What did the man with the highest recorded IQ in the world mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Bump and a check.
He is saying that the only way to stop mass migration is to kill all liberals.
He just doesn't want to state that explicitly, since it's on Facebook.
Also, this really doesn't sound like an intelligent nor coherent post. No doubt he's probably irate seeing these niggeroids on the boats as "refugees", but he's supposed to be "world's smartest person", he should learn to be less abrasive as well.
>highest recorded IQ
According to who?
> those digits
Why do you keep coming here chris.
a very stable numerically endowed genius
This guy is good at putting thoughts into words
He almost gets it...goes deeper than that though
If the smartest man on earth says something is it true?
God check'd 'em
Traitors die second, 'cause we wage war against the invaders first. The third are the good goys and the last are the kikes.
>genetically upgrade the parasites.
yeah, with genius sperm. that would do the trick.
>be less abrasive
Something a feels-first moron would say
You’re dumb
Always kill a traitor before the enemy, Jim bo
he's woke to the JQ you memeflag faggot
> genetically upgrade them
What did he mean by this?
>civil/race war
>overthrow the evil powers
>get rid of the remnants of the invasion
>punish and kill traitors, good goys, race-mixers
>Implement the Bible as state religion
Paradise on earth
Leaping leptons!
What did me bean by this as well?
The first ones in the row are always the invaders. The traitors are just bad supports, staying behind like the pussies they are dad
impressive digits
Kek and bump
I agree with him word for word.
That the man with the highest iq is just shitposting on cancerbook instead of doing anything of worth really should tell you how retarded it is to prioritize them digits
His endgame is an eugenics-based technocracy without any space for individuality and he explained it with an analogy similar to 'rats are of no danger to us, but when they eat our bread and bug us, we forcefully remove them - this should be the case with other humans, too'
You're the progressive moron in need of purging that he is referring to.
>Violent revolution is needed to stop what's happening.
Breddy simple to be earnest, familamily.
>His endgame is an eugenics-based technocracy without any space for individuality
Brave New World, then? I'm all for Eugenics, but not erasing all individuality. If you emphasize one strength, that inevitably creates a weakness that is the shadow of the strength. Make someone more logical (left-brained), they become less able to intuit larger patterns, etc.
there's a group of people that are so desperate for a high IQ that they study the test and take it over and over again until they get a score that satisfies them. Chris Langan is one of them. he's obviously a smart guy since he had this objective of being recognized for a high IQ and he achieved it, but he took advantage of the system. anyone that studies the IQ test and takes it repeatedly will score way beyond actual super geniuses that have it dropped in their laps during an actual evaluation.
my buddy and his brother scored over 140 at a very young age and im convinced that it doomed them to a life of mediocrity, much like this Langan character that has nothing to show for his supreme intellect. when a person marinades in their intellectual superiority they lose their drive to do anything. my buddy and his brother are literally loading trucks for a living and one is a drug addict, both still super bright though. they just never did anything because it was instilled in them that they were geniuses.
Here's Chris Langan's endgame as he stated in his video:
I am for rational discourse, if you can't put forth an argument without the need for abrasive language, then you're probably not a very rational person.
Anger can be quite rational, and you're free to express your disgust, but it has no place in political discourse seeking to actually solve a problem. It will only devolve into a debate where "winning" is the only thing that matters; not a resolution.
You're not an American if you don't believe in the two party system, where we put forth our arguments and attempt to find a pragmatic solution that can satiate both ends of the spectrum
For example, the far-right hates immigrants, and the far-left likes immigrants, so we make immigration stringent; allowing only skilled workers to come or refugees in need.
This is why America is so great, we are pragmatic, get your irrationality out of our political system.
You're astonishingly stupid.
>Chris Langan is one of them.
Got any proof,leftyfag?
>2 party dictatorship
Ya sureee!! Real American bro.
how reliable is this test ?
didn't know about it, tried it for the first time and got 125
Or it tells you how badly America's meritocracy has been perverted by credentialism.
He's talking about the jews.
what he was saying is "LEFTIST SUCK" we know this already dude, we need methods to stop the left-plague. "
"forcibly disempower the morons" in other words kill them or put them in prison, thats not going to work, they are way to many of them, we wont be able to do this even if in every western country right-wing parties are in charge. if you propose such a think a lot of right-wingers will be aginst it .
second thing is "upgrade them ... genetically" we are decades away of this. first: puting good DNA into your baby whil its still int he womb is at this point not even possible. second , doing this to millions of people will cost more then 10 gazillions
third "upgrade them morally and educationally" this is what we tring right now. tring to confince left-retards that if they let in millions of shitsknis they will first: destroy the west. second not helping there home-countries.
the left whore are not listining. they dont care that tomorrow the west will look like somalia if we dont stop mass immigration of 3rd worlderst, they want to moral-masturbate and then feel realy good about themselfs for being such good people.
How can he have such an extraordinarily high IQ while looking like a brainlet?
this is really something
the American people need to wake up to how sick and twisted the democrat party is
that starts with targeting democrat police officers
these police officers do not believe in democracy
these police officers cannot be counted upon to protect our democracy
we need police officers who will provide security for fair elections, and democrat police officers are not able to do this
democrat police officers have turned the streets into places where I am afraid to go
democrat police officers are using the streets as a weapon of voter intimidation
democrat police officers are using your transit from your residence to the polling place to tilt the vote
OP explains why this is happening
OP explains why democrat police officers do this
OP explains that a parasite has infected the behavior of democrat police officers
just like toxoplasmosis en.wikipedia.org
we need to admit that democrat police officers do not act independently, they are infected with a parasite that uses central coordination to control their behavior
we need to push trump on this issue
we need to get trump to support a genocide of democrat police officers
we must test trump
is trump infected with the same parasite as the democrat police officers
if he is, we have to kill trump and then kill the democrat police officers
if he isn't, we have to put pressure on him to commit genocide on the democrat police officers
democrat police officers seek genocide by using undocumented migrant workers to destroy the economy
we must make it clear to trump that democrat police officers seek genocide by using undocumented migrant workers to destroy the economy
we must explain why democrat police officers seek genocide by using undocumented migrant workers to destroy the economy
the democrats have the means, they have the mode, and they have the opportunity to commit genocide and they are taking that opportunity
I always see him posted here so I went to look for this facegoy post to see if it actually exists and the account with that profile picture only has 2 posts and the account seems to have been made in 2017. The other account that might actually be him well... it just looks like some teenager memeing. Idk guys, link?
his skull is like 3 deviations larger than the average human's lol
A teenager "memeing" couldn't pull these words out of his ass. He posts regularly on the CTMU Facebook page.
No I agree the language used in the posts in the picture is clearly an educated man, however there are a few Christopher lagan accounts but only two look like they are legitimate. Note that I was speaking of the account that does NOT share the same profile pic as in the pics posted here when I was mentioning the trolling teenager thing. Could you spoonfeed me a bit more, im trying to redpill some friends? There are a few CTMU groups of FB, is it the first result or the "Open CTMU" group?
Sorry, I misunderstood you. The real CTMU Group is members only, but anyone can browse it. It's admins are "Tianadara Ranch", "Christopher Langan" and like one or two others.
Equality mate. Can't teach smart people ambition & self-discipline.
You're definitely a boomer or a lefty, probably the former. Kill yourself slowly.
That's fine. So looking at the open group it seems comprised with people who have basically been pushed out of the other group. They seem to have some reasonable assertions as to the CTMU group being a cult-like wankfest with pics posted and such. IDK, they say that poeple are thought policed on the CTMU group and anyone who disagrees with langan is banned
The people you describe clearly lack something to push them forward and use their intellect for good. However I doubt the actual source of the problem is "they were told they were smart". People may or may not be smart, people may or may not be discipline, people may or may not be ambitious, all of these things develop separately. You could attempt to motivate them, teach them discipline and stir their ambition. Don't want to do that? That's exactly why these two people didn't develop. Lack of caring from everybody involved.
The sad thing is what he is saying is obvious to anyone who isn't brain dead.
Yet another Chris Langan redpill.
spike jonze interviewing chris langan
>he should learn to be less abrasive as well
>much like this Langan character that has nothing to show for his supreme intellect
Langan has had an awesome life. wth?
holy shit, this guy is either trolling or makes iq tests look like a fucking joke.
Yeah. Had 140+ iq when I was 10, people around were admiring my brightness and basedness. My arrogance was my downfall, I spent time in games and fun, cause everything was too easy and boring, rejected peers as they were retards, so it was going for six years, util in adulthood I have failed exams (did not even try to prepare). I got it right next year, but I was already damaged - dumber, lazier, with zero social skills, skinnyfat vidia and pot addict.
Arrogance is deadly sin for reason.
You're too good for this dump.
What's it like being 140 iq in Russia? Do they try to forcibly coerce you to play chess or go into some aircraft design bureau?
I like eastern euros and slavs, but idk how people living in those kinds of societies, both economically and socially and not lose their minds. There have been a lot of geniuses from that part of the world - probably more than your average iq would expect to produce. kinda weird; I just do not understand anything about Russia and it seems like such an enigma
Check. Praise.
I am no longer 140+, 130 at best and was extremely weak student. And no, they do not try to recruit you in anything (unless you are in strictly governmental stuff - cryptography and informational security and nuclear reactor physics)
I guess it is pretty much as everywhere else - you study stuff in school, you go to university, finish it and either go in business (with weirder side of totally corrupt officials and huge pie of government spending), find some job (engineering/IT) or just move to the western country. There is no enigma, only poverty and bandits.
Fuck him. I bet he views 130 IQs like me as subhuman
Big if true.