam is that every islamic country in the world is a literal, gang raping, ditch in the ground shithole and your ancestors fled that awful existence for a reason. Other muslims. Whatever islam used to be you're not that, you're like inbred locust moving from place to place because you rat breeding sacks of camel semen keep ruining everything you ever go to. You can't compete 1 on 1 so you increase your biomass in order to overrun everything that's good and decent. All your accomplishments were stolen and your sad existence robbed a hole species of it's future. You are litterally whorshipping a pedo moon god but dare to talk about justice. You're the evil zoraster sages warned about. It's you who will go to hell because you're creating it all around you.

>What I understand about islam
>proceeds to vomit ignorance and stupidity
So, nothing at all. You're such a pretentious retard. Slanderers go to Hell, and you'll go there.

Whatever makes you sleep at night you smelly cunt. Sky daddy sure told you go to heaven.

Unreal.. go fucking home. Just go! Be muslim there, why are you even here.

You think you have a right to be so ignorant about what you slander, you're in for a surprise.

Yeah, are you going to surprise me with your incredible level-headness and throw acid and poop at me!? Oh wow, what an epiphany I'm getting from that, threats like that totally make me want to be a muslim now. Asshole.

>more vulgarity and retardedness
Color me surprised. I'm just going to tell you that you're a small instrument in the hands of the devil, unable to get its mind to work and inform itself remotely correctly about the subjects it dares to discuss. Ignorants truly are the devil's tools.

Shouldn't you be praying towards Mecca or something? Maybe fucking a goat or two?

Shouldn't you be killing yourself or at the very least shutting your filthy mouth right now ?

Whatever dude. I hope you get your virgins after doing some spontaneous self-combusting somewhere. You're lost.

That you unironically think you're on the good side is laughable. How could you when all you have is disgusting ignorance and revolting slander ?