Holy shit - sexists BTFO

Once you control for how men and women think and process information the differences in math ability disappears.

Attached: Djtap2wW4AAV_NG.jpg (642x648, 82K)

White dots are in average clustered towarss bottom left, while black dots are clustered towards top right, this is a pretty clear conclusion

>self assessed mathematical ability

Jesus christ, I'm a genius!
Nobody ever told me because I never told myself.

>once you eliminate the differentiating variable, A and B are the same holy shit!

Attached: 1532274708069.jpg (750x893, 66K)

>once you control for maths skills, differences in maths skills disappear
okay this is epic

>things change when you remove variables


>if you make women think like men they end up as good as men

>once you eliminate the differences that make men and women different they are the same

>self assessed mathematical ability

Attached: My+sides+_5426b1f090e62c01c185d22ce85668b6.png (640x400, 173K)

Does this prove that women are pathological liars?

>>once you control for maths skills, differences in maths skills disappear
>okay this is epic

but somehow, they do not even entirely disappear....

so even when you remove differences in math skills, women are still worse at math, what a mystery, i wonder what sort of math was used to produce this math?

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>Does this prove that women are pathological liars?

no, they dont even know they are lying about it, its hubris

Attached: hubris.jpg (876x960, 173K)

>people who like math more are more likely to think they're good at math

>self-assessed mathematical ability

have you guys ever seen the "new math"?

Maybe the point of it is to make math harder for men.


Ok so they get good mathematicians male and female, and the male ones are constantly better that their female counterparts.

So its prove the opposite that the title.

don't believe it without checking it out
it makes things more complicated at a basic level but I saw for myself that it makes multiplication and division of a large number of digits much easier
I'd guess the real problem is with the teachers not having even a basic grip on what they are teaching (eg that one kid getting the exact answer counted wrong because 'the new math' wanted the rounded answer - that's the teacher being a dumbass)

It didn't disappear. Look closely at the graph on the right. There's more black dots above 15, and more white dots below 10. I didn't even need to look at the description to figure out which dots are which sex [spoiler]but I did anyway, because I am a coward[/spoiler].

I mean graph on the left lol. I bet you think I'm a woman now.

From what I've seen it's shitty for both men and women but the Jews that own the textbook companies get rich.

>if we control for differences in mathematical ability, we find that there is no difference in mathematical ability

please be satire

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Literal cashier maths

Training the kids to a job that whould disapear in 5-10 years.


>once we control for the differences between sexes, the differences between sexes disappear

Fucking LOL.

The best part is my tax dollars probably went toward funding this "research."

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ok now this is epic

I actually work in education. Haven't been exposed to the program as a student, but as an adult I can tell you there's a whole floor of people enriching themselves by coming up with bullshit like this.

>self assessed
lmao, has all the credibility of a CNN article

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>The best part is my tax dollars probably went toward funding this "research."
I've seen far, far dumber studies than this
if you're in academics you're expected to publish something routinely so there's tons of journals out there just publishing shit no one care about so professors and universities can say they've been published in journals x number of times. publishing something about women or minorities or the environment or 'native studies' is even better because then it is in the category of IMPORTANT WORK
academics is trash and I don't see it getting better any time soon

Did she delete the post?
Can't find it.
Would really love her to educate me on this figurine I drew.

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