Based Danes

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If you forcefully assimilate everyone, you'd be pushing White genocide. We'd be better off if the invaders were completely alien to us.


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>individual rights

Choose one. It's sad Europe and America have become so authoritarian.


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This. Forcing integration means blurring the line between us and them, because it only deals with visible differences.

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This is wrong Islamic woman should be allowed freedom of expression to wear their ninja shit rags if they want, who the fk wants to look at them anyway.

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>..., and was told to either remove her veil or leave the public space
Angry ninja

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What are they doing in the pic?

Racist crackers at it again. Don't you understand you have to be tolerant or you'll empower ISIS? It's like you want more bombings.

Love between different spieces

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The shit with Islam in particular, letting them have their separate culture as well as all the advantages of living in our country only plays to the advantage of the male migrants and omega male would-be terrorists imo. Do you bros think that those elements will be easier to deal with/remove in the long run if we avoid all assimilation practices? What do you base this on aside from disgust?

why do foreign media make such a big fuss over this? Not even our state paid media cared to report this and none of the "large" (((private))) media cared to write about such a minor thing.
>Somebody got fined and told to follow the law
why the fuck is this a story for foreigners?

>Human rights campaigners say the ban is a violation of women’s rights

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It doesn't jive well with the libshits here for a few reasons. We have the 1st amendment and pundits here tend to pick and choose what parts of our constitution they wish to have moral outrage for. And libshits here want to extend every American liberty to the entire fucking planet and force their values on them. It's just shocking and barbaric to their gay sensibilities.

it was during a demonstration a couple of days ago. The muzzies know that the police dislike them and that its the police that enforce the law. So they just tried to cozy up to them.
Absolute pathetic and it does not work.

This looks like a slightly deformed justin trudeau

We had hundreds of these people fined for illegally wearing the niqab or a burqa in Zell am See last month alone. So many, the Saudi ambassador is apprently personally checking out the location to praise “the heroic defying” of the face veil ban.

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Bad, bad, bad Dane's and their non femalistic laws
>Hur dur religion of piss etc

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>blue eyes
This is a white woman

the only "rights" granted to Danes from national law is based on citizens and not gender.
Ofc we signed the fucking charter of European human rights so they might get us that way. Luckily there is a stirring among Danes that no foreigner should tell us how to treat people in our nation.

>libshits here want to extend every American liberty to the entire fucking planet
tell me about it. Sorry to say burger but 80% of the degeneracy you find in Denmark is directly exported from the states.

>It's just shocking and barbaric to their gay sensibilities
haha well I hope they are toughing up as this is merely the start.

>The shit with Islam in particular, letting them have their separate culture as well as all the advantages of living in our country only plays to the advantage of the male migrants and omega male would-be terrorists imo.
Just a different way of conquest
When goat fuckers can't take kike powered economy and are literally don't impact society they invaded by military means - the only way left to conquest us and turn everything in to their shithole

>tell me about it. Sorry to say burger but 80% of the degeneracy you find in Denmark is directly exported from the states
Of course, most all things pozz-related come from one of our two shitty, no good coasts.
>haha well I hope they are toughing up as this is merely the start
Not a fucking chance. Their feels campaign has just begun. It's fueled by big pharma, international banking and alot of other heavy hitters, so, unfucking it will take everything we've got.

Should be implemented in Sweden also. Too bad all the fines är gonna be payed with the Swedish tax money becauase they dont work lol

>miss, I must insist that you remove your veil
>okay, officer
>miss, I suddenly feel that in this case, we can make an exception

She was planting a bomb on him. Its loud beeping alerted him though, he's ok.

well as you held more or less absolute power from the 1950s - 1990s its no wonder that your "culture" replaced or infected your vassal states. Both good and bad.

>unfucking it will take everything we've got
best of luck new worlder. I dont doubt that you will go down swinging if it comes to that.

> tried to cozy up
meged hyggelig

Guter Anfang

>meged hyggelig
what was that supposed to mean Hunnic plainsman? Very cozy?

Is this really this common that you need specific law to ban it?

The only thing missing from the pic is a cake with dannebrog on it. Sorry for misspelling 'meget', it's been a long time...

I don't really view American culture as a thing desu. That may sound kind of traitorous, but I think American law and things of that nature are legitimate, real, tangible concepts. American culture has all been a marketing gimmick. There was never a time when we had one true, non-commercially-based culture that everyone here had a stake in. It was always based on selling an image or an idea, whether it was good or bad.

Because of Antifa-like things is the reason I remember hearing about.

As far as I know it a pretty common law in Europe, but it usually forbids to cover your face only during public events.
And outside public event you can wear whatever you like.



>Sorry for misspelling
not a problem but then I guess it should be "meget hyggeligt"
>it's been a long time...
oh you have lived in Danmark? Dont meet many Hungarians unfortunately.

well American culture is its own distinct thing now. Sure its just a mix of mostly European culture all bunched up but certain new things have been developed naturally over the many years.
Dont be so quick to dismiss your very own personal culture. Nothing good comes of that. fix and steer in another direction is the way to go in my view.

>This pussyfooting is based
A completely meaningless "victory" given that these shitskins are still living in Denmark and leeching off the taxpayer.

baby steps letlaender. You dont go from onions to 1488 in just a couple of months

Here's the sauce

>Ayah, 37, a wearer of the niqab weeps as she is embraced by a police officer during a demonstration against the Danish face veil ban in Copenhagen, Denmark, August 1, 2018. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly


wow great im sure shell pay that fine with tax payer gibs
what a win

this is not right...God is LOVE not hate

thats cultural appropriation. chinks been ninjas well before islam existed. fun fact islam isnt even 1k years old

>You dont go from onions to 1488 in just a couple of months
Would you have a heart to deport shitksin and blue eyed 7 year old wife of Ahmed?

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The policewoman embracing her has long,dark, curly hair. Is she a Perker?

I've lived about 3 months in Denmark and made a half-hearted attempt of learning Danish.

My Danish is basically German translated into Danish, which doesn't always work. I remember looking for hand kerchiefs in a small shop. The German term is Taschentuch (Tasche + Tuch), so I thought 'tasketug' would be the Danish equivalent. Hell yeah, they had no idea. :D But I can still recall 'Jeg vil gerne have lommetorklæder' any time now.

I like the Danish Renaissance architecture and I used to be a big fan of Olsenbanden. I would have stayed if I already had a degree at the time, but I was not sure I could learn the language to a near native level and I wouldn't want to end up in some Muslim infested area of Copenhagen or some lefty LGBT neighborhood. Denmark was pretty leftist from my point of view and I wasn't sure if I could fit in there and pretend to be not red-pilled and anti-Islam.

But never mind, I think I will visit some time again.

Man Looks At The Outward Appearance...
God is not swayed by appearances; but is consumed with taking over the inner life of man, also known as the heart.


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the idea is death by 1000 cuts here as well

forcing them to remove clothing
forcing their children to be literally removed from them for 20 hours a week (this is a law)
forcing them into remote parts of the country because they live in a +30% ghetto in a city (also law)


you think ali is gonna stay and suffer through that

especially when halal slaughter and circumcision might be next?

Good. Throw the book at her. If they don't do this they'll end up under de facto sharia law, which is what's happened to the U.K. If we can get the Conservatives in for our next election, we'll push for the same. Ban the burka. That's a good thing.

I'd shoot ninja on site

t.didn't know
>Denmark joins Austria, France, Belgium and Bulgaria which have similar laws

netherlands also has it for public buildings including public transportation but not the public street

>3 months to learn Danish
well unless you are very good at picking up languages then that is pretty hard.
>My Danish is basically German translated into Danish, which doesn't always work.
ah I see.
>I like the Danish Renaissance architecture and I used to be a big fan of Olsenbanden.
well the architecture is pretty good compared to many other more modern nations aka havent been destroyed yet.
Olsenbanden is just Danish culture turned into film. If you get all the films and all their little winks then you under 90% of how Danes are and think.
>I wouldn't want to end up in some Muslim infested area of Copenhagen
The horror. Glad that didnt happen to you mate.
>Denmark was pretty leftist from my point of view
well I gather you lived in Copenhagen which is leftist central here. If you go 20km just north of Copenshit you will run into areas made up of people like me (so casual dinner talk is stuff like how the mudslimes are subhumans and should all be thrown out from planes).

>you think ali is gonna stay and suffer through thatespecially when halal slaughter and circumcision might be next?
His Fatima would love it. I've seen a few of their miserable women here in Toronto, wearing their filthy burkas in 40 C days with 95% humidity. The smell! I bet those girls would love for us to ban all that, then their men won't be able to beat them for baring an ankle.
But yeah, Ali & Mohammed will be on the next plane out. Which I like very much.

>fun fact islam isnt even 1k years old

American education.


They don't ban the full face veil because they care about their culture and way of life, but because Denmark is a matriarchal shithole full of soibois and run by feminists and the rationale is probably something like muh wymmins rights

the rationale is that its against danish customs and morals.

irish faggot

You can’t pay fines with assistence payments. They’ll just go to jail, lol.

>danish customs and morals.

Like what? Grovelling at the feet of their women? Being disgusting gynocentric faggots?

Huuuuuuuuuge difference Desu

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Skidegodt, Egon!

I've found Swedish much easier to pick up and speak. I used to listen to Sveriges Radio until their content was annoyingly pro-immigration and anti-Trump enough that I couldn't browse their pages anymore.

Back then in Denmark, all the people I had contact with hated Folkeparti, some were outspoken LGBT, I probably haven't even met anyone openly lesbian until that trip to Denmark.

But luckily, Denmark is first to introduce hardline policies in Scandinavia, we can consider the Swedes beyond repair, I'm not sure about the Norwegians, even their conservatives are pro-migrant, I lurk on sometimes to read stories from Norway and Sweden.

like not dressing and acting like Danes. If you want to live here you have to be like us. Danes do not really believe in stupid meme shit like "muh freedom". You have a range to express yourself as an individual but if you cross the threshold into alien then get fucked or leave.

Unironically, Geert Wilders is part Indo, he has some some Indonesian ancestry.


I mean, you're half right, but you're half wrong too. There's plenty of culture that's not media/money based, but it's just not as loud and obnoxious as corporate culture. Get to know your family, neighbors, and such. That's where you'll find most genuine American culture. Sure, they'll hold some corpculture themselves, but after a while it's easy to tell the difference.

Ironically, you could almost claim Jow Forums as American culture. Not purely, of course. The design comes from Nips and there is a strong international presence, but we're the primary users of the site.

>cop hugs a muslim
>based danes

>Back then in Denmark, all the people I had contact with hated Folkeparti
so all the people hated the 2nd largest party in Denmark? Yeah you were in a leftist den mate.
>I probably haven't even met anyone openly lesbian until that trip to Denmark
well there is a culture cliff here. Being gay havent really been an issue in Denmark for a long while. There were some decades in the late 1800s and early 1900s but its really never been a thing here.
Many of our most outspoken anti immigration and anti commies / right wing are gay. Its not seen as an left / right issue here but more as a foreign religious standpoint vs Danish culture. So you will find that even our far right are pro gays.
>I'm not sure about the Norwegians
Norge is better off than Sweden by a long shot. They are more cu cked than us when it comes to the muzzie question but they are strategically better located so they can afford to be weak.

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You backward intolerant savages

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I was there in the early 2000s just a year after the time the Mohammad cartoons came out. Folkeparti was not as popular probably back then. I didn't discuss politics unless it was brought up by someone else.

One thing that really impressed me is that I met elder Danes who had a good command of German (my second mother tongue through my maternal grandparents) and even remembered the 1956 uprising in Budapest. Some Hungarians sought refuge in Denmark. I guess they had to survive with their German skills for a while, because English was not generally taught in Hungary until the 1990s.

Anyway, I wish good luck to Denmark for keeping the country safe from 'svenske tilstander' as Norwegian media refers to the Swedish horror.

Music to my ears
>. “I haven’t been out all day because I really have to consider if it’s worth going out and worth me getting a fine, because I’m at risk of that now—every time I step out of my front door, I’m a criminal.

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Aboslutely, I keep pushing user. For the good people here and for Europe, it's important that bros here not lose hope.

You're not wrong imo either, the local cultures in the smaller towns and cities that remained homogenous or took on a shape of their own are legitimate. It's the abrasive bullshit and the shekel chasers touting culture and art that I don't care for or consider legitimate, Hollywood especially. It's just an industrialized wasteland of highly expressive people. Most of whom can't make good art, especially not on their own. And these days all they try to sell is their dated attempts at subversiveness to the entire fucking planet.

But people who hold on to their traditions from the old world, or even people who even try to seek something pure and true are a kind of blessing to us all here. We will have nice things again one day user. We are all going to make it.

Loving rationale of Danes
>COPENHAGEN — Anti-Muslim nationalism is blazing in Denmark. Parliament has discussed banning prayer rooms in schools and universities. The right-wing and nationalist Danish People’s Party, now the second-largest party in Parliament, is calling for immigrants to celebrate Christmas to prove their Danishness. To reinforce Danish culture and custom, the town of Randers has asked cafeterias in public schools to serve pork.

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And to think, all of this is possible because decades ago almost all their jews left for Sweden or the new world.

Islam is 1400 years old. They have not stopped murdering enslaving and terrorizing non Muslims in that time. Why this barbaric "culture" is permitted on western soil I will never fucking understand.

Perfect, either jail. Or money back to the state.

Man I really wish we had this, but those ninjas has become less visible nowdays. A couple of years ago they were everywhere. Maybe they are bound to their home in no-go zones now?

Just sitting indoors and plotting their next conquest

Least cucked out of the whole western world, country barely known to exist and it's fucking hidden gem of sense

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These burqas and muslims shouldn't even be there on the first place in Denmark and the other European countries.

>he thinks pippi is cucked

Endless bantz between you two

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