Chinese Phones banned in the US

Chinese phones such as Huawei are banned in the US.

I laughed so hard. As if Apple doesn't spy. But since they work for the US, it's okay to spy on your citizen, but if it's another country? Nope!

Also: chinese phones are superior than US phones in every single way.

Attached: Huawei-1024.jpg (1024x768, 106K)

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1 sec in google, you brainlet

>Chinese phones such as Huawei are banned in the US.
>I laughed so hard. As if Apple doesn't spy. But since they work for the US, it's okay to spy on your citizen, but if it's another country? Nope!
>Also: chinese phones are superior than US phones in every single way.

You're stupid you retard. Most Chinese phones are BANNED from being used by government and military cause the Chinese are some entitled fucks who wanna steal or infiltrate stuff which has been caught many times.

We will not allow any foriegn government to fuck with us that way.

op is literally retarded

More than likely he's talking about the purchasing freezes that many US government entities are putting into place

I work in a research institute funded by the gov, and we just got forced recently to sever all ties with Huawei

>Also: chinese phones are superior than US phones in every single way.
No they aren't they're just cheap

I got a basic xiaomi for $90 because buying a high end smartphone is as stupid a financial decision as buying a new car.

Its not their phones too. Zte backbone switches have been found pulling info and sending it back to the Chinese companies (which are controlled by the nip government)

You care so much about this germany, I wonder why....

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>Banned from military bases
>Seven year ban for the illegal (under international treaties) sale to North Korea and Iran of telecommunications equipment that used American technology.
OP is a faggot.

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Fuck off, you cannot use chinese phones in the US because they don't support the needed frequency bands.

>Fuck off, you cannot use chinese phones in the US because they don't support the needed frequency bands.

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They do support US bands, just not anything over 3G speeds 99% of the time

fuck China you little dicked faggots

kek oh the irony

however they are probably onto something though

China will soon dominate the US. Can't wait for it, chinese are the true master race. All you fatlads are so scared, lmao.

Uh, how come it's the chinese the ones who spy on us if the OS they use is from Google? Isn't google american?

We are at 5G now, so 3G is literlly 56k-Modem-Tier. So, nice job, you made chinese phones useless in the US. Fucking paranoid fucks.

China is going to go through a major upheaval within 20 years

you're projecting that you wish your country still had its balls.

Funny how you say this but your German government is bitch. Considering that we allow them to spy on a lot mor
>China will soon dominate the US. Can't wait for it, chinese are the true master race. All you fatlads are so scared, lmao.

Why do I have a feeling your a chinese-american stationed in Germany? And you are pissed you can't bring your Best buy $80 cell phone with you.

Chink shills with German proxies?

They're already on the bubble for housing, no wayt hey are going to last no matter how hard they try to pump up their shit currency

Only poorfags use chink phones
Samsung masterrace.

The ZTE ban was overturned.

Was kind of funny seeing how bad the US had them and China by the balls, though. They were basically going to go bankrupt if a deal wasn't reached and Congress enforced the ban.

Work for a major telecom and they don't touch Huawei and ZTE gear with a ten foot pole. The smaller ones like T-Mo, Sprint, and regional carriers are a different story, but Verizon and AT&T don't. It's all Ericsson, Nokia, Cisco, Samsung, etc. They were looking at starting to carry smartphones from these manufacturers, but US govt pressured them into dropping those plans for the time being.

Although I didn't think there was any actual proof that these companies have backdoors in their products and spy for the Chinese government? Always seemed more like paranoia to me and probably more an attempt to fuck over the Chinese and support western suppliers. Guess better safe than sorry, though.

Fuck off, Chink

I have a 3rd reich phone when it rings it goes, sieg heil sieg heil, gas the jews

I'm lying... I don't even use phones anymore. I can't understsand that people are stupid enough to use that shit. It's so easy to hack. so I go dark. all the chicks here go. why are you not on facebook user? jews. well why don't you have a phone then? the jews. well how can I get a hold of you then ? you come here. why do you do this? jews

>only Samsung and iPhone exist
What a normalfag.

Posted from my Xiaomi Mi Mix 2

It's not the phones themselves that are problem, it's that success in consumer phone business will bolster their telco equipment business even further and possibly allow Huawei to set global wireless communications standards (e.g. GSM, CDMA, LTE) the same way Qualcomm currently does.

Qualcomm dominating in this area is the reason NSA has backdoor on everybody's phone, and NSA and CIA know how good they have it right now with surveillance thanks to Qualcomm, and how much strategic advantage would be lost by the U.S. and gained by China if Huawei became the predominant wireless standard setter and cell phone modem supplier, supplanting Qualcomm.

Go be a poorfag somewhere else, it’s disgusting.

t. Phone posting from IPhone 6

>Chinese phones such as Huawei are banned in the US.

Banned from being sold on military bases.

Don't forget to report bait threads.

They're trying to get a uphold on Africa, that's the only thing they have over the US. And that's only because niggers rather trust the yellow man than the white devils.

Samsung is a South Korean brand, so Samsung works for the US and tracks your website visits. Pretty sure every american is on a blacklist for shitposting on Jow Forums with your Samsung or iphone.

Then you should have included it from the beginning thx

>paying 1k for a shitty phone made by the worst company in history when you can get the same phone speccs for only 200 bucks

Do you like burning away your money?

>not sold on military bases.
>forbidden from using american components.
sooo i can still buy it here..

China is the number one threat to the West. Fuck them.

Yes, but it's worthless because you will have trouble finding bands.

oh god i'd hate to live in a police state like the u.s.a has become, they need nuking

>great economy
>eugenics progam
>homogenous society
>no mudslimes
>no sjw cancer
>no tranny cancer
>no libshit cancer


well, i don't need to list anything about the west, since you all know how fucked up the west is, otherwise you wouldn't need a forum called "Politically Incorrect".

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>the same phone speccs for only 200 bucks
iPhones have a strong secondary market which speaks to the fact that they are a pretty high quality product. Android stuff from Chinese or Korean brands typically die in 2 years like clockwork

Saying this as someone with a $90 xiaomi btw.

if the chinese govt wanted to spy just look at your facebook

Rare upside down Poland

but the canadian secret service use huawei phones

China does have Muslims and is not homogeneous

>oh god i'd hate to live in a police state like the u.s.a has become, they need nuking

How can u nuke them? Bitch you can't even use a butter knife without the queen taking your head.

yes random canada

>chinese phones are superior than US phones in every single way.
Miss me wit that gay shit, chink phones are absolute horseshit unless you flash american software on it. Also Xiaomi, Oppo, Oneplus, and Vivo are still allowed and those are the ones worth watching really.

They are generally shit except for the Mate Pro devices. But thosr cost like an iPhone plus.

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i dont think they had any market share in america so who cares. it doesnt sound like a brand i have ever seen but apple may not be allowed to sell in china in short time

>chinese phones are superior
Are you literally smoking crack right now?

Samsung clearly states that they track what you have and do on your phone and you can ask them to show you what they know about you and how they handle personal data.
The contract appears on the phone when you set it up the first time you are using it, you have to agree otherwise you can't use the device.

Like every phone is Chinese these days to an extent.

>>the same phone speccs for only 200 bucks
>iPhones have a strong secondary market which speaks to the fact that they are a pretty high quality product. Android stuff from Chinese or Korean brands typically die in 2 years like clockwork
>Saying this as someone with a $90 xiaomi btw.

LOL that's the stupidest shit I've ever heard. Apple has their fare share of fuck ups

Citizens of america are the property of the american government, giving the data of your citizens to a strategic competitor is just straight retardation. If you see this as a moral relationship between government and domestic population and not competition between superpowers, than you are looking at it wrong.

Didn't say it was perfect

Not really. Maybe if you live in the middle of nowhere but USA and Canada have most of the bands China use. Also chink pbones have global models with the waveguides for the bands

really nice phone, btw you can start to hate people if they use iphone.

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>More than likely he's talking about the purchasing freezes that many US government entities are putting into place
>I work in a research institute funded by the gov, and we just got forced re
>but the canadian secret ser
>The ZTE ban was overturned.
>Was kind of funny seeing how bad the US had them and China by the balls, though. They were basically going to go bankrupt if a deal wasn't reached and Congress enforced the ban.
>Work for a major telecom and they don't touch Huawei and ZTE gear with a ten foot pole. The smaller ones like T-Mo, Sprint, and regional carriers are a different story, but Verizon and AT&T don't. It's all Ericsson, Nokia, Cisco, Samsung, etc. They were looking at starting to carry smartphones from these manufacturers, but US govt pressured them into dropping those plans for the time being.
>Although I didn't think there was any actual proof that these companies have backdoors in their products and spy for the Chinese government? Always seemed more like paranoia to me and probably more an attempt to fuck over the Chinese and support western suppliers. Guess better safe than sorry, though.

The industrial routers/switches that us telecoms used were found to have spyware on them. This happened years ago which made the us government look into it. They found over 700,000,000 Chinese phone makers had spyware on their phones which the Chinese government had direct access to that data

>you have to agree otherwise you can't use the device.

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Is that a broken 8 or 7?

>lmao your own CIA is spying on you so why don't you let others spy on you?!
You're one of those faggots that says since automation is fucking us we should desire to be fucked even harder with infinite illegal invaders

Shut up chink.

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>iPhones have a strong secondary market which speaks to the fact that they are a pretty high quality product.

LOL NO! They use the same shit Huawei and other chinese phones use. Apple just knows how to cater to consumer whores and retards. It's all about the Marketing.

>As if Apple doesn't spy
Tu quoque fallacy.

it's 8 i guess, actually looks pretty similar

Go take a look.

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government influence on the people's personal life make that homogenous society.

I have a Xiaomi Redmi 4x and since the new MIUI update even weather wants access to "calls" etc. now
Suspicious to say atleast

>i'd hate to live in a police state like the u.s.a has become
Doesn't seem to know he's in the UK, cameras everywhere, 24/7 invigilation.
On the other hand, that's how they know that the two Russians who poisoned UK citizens with Novichuk returned to Russia to escape criminal justice.

I listen to hitler all the time, I do it right now too, he is fucking based.
probably censored in germany, the national socialistc revolution, 14 years striggle.

God damnit, we always vouche for the underdog here but ffs, listen to this, I am speech less

I thought you can opt out of Samsung Knox?

Not really.
And you get antivirus preinstalled too.

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At least they are open that they are spying on you. Still, no Samsung device for me ever.

You got Apple, Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, OnePlus. They all do it. Unless you root it and install custom ROM.

im posting from one right now dafuq are you on about? and yes theyre fucking awesome. fuck apple and samsung china is the future

>Unless you root it and install custom ROM.

Pretty sure rooting your phone will soon be illegal because you don't own the rights to modify your device, or some other bullshit. But on the other hand, how will they find out?

t. angry goyim racemixer

There are tracking systems that work at chip level using on Broadcom and Qualcomm communication chips. Those can't be disabled, not even by the phone manufacturers.


>Apple does it! Why shouldn’t the Chinese be able to?

Are you retarded?

My last phone was huawei. It was a pay as you go knda thing and this was about 4 years ago. I mainly used it for mobile data.Havent had a phone since. Also, how do you say the name of the brand? me and my mom and uncle would always argue how it was proniunced and make fun of the name

OnePlus allows you to do it. It's on their site.

Like I'm an international drug dealer terrorist paedophile.