What's up KansasFags?

Primary election comes up this Tuesday. Who are you niggers voting for?

It looks like Kris Kobach is our guy for Governor hands down.


I haven't started researching senate and congressional candidates yet. I live in the first congressional district, btw.

Where do you fags live? Who's looking good for senate and congress?

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How is the cost of living out there?

Why do people try to frame it like being an 'uninteresting' state is so bad?
I'd rather live in rural Kansas with a simple 'unrefined' job and a large house with acreage, than live in new york in a cramped roach infested apartment despite being supposedly rich.

It's cheap, but state taxes have been going up over the last few years. (Another reason Kobach is our guy)

I make $60k/yr in Salina, KS. Just paid off my student loans and currently live in a $450/mo 1.5 bedroom apartment (I say 1.5 because there's a loft above my living room I use as my "bedroom". The actual bedroom is a music/jam room. Vinyls and guitars/drums.)

There are no jobs in Kansas though. NY has jobs.

Because they're retarded, user. Kansas is beautiful. The scenery is great. My main complaint is there aren't very many fun windy roads to drive on.

See that's about half of what I'm paying in rent on the east coast, but I have a feeling my job would also pay about half over there so I'm not really winning.

No, no, it's terrible out here: the dreaded nothing-to-do Midwestern feel is heaviest here and there're only farms filled with rural retards around here for miles. I should apply for asylum in Mexico before some redneck shoots me.

how do deal with tornados, also is there alot of nigs?

You'll never own a home out there, might as well move to a White majority midwestern state.

if you live in a town of under 10,000 you can have a nice old 3 bedroom house for 50-80,000.
if you live near kansas city or lawrence, its 100-200,000.
if you live in johnson county (also near kansas city), its 150-500,000.

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>nothing to do
What would you do on the coasts that you couldn't in the flyovers?

Live in Kansas. Don't vote because that shit is for old boomers and faggots. I will just stay on my farm, bothering nobody and being bothered by nobody. Honestly, I am just not too worried about the elections. It won't change much. Kansas is still conservative and will stay that way for a while. I am in 1st congress district too i believe. I am near Wichita but not in that district.

This is not a problem for me at all. When you have to work for a living and spend the majority of your waking hours at work, you're not really missing anything "to do". If i'm lucky, I get to hit the gym for an hour after work.

Yeah. Unfortunately, I also make less than what is typical in the industry I'm in (Controls Automation)...if you want to make great money in controls, you move to Detroit....I've been there on several occasions on jobs.. Detroit is a fucking shithole and the people are rude and lazy. I fucking hate that town. I choose to make less money and live somewhere I like.

That is odd cuz i see people working all around me. In fact I had about two dozen goddamn mexicans in my store yesterday. All from the wind turbine companies and other oil companies that come in from out of state. lots of jobs here.

I hope some redneck does shoot you. you sound like a faggot.

>Jobs and pay in NY vs KS
I've lived a few different places. KS has a lot going on with machinery, industrial etc. There's a significant labor shortage in that part of the midwest... but it does matter what field you're in.

In terms of cost of living vs pay, think more 'quality of life'. Lower cost of living means more freedom. KS also is much cheaper with car insurance. But on the flip side KS is spread out with small towns and a couple small cities. Lots of stuff happening around Kansas City on the KS border. But it would be hard to make friends if you just up and moved to Salina I bet. Easier in a city with more transient people looking to make friends. Harder when people have been rooted for their lives.

getting hit by a tornado is really rare. tornadoes really effect less than half of a mile circumference and their paths are only a few miles, plus everything is very spread out.

there are nigs in topeka, i think wichita, and some very near the missouri border.

Nig population is super low. The chances of a Tornado putting you in danger are super low, as well.

I've been here my whole life. I've seen 4 tornados, but they were not close enough to put me in any sort of danger.

Every house in Kansas also has basements (I thought every house had basements until I spent some time in Texas). If you're in a basement when a tornado rolls through, you will be fine.

Typically when a tornado destroys a town, only like 1-2 people die, if any at all. Those are the people who were caught outside, for whatever reason.

Topeka, Wichita, Lawrence, KC is where you'll find the nigs.

You'll find the Mexicans in SW Kansas. Around Dodge and Garden City.

Correct. I have lived in Kansas for 30 years and only have ever seen a funnel cloud. Not even a tornado on the ground. Their are nigs in the cities. They typically stay confined there though.

there* are nigs

>tfw they don't get you were just memeing

Tornado Alley is a meme. Nogs are mostly a problem next to KC, though KC's crime is pretty concentrated in the east (technically not in KS, but it's nearby so w/e). Mexicanos and maybe even Injuns (though they seem to stick to their reservations since I rarely see them)might be a problem in Southwestern KS.

the lawrence nigs are college nigs so dey good boys. they move as soon as college is over.

I've been to a lot of places...people in Kansas are far nicer than people in other areas.

What sort of work do you do?

huh, good to know. Thanks friends.

>the dreaded nothing-to-do Midwestern feel
This makes me kek everytime someone brings it up seriously.

First of all in this day and age if you can't find anything to do in real life you can just watch a movie, browse the internet, play vidya, whatever. It's not the 1940s anymore.

Second, you can do all sorts of outside activities that you can't do in a city.
Have a barbecue, build a shed just for the lulz, invite people over and shoot guns, ride go-karts and shit. Maybe go hunting if you're not in a 50miles-farmland-every-direction sort of deal.

There's plenty of things you can do.

We're getting super distracted from the main topic.

KansasFags report in and state who you're voting for (Governer/Senate/Congress).


God damnit.... I just now realized windows auto-filled my fucking name in....

Mods..can you help me out?

I don't care if you fags know my name...but I don't want my name to be found in a google search.

kkkobach is a money loving kike nigger who lives in a holier-than-thou fantasy land of his own creation.

he literally hasn't wrote a single piece of still-standing legislation, and couldn't be content with making his own state a laughing stock, but also shat all over the books in other states for clintonianesque "consultation fees"

don't forget his favorite big brag: he's a constitutional expert

one look at his record disproves that falsehood for the flaming paper bag of dogshit that it is

Obviously I haven't got much to say, but go Chiefs. Here's to hoping Mahomes isn't a total bust.

>I'd rather live in rural Kansas with a simple 'unrefined' job

so will this 'unrefined' job be at mcdonald's, burger king, or taco bell? do you have what it takes to be a part of team wal-mart?

Can you elaborate on any of these claims or link me somewhere?

Who are you voting for?

Are there forests in Kansas or is it all depressing flat as fuck grassland?

>trump's "voter integrity" panel leader, was disbanded before putting forth claims of voter fraud without any evidence
>arizona's sb 1070
these are a couple examples to kickstart your google-fu

holding my nose for colyer

Mostly farmlands, user.

There are some "Forests" here and there...mostly by rivers...but it's not like the far stretching shit you see in like Michigan or Illinois.

avoid kc lawrence manhattan wichita dodge city topeka and junction

I lived in Wichita and the closest tornado I had to deal with landed in Maize. And yeah, our basement was fucking huge so there was zero fear of anything really.

How shit of a city is Wichita? My family might be moving there in the near future if my dad decides to take a job there. I really don't want to live in Kansas, I fucking really don't. I live in Louisiana right now and it's shitty here but at least there's things to do in New Orleans, and the climate is nice year round.

oh and also don't forget that he was recently fined for contempt of court during the courtroom event where he claimed he could and would prove the existence of widespread voter fraud.

he is so bad the judge also ordered him to attend remedial law classes


Doesn't Coyler openly state that he wants more social programs?

His solution to funding education and these new social programs is fucking laughable.

In the debate (original post) he is so fucking vague on how he plans to cut taxes and reduce state debt.

Why do you like Coyler?

I live 18 mins from KCMO on the Kansas side on 4 acres. I bought my house for 200 last year and it's worth more than 250 now. I lived in Houston, Orlando and Detroit, by far KCMO is the best city I've ever lived in (near by)

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wichita is shit. avoid at all costs

Eastern Kansas has rolling hills and forests, yes




Hey fellow piper bro


I go to Wyandotte lake every weekend. Love it

>holding my nose for colyer
these concepts aren't the same, user

colyer has real, hands-on experience, learned on-the-job under the great sam brownback, a conservative and faith-based icon

kobach spends more time consulting outside the state than he does here at home, and his inability to craft legislation that passes constitutional muster is costing kansas hundreds of thousands of dollars.

don't even get me started about how kobach squoze the tit of kansas republicans until it was purple... and had received illegal campaign donations


Yeah i wanna go hiking on that supertrail, but i just walk near my house instead, even though I live less than 10 miles away.

Hey bro, nice videos you got there, did you take em yourself?

Kobach today, tomorrow, and forever.

Anyone have any info on this Steve Watkins thing? It looks like he was the frontrunner and then all the GOPe types started condemning him and claiming he wasn't politically active enough, what really has me on edge is Fitzgerald claiming he doesn't like Watkin's "rhetoric" which is code for "i'm an angsty cuckservative." Thing is I don't know enough about Watkins to say one way or another, but whenever the entire GOPe tries to do something you can almost be assured that it's bad.
A lot of cars today are big and boxy, fuck windy roads.

>It looks like Kris Kobach is our guy for Governor hands down.
Amen! I pray he wins.

I started boating there lately, it's closer than perry. I haven't hiked the trail yet? any cool trails around the area?

no those are random people's videos i found.

Wichita here, comfy working as an aerospace engineer

It's ok, if you're a big city type, you'll want to take a weekend trip to Kansas City or Oklahoma City every once in a while. Wichita has become a bit 'trendier' the past few years, new shops opening and whatnot, new bars/microbreweries and events. The 'winds of change' are blowing through town, a lot more civic pride and people thinking about the future of the city, probably partly due to the lack of a good, strong recovery post-2008. Right now, I think the city is too reliant on the aerospace and other manufacturing industries. If that doesn't change, Wichita will likely die out, maybe in 10-20 years.

Also, the weather sucks. Too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter, although the past couple of years haven't been as bad as usual.

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its 8.8 miles. i might do it when i have more spare time

Before Kobach was secretary of state this state had an illegal immigrant epidemic, like you could not order a cheeseburger in Johnson County without being able to speak Spanish. I don't know if you want to chalk it up to his efforts or not but he was the one talking about it and he was the one who took the heat back when it was politically incorrect to talk about.

Avoid Lawrence and Manhattan? Those are the two best towns in Kansas.

Idk on Watkins. I was just about to start researching Senate and Congressional candidates.

Do you have some good resources, user? Or videos of debates?

>A lot of cars today are big and boxy, fuck windy roads.

Not my car, user. She's fun to rip around corners.

>Too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter, although the past couple of years haven't been as bad as usual.

thats what everyone should know about kansas, before moving here. the seasons hit hard.

my parents live in johnson county, and i have spent a shitton of years in the same area.

>like you could not order a cheeseburger in Johnson County without being able to speak Spanish.

this statement is categorically false, my lily-white baby brother worked the drive through at mcdonalds in the dirty south while he attended olathe north 2008-2012. he speaks zero spanish

All I've really got is their campaign sites which are full of pretty bullshit that doesn't say anything. I can't find a debate that Watkins participated in but I know they exist because I know I saw some of one on youtube or something. I didn't really come away with a huge impression of him vs the other candidates. I found some clips of Fitzgerald and he seems like the classic 90's cuckservative, like the fact that he's been willing to condemn "hurtful rhetoric" tells me he's probably not who I want in congress right now. The thing is Watkins allegedly met with the Democrats last year about seeking their nomination, and while he won't admit it he has admitted to meeting to them.

Now Fitzgerald did claim that all non-western civilization was barbarism, which I do kind of like


Still I guess you could say I'm undecided.

i live and work in the surrounding area, most people who work fast food (even in ultrawhite johnson county) are mestizos and blacks, whites and indians are the minorities at those jobs.

Usually it's just hot summers and mild winters with the occasional bad winter. Although last summer was really nice.

these restaurants you speak of are populated by more non-whites today than they ever were in the past, but i can understand if you aren't old enough to have actual decades worth of memories to draw upon.

i was just in gardner the other day at the price chopper, then the qt, then the kfc across the street. out where white people aren't filthy rich and still have to work for a living, all i saw were white twentysomethings and under.

sounds like you might be living over in niggerville somewhere and are trying to tell everyone else how shit actually is based upon your own geographical location.

my point is, there are far more muds and mudbloods here now than ever before in my 43 years

Lawrence, KS is full of the cutest white girls I've ever seen. It's like every single cute girl from rural areas goes to university in Lawrence after high school. The gals in Lawrence are so pure and innocent to the trashy tatted up sluts in Colorado.

>tfw I chose Manhattan over Lawrence like an idiot

Attached: 1531573143734.png (482x427, 79K)

>wanting to go to our liberal containment zone

Nigger, it's like half an hour away

Kansas sucks. Fuck your taxes on food.

kansas university is an international draw for students, and also home to arguably the best ncaa basketball team in the nation.

but hey, let's make their least desirable trait (yes some libs live there) the most prominent.

neck yourself, keith

I'm across the state line, would be voting for Colyer if I lived in KS tho

Enough to turn douglas county blue.

Kansas has very few good jobs. The majority of Kansas' population is on the eastern border with Missouri. Kansas City, KS and Johnson County Kansas which are in essence suburbs of the Kansas City area (not so much KCK it's not a suburb) but my point is most of the KS population lives in the Kansas City metro area. Outside of that you have Wichita which is a decent size. There used to be some airplane manufacturing jobs in Kansas but most of those went with Boeing to Seattle.

If you aren't in the KC area there really isn't much aside from farming. It would be cool to own a farm somewhere in the middle of Kansas but otherwise there are no simple well paying jobs you can get in the middle of nowhere.

>but otherwise there are no simple well paying jobs you can get in the middle of nowhere.
Is $12 an hour doing manual labor and driving a "simple well paying" job?

Best gun laws in the country.

>browse the internet

really depends where in Kansas you are. If you're near Kansas City or Emporia you can get good internet. Maybe in Wichita too. Otherwise plenty of people in KS till have

My buddy lives comfortable on 15/hr construction job in Manhattan. He's able to afford a two bedroom apartment.

what the fuck is wrong with you, I sincerely hope you're majoring in something agribusiness related, otherwise there is zero reason to go Manhattan over Lawrence

no, $12 an hour is not a well paying job. Of course the cost of living is lower here, but you're not going to be able to buy a house with that

Heads up for Kansasfags, Spirit AeroSystems
in Wichita has been hiring a ton of people the past several months, and it's still going. The biggest issue right now is the 737 line, dealing with quality issues while also looking to ramp up. They may be also looking for guys that can get security clearances to work on their defense projects.


>what the fuck is wrong with you, I sincerely hope you're majoring in something agribusiness related
No, I got a BS in Math, moved back home, and am now

>Live in lawrence
>get shot by top city nigs
>get raped by CO nigs
>get robbed by KCK nigs
>city govt openly supports BLM bullies


Why lie?

Jesus nigger, go back for a master's in some engineering field, it doesn't have to be like this.

I'm not lying, in fact I thought his wage seemed fairly low when he told me. 15/hr is shit for Denver but he's able to live a decent life in Manhattan.

1st district here
No to all judges

Tell me more about Reinecker, user.

I'm not cut out for academia, user. I nearly dropped out twice due to major depressive episodes and being unable to take care of myself like a normal human during them.
I'm just going to continue living at home, putting all my money into investments and bills. It's not like I have any other expenses, so I can on retire in like 10-15 years, anyway.

I lived in junction City for a few years. Cheap as fuck out there. When I was there I saw tons of great thunder storms that brought hail and the emergency sirens went off but never seen a tornado. One touched down in milford which is one town over. Actually here in MA we saw two tornadoes the other week and now today there was another possible one earlier.

manhattan a shit.
With fr riley right there, rent is like 1800 for a two bedroom. Shits stupid.

I have heard Wichita is dangerous and has also received a large Muslim population. A lot of crime. Is that true?

It isn't the base that makes it expensive dipshit, it's the college




Wichita is dangerous in the nig neighborhoods. Not sure on the muslim thing. I hope it's not true. Not in my state.

Looks like crime rates are ~twice national average.
Couldn't find anything about Muslim influx, though.

>leaves out his three roommates
