How does it feel to stare right into the eyes of your next President, Jow Forums?

How does it feel to stare right into the eyes of your next President, Jow Forums?

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Based and Redpilled

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it's gonna work this time, promise

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I want to tongue her ass for hours, anyone else?

Ocasio-Cortez is a queen

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Oh man fuck that picture, wth

Ocasio-Cortez is smart and beautiful. She'll make a great President

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President Trump seems good so far looking in at America, and there's a tendency for your Presidents to get two terms (only Bush Snr in recent memory messed that up) and the Democrats are doubling down on behaviour that cost them the 2016 election, so the winning margin will probably grow a bit for 2020. We are predicting 2 terms for President Trump here in the UK.

enjoy your death

That your dumb enough to think that speak to how shitty your ideas are. Yeah let's elect a fucking bartender to the top job in the land. Jesus at least get behind Kamala Harris at least she has done more than blow people and pour drinks.

Reminds me of a psycho ex-girlfriend that wants to ruin my life.

>muh communism
Hi Plebbit

Ted Cruz has lost a lot of weight

she isn't even old enough retard

At least she's a communist qt, we have Comrade Corbyn.

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Keking my ballz off.

Say hello to the next President of the United States: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!

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Feels gud af

She's a little too old, but I would totally do her daughter

>This girl who doesnt even know anything, not even capitalism is even is thinking she can win

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shes obama 3.0
remeber what happened to obama 2.0?

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I'd rather stare into her cavernous anus after I widen it.

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Never let evil take hold

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Smarter than you

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Hahah the retardation of the left. I thought oprah was the next president. Or Zuckerberg. The desperate left still without a candidate that can beat trump

Well Hillary managed to put the Rust Belt in play after 30 solid years of Democratic dominance, I think it would be kind of neat to see a heated political campaign in the pacific northwest, which is what we'll have after she makes Oregon and Washington swing states.

Here's another one for you, comrade

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Please run her!
>Please run her!
Please run her!
>Please run her!
Please run her!
>Please run her!
Please run her!
>Please run her!

It will be great for the laughs.

Why would a president have any knowledge of economy?

The world doesnt have any borders and there is enough food, apartments and abortion clinics to give everyone a happy life

lol nope.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
>loud and proud 'socialist'
>Abolish ICE, grant amnsesty to all illegals and decriminalize all future border law infractions. (quoted directly from NPR interview 6/27/2018)
>Remove white males from (__________)
>wealth "redistribution"
>self described "community organizer" aka sjw activist
>embodiement of entitled minority
>Latina Bernie
>Extreme leftist ideologist
>Unseated the Democrat's next "face"
>blatant, self admitted supporter for Maxine Water's call for physical harrasment of conservatives (NPR radio interview 6/27/2018)
Cortez is the kind of nationally un-palatable, out of touch-with-reality "resistor" that not only has opposition within the Democrat party, but will be Shattered like pottery by even mediocre Republican/conservatives. Outside of New York city, Cortez, her message and behavior is hair-raising, gag inducing self indulgency and minority glad handing that will polarize Conservatives into steadfast solidarity against her socialist message. She will divide and destroy the democrat party better than any conservative could EVER hope.. She is a wild hypocrite, condescending and stand-offish to anyone not "of color" or 'socially oppressed'. This is a totally un-electable, psycho-left, minority cry baby that will NEVER be able to export her message or garner sympathy outside of megalopolis's on the Nations coast. she can be spouting nonsense about no borders and abolishing ICE while normal Democrats in purple/red districts are running way to the right of her. But in 2020 they are going to have to settle on a single message. And then the tension between their pragmatic side and the increasingly unhinged socialist side are going to have a showdown that will make Sanders v Clinton look like child's play

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Doesn't realize she's too young to POSSIBLY BE the next president of the US... even if Trump is re-elected in 2020... as you must be at least 35 to run for the presidency in the first place...

HINT: She won't be 35 until October 2025...

Fucking idiots man...

Fortunately, the realities of the electoral college system are such you cannot win without either Florida or Ohio, and she'll take neither.

LMAO, dat meme! Are those really what her eyes look like on other crazy ass commies?

She is legally not old enough to be president. Also America is dumb but not dumb enough to elect a literal commiefag.

she's so pretty, I'd vote for her

If this cunt was president, we'd have an awesome civil war.

She won't take money from big business because she's going to take all your money.

That is literally a Reddit-tier response. Fuck off back to you site, Commie apologist.

>How does it feel to stare right into the eyes of your next President, Jow Forums?
>Not even old enough to run for president in 2020

Where you come from, I guess queens look like niggers?

This Ocean Nigger would commit suicide after debating Trump.

Why does she look like a crazy bitch?

go back to /b/ plz

lol stay mad, Ocasio-Cortez is going to be President and that's that

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> crazy

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She's not even old enough to run in 2024...

>civil war

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I met her yesterday and she is small.

To young to run even in the 2024 election. Checkmate sweaty.


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Earliest she could run is 2032

If Dems choose her at least they'd finally be sticking to their supposed beliefs about women and non-whites being their future. The fact Biden or any other old white even suggests they'll run is laughable given the current state of the Democratic party.

Feels warm and fuzzy. I'm in love with her.

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Where TF nudes?
Doesn't she suck kikes?

I wouldn't trust her with a potato gun.

Can wait for her to win the election

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Almost as concerning as the last time I realized who our president would be in 2016.
Our system of governing is falling under it's own weight. The only solution is the reset button, called rebellion, which our founding fathers attempted to provide us the ability for. With all the heavy restrictions on our 2nd amendment rights that we have today, our access to the reset button is all but completely removed.
The only result of our current path is stagnation of the current situation, communism, or total and utter collapse. This is why the founders gave us the right to overthrow our government. They knew that the system which they created was left-wing and therefore inherently destined to spiral into tyranny without the necessary occasional reboot.

She's friends with old white misogynist Bernie. The Democrats hate her. At least that's what I've read.

WTF? Kanye looks odd in that picture

she's not old enough to run. doesn't matter.

she’s half white and half puerto rican. Doesn’t look like a black person at al

her mom looks much more on the iberian side, so likely 70% european

I'd vote for her over Trump any day. She's a little lacking in knowledge, but in terms of character, she's stellar.

Sure she looks good on a poster, but as soon as she opens her mouth, pure unfiltered retardation flows out.

Everytime you post nonsense like this, a nigger shits in your moms pussy

She apparently has a degree in economics which just goes to show how shit out universities are

Does anyone legit find her attractive or are this just shills? To be she looks like a goblin

I fully support this woman being elected our next president.

The next American civil war needs to just happen already. No more tit for tat yelling at each other on the internet or mild fistfights at rallies/protests. The Right needs to put the Left in its place again.

The longer I look at it, the funnier it gets.

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>Smarter than you

The United States isn't a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic.

I hope she wins. It would FINALLY bring the 2nd American civil war to reality.

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One step to the left down America's winding path to Idiocracy

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>Wears a movado

Don’t care about her. I just want to fuck her

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In this case, she literally would not be qualified to run. She is only 28, and the minimum age is 35.

my sides!!!! saved, stored, genius
>it's gonna work this time, promise

Yep, even prettier in that pic

who's gonna do it this time?

Fake and gay

globalist shill. obama 2.0
this they are in a desperate need of latino voters

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*this time

She won't be old enough to run you sperg

>progressive media outlets claiming everyone on the left likes progressives

so in love with her am I

>this time, for sure!

that's really the way to get her. face it that the whole reason that she's even where she is IS freedom and capitalism - both of which socialism is the antithesis of.

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The incumbent will still be on the ballot in spite of being primaried. Democrat elites have decided to fall on their sword rather than put this thot in Washington.

She's too young to run until 2024, so saying she's our next President is conceding that Trump wins two terms.