Why shouldn't I be a NEET?

give me one good fucking reason I shouldn't get on welfare

I've done both blue and white collar
>government funds and supports my ethnic replacement
>government wants me in debt just so I can work
>government approves H1B foreigners to replace me in tech
>every business I apply or work at is literally Jewish families

unlike other NEETs I've actually been there done that, it all seems pointless and I see no reason to support this society. I would be better off becoming a NEET and trying to start my own business.

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Yeah bro, do it! Start your own business it will fullfill you more than working for others.

The only reason to obtain money is to provide for a family. So if you don't have kids, go ahead and roll the dice trying to start you own business.
If you do it as a hobby you'll probably be successful too. Good luck!


I am not rich, my race used to rule the world now we are bottom bitches, The whole world hates White men, ect, Yeah, I don't want to fucking work and never will. In fact, because I do not have a job, I will be going to the pool in a few minutes but I'll stick around for a good ol' NEET thread for a bit.

When you learn your grandpa was a multi-millionaire and you were almost born rich 3 times but it fell through every time, you don't want to work as a fucking bottom bitch ever. Work is a curse from God and work is for bottom bitches, rulers don't fucking work and they have nothing in common with commoner pieces of dirtbag shit. Subhuman retards are only proud to work only because they fucking have to and therefore they have nothing else in life to be proud of. Fuck being a bottom bitch, I'm not working, ever, bitch.

>The only reason to obtain money is to provide for a family.
And to live life in luxury and lishvishly, especially if you are young. If you are rich and young you are a literal god on Earth.

NEETs don't get this.

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This is a great point. In the present paradigm there is little left to do but allow others to manage this slow decline (hint: the left thinks it alone can do this). The few who've really woken up understand that this is not a salvageable world, and that it truly ends it tragedy -- not only for the west, but for all of humanity. With that said, the true aim of all redpilled anons ought to be aimed at exacerbating and accelerating the collapse (which is inevitable).

Go on welfare, user.

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your autism impression gave me a good chuckle
you should do method standup

Not everyone cares about fancy trinkets and looking rich. There comes a day when you have everything you want and payday isn't exciting anymore.

>wanting children in this world
have fun breeding your mongrel offspring to be the new generation of niggerkike loving faggots and whores. Mutt trash.

Maybe they'll help tyrone lead the charge against you their racist demon father.


There are hundreds of millions of whites in this world. It took a fraction of that to dominate the whole planet. Nothing is inevitable.

idk why we allow these kind of people to exist at everyone else's expense
inheritors are the true welfare queens
100% estate tax now

I want to be filthy fucing rich and fuck over everyone who ever mocked, scorned, spited me, made fun of me, ect. Abuse them and literally make them eat my fucking shit and piss.

you sound like a jealous commie

and that will never happen because the only people allowed to become rich are born into it

First kill your family and then yourself.

there's a difference between jealousy and vengeance

>Maybe they'll
Maybe they will indeed. Or maybe they will instead be the first citizens of a rebuilt white nation. Nothing good ever came without risks.

I'm 34 and have been a NEET since 22 after graduating college. It has allowed me to see the world, get in MUCH better shape than my peers, have zero grey hair, and go swimming nearly every day. I get to learn how to spend my food stamps wisely on nutrient-rich whole food, and because my metabolism is fast due to my constant exercise, I don't feel hungry often and can eat very small meals.

Being on welfare truly can be the worst or the greatest thing that anyone can do for their health.

in a perfect fucking world it will happen. But there is no justice in this world. God is dead.

>inheritors are the true welfare queens
You were not born to random parents. Your parents made you. The heir of a rich family is as entitled to that wealth as you are to life.

the only perfect world is a world in which everyone lives a modest middle class lifestyle because the concept of wealth is punished by execution

There are no gods left anymore, just ugly huwhite skinned mutt trash. the gods are fucking dead, sadly. You're not even close to being worthy to call yourself their brethren or issue, neither am I, stupid mutt.

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>took a fraction to dominate

Right, when whites were more technologically advanced than everyone else. Not the case anymore. We don't even have kosher, white militaries anymore -- let alone countries, values, etc.. It's all been sabotaged.

>I'm special because daddy came
fuck off

t.commie. Rulers should always have wealth. You sound like a nigger. I agree with the middle class part, that would be nice, but there is always going to be a rich elite, you just have to make sure it is pure Nordics ruling, Germans.

enjoy living under a bridge at 50

I know this girl who is rich in good looks. Should we execute her? How about her father, who is wealthy in intellect? Execute him too? Or redistribute their genes evenly across the population?

And yes, I'm special, because my parents made me. They didn't make you, and your parents didn't make me.

are privileged rulers born into it really the best we can do?
look at the US president
tell me with a straight face he took his education seriously instead of just relying on paid advisors

absolutely we should execute them
a privileged lifestyle comes at the expense of millions of other people's lifestyles

t.jeaous nigger commie.

ooch ouch owie

If you want to execute every human there is, go ahead, then. I recommend starting with yourself, since you'll be really embarrassed, if your first victim has to do it himself.

Only retarded people would say you shouldn't. Of course you should be a neet.

Don't forget.

You can declare bankruptcy once.

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just everyone who makes over several million a year
there is an obscene upper limit to wealth

If you can't stay consistent for 2 messages, go back to lefty/pol/.

execute everyone worth more than $500k and you wouldn't be any better off than you are now.

>rich in good looks
fuck off

I guarantee we all would

killing every athlete doesn't make you a faster runner.

Communism might be more respectable, if you didn't represent its advocates so very well.

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you're an idiot. you'd be dead in 30 days

-walked past a couple in the store the other day with a baby. Shit it's pants.

I muttered to myself, while choking on the stench, "Who could want this life?"

My life is awesome now. I"m a free agent. No responsibility.

And it really helped me come to terms with feminism. I'm not so offended by all these selfish cunts snapping photos on their phone while sipping latte at their trendy free-trade coffee shop. I'll take my own selfish route and laugh like a mother-fucker when they hit the wall at age 30 and there are no Cucks left to support them.

Society needs a reset boys.
It has to be done.
You know I'm right.

Once we reboot this bitch, I'll be the Tradcon you always dreamed of.....not a minute before.

I'll die young you fuckwit bitch. I don't get old. You'll never fucking control this god.


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okay jealous nigger

Its what I did, long story short, lonliness is now slowly devouring me, and im 27, so I feel like its getting too late to change my life, even if I knew how, which I dont

Time to tear up the safe niche you've put yourself in and go do something completely different then. What have you got to lose?


We know many of our issues were from giving women the right to vote. You can't take that away in civilized society because women will always vote their selfish interests.

So it's fucked but yeah......You just have to accelerate the collapse to reinstate the Patriarchy.

Women will never take responsibility with rights. Men understand this bargain. Women do not.

Women will vote in GIBS for themselves along with literally THE WORST bunch of people from third world shit holes. Women vote their emotions, not their logic. They are ABLE to do this because of what I said. "They are given rights without responsibility".

You don't understand. It doesn't come back. There is no second chance.

Once you're on the bottom you're fucked. There is no point trying to get to the top when you're our age. The whole point of being rich or financially stable is to live young and rich. Rich and old is pointless and bullshit. (((They))) already stole your youth from you because they are literal fucking demons and there is no sex in heaven because God is a piece of shit who doesn't give a fuck about you to begin with. We may as well cut our losses and destroy the planet because if we can't rule the Earth no one fucking can, certainly not a bunch of fucking ugly gook rats.

Dumbest advice and philosophy I've heard as of yet.

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Okay bubenhauser loser. Enjoy being an old fart, poor, a nobody, and White even though the whole world fucking hates your ass.

have fun with that, retarded chump.

>I feel like its getting too late to change my life, even if I knew how, which I dont
Maybe you have this "all or nothing"-mentality, where you either must be a successful businessman or you'll be a NEET. If you don't have an education, you could still work at construction, customer service or similar. They even organize all sorts of courses to learn things like welding or how to operate a fork lift. Would that be so bad? You'd learn new things, meet people and make friends. You could feel useful.

Most people are content having normal lives. You'll have a normal job, meet a normal girl and have a normal family. No need to be a film star or an astronaut to find happiness.

Being productive gives your life meaning you retards.
If you want to spiral into crippling depression because youre a worthless leech with no skills who is actively helping the commies destroy america by doing nothing all day then become a neet.

You have a very jewed and materialistic mind.

Empires have risen and fallen all throughout recorded history.

You are thinking within the tiny time-frame of your own lifetime. That is selfish.

I am thinking about my society.

I will be dead before the reboot happens but I'm OK with that. What I have to do RIGHT NOW is understand the "stage" of society I've been thrust into within my life and act accordingly.

As such, I have decided, like so many other white men have, to Walk Away. It is the only logical choice of a thinking man. Do not participate in a society clearly designed to exploit you.

You won't get any new generations to reboot anything, if you just walk away.

>If you don't have an education, you could still work at construction, customer service or similar.

Yeah, have fun working with sub-90 IQ niggers, spics, and white trash or working in a call center for noseberg while hearing shaquanda's constant nagging about her babydaddy not paying her 6+ niglets child support on the phone with laqwanda, all the while getting her workload so noseberg can rake in those profits of selling those extra large black dildos as you solicit white whores and jewish faggots over the phone to purchase them.

I'm a material being, I want material.

I'm 6 months into my first full time "real job" and already looking into other options. I will never be a faggot NEET living with his parents though. My goal is to either be a digital nomad or at worst I'll fucking teach english in the 3rd world. But yeah if you think I'm going to waste my life in this office job and live for the weekends and have to put up with stress and bullshit, think again. I don't have a wife or kids or even a gf. I don't like American women or westerner. Why should I stay here if I'm not going to have a family?

I have nearly no formal education, nothing to "fall back on" but im getting 'autismbux', if that was unclear.
Im gonna choose to find this funny, hoping that was your intent.
I wish it were that easy, but...well is not very interesting to go on about, but ive tried.

I only wrote my first post as a warning. Think about your choices.

Fine. Be a jew for all I care.

Being a "man" is only worth it if the society you live in is worth it. What I mean by being a "man" is holding down a full time career job, having a wife and as many kids as you can, taking your kids to football practice etc. That type lifestyle is a pipedream for me and I cannot find a woman under 30 that is even 1/10th of what I consider wife material. So yeah, I'm saying fuck it soon. But I won't be a leech, I'm gonna hustle to survive somewhere outside the USA.

>You won't get any new generations to reboot anything, if you just walk away.

Of course you will.

Look, socialism is not in sync with evolution. Right now we literally have the Worst Examples of humans in the West right now due to a welfare state. The people who should be breeding are not. The filth who are breeding, are slowly poisoning society.

You have to pull the plug and wash away the filth. Humanity will go back into a tribalistic society where Strength and Intelligence are once again, the deciding factors on reproduction. That has to go on for perhaps 1-3 generations before you can successfully reboot society again. The extremely low class society of people we have now will die quickly in their lives without a social safety net to hold them.....as nature dictates.

Think of it like a garden. You can try to pull a weed here and there are just take the rototiller to the whole thing and reboot.

>I have nearly no formal education, nothing to "fall back on" but im getting 'autismbux', if that was unclear.
So what? In this world you're a wealthy man, relatively speaking. But money isn't everything either. Start teaching yourself some shit, or attempt to do other things. Your real problem is that you're afraid to do things and probably depressed. You have to fix that.

okay bitch, if I am a jew for wanting to win and be successful in life, then so fucking be it, I'm a fucking kike them, you retarded goy.

But you're fucking stupid, if you do not want to be powerful, filthy rich, and get all the fucking women. Everyone who has any bit of sense wants that kind of power, because that is fucking success. Everyone wants it, but only a few elite minded people actually deserve it. Have fun living a cucked life.


enjoy the construction site with your fellow white trash or the call center with laquisha.

You def should be a NEET or better yet create your own business!
NEET or SELF-MADE on my brother.
Do not let yourself get discouraged by normies here, they are fools lying to themselves.

>I'm a material being

enjoy your inevitable depression tho lol

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Much of white trash is not white trash. If you find yourself there, why couldn't others like you? Besides, you will quickly find some good guys, and you'll be spending most of your time with them. Lower skill work is nowhere near as forcibly social.

>I wish it were that easy
It is that easy. You shouldn't believe your psychologists and psychiatrists, when they diagnose you with horrible and incurable mental illnesses. They don't really care about you. They definitely won't cure you. You need to realize that it is all up to you, and you most definitely can do it. When others give you reasons and excuses to give up, don't listen to them.

okay bitch, if I am a jew for wanting to win and be successful in life, then so fucking be it, I'm a fucking kike then, you retarded goy.

But you're fucking stupid, if you do not want to be powerful, filthy rich, and get all the fucking beautiful and hot women. Everyone who has any bit of sense wants that kind of power, because that is fucking success. Everyone wants it, but only a few elite minded people actually deserve it. Have fun living a cucked life.


enjoy the construction site with your fellow white trash or the call center with laquisha.

Bad times are coming anyways, so it won't matter what you do. Look at the white birth rates, look at the job market requiring more and more education to get a lifestyle someone had in the 1950s with only a highschool diploma. Look at the cost of living rising, do you think any of that is good? Even if we have trump for 8 years, then what? We'll get another obama.

I'm not saying it's wrong to want to be successful in life, I'm saying your nigger philosophy that if you don't have money now you might as well kill yourself is completely retarded and subhuman.

>i die
>i win
Hi Justin

Success is not wallowing in hoards of money. It's more about self-reliance.

Jews equate success with money as they control the money system.

But say society collapses (eg: war)....then the Jews start going into the ovens because money is no longer important.

A successful man today will be able to live in duality. Get just enough from the Sick Society without participating in it. Pretend to be a part of things while paying zero tax and usury to the Jew.

Pure success is having little responsibility while enjoying the technology and comfort of society (eg: Vidya; Intertubes; Pizza).

We can really thank Boomers and Feminism for showing us the way to selfishness.


I’m a white guy, how do I get on welfare?

I got free heathcare through my country. It was fucking awsome bros. Just find your county run medical thingy...they will refer you to specialists, run a shit tone of blood tests...just claim NO INCOME. And bingo...you're in. I was like the ONLY white man getting treatment. I think they took me for a racial quota...the time is good for white men to get free shit. If they don't take you...scream racism and threaten to sue.

>wanting to commune with slave tier retard level IQ subhuman mongrel White trash
Maybe you bottom bitch, but definitely not fucking me. I live in a gated community, I hear those classless landscaping white trash subhumans all the time when the HOA pays them to come around to cut the grass and do other retard level grunt work shit. They always are barbaric, stupid, laughing at dumb shit and each other, threatening to fight each other all the time, don't even have the dignity or self respect to not fucking work with niggers and spics, and are generally brutish, hate education and intelligence and are offended by it, and are fucking dumb.

I was in the pool the other day and one landscaping nigger who looked like some Brazillian mulatto or something came to the gate at the pool beause he had to use the bathroom and he had the audacity to say to me "are you gonna open this gate or what?" instead of asking politely like a civil or upperclass man. Fucking subhuman garbage, once we have androids to do this work for us these people are useless to us and obsolete, they will be exterminated, they are not needed in humanity's genepool.

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My race ruled the fucking world you dumb bitch, now we are fucking bottom bitches to the Jew and new nigger elite, our former slaves who now fuck our women. That is an utter fucking disgrace.

You think I want to fucking live as a poor bottom bitch while a bunch of fucking slaves who now rule over me fuck my women? Stupid fuck.


You'll never be that rich

In a perfect world I would be. Who knows.

No I agree, you should kill yourself. Who needs you anyways?

user...not only do you want to watch a beast nigger fuck your women you want to warm his balls with your mouth while he does it, to bring out all his seed into your woman's now gaping gash.


>start my own business with no money
NEET logic

do you know how central banking works? its not jealously at actual wealth, because real wealth no longer exists.

when a small group of people can constructively steal from everyone without doing any real work, then there is a fucking problem.

this thread is
>im not working, im going on welfare

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Anyway, I'm off for a swim at the pool, because I am fucking blue eyed royalty and I do not work, nor ever fucking will. Fuck you dumb fuck niggers, and see you later.

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>give me one good fucking reason I shouldn't get on welfare

because we barely have it in the U.S.

how are you going to get it?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a central bank you illiterate. I think your mean investment banking, which is lending money at interest, which is also not wrong, furthermore it is smart, and Whites would dominate the sector if not for fucking christianity prohibiting christians from lending at interest but allow kikes to do so in medieval Europe. Besides that, we would be fucking ruling the world right now, and be fucking underage teen hella bitches on our yachts like the fucking kikes and rapstar niggers are now. So get fucked, you stupid bitch.

>child is like 1 year old
>already heavily balding

Go for it user. We believe in you.

ok, you stupid fucking jew, lets do a thought experiment.

ill be an employee at the federal reserve, you can be joe goy.

joe goy has 7000 dollars in his bank account stored as united states dollars. mr. goy pays his taxes.

i now proceed to print 1,000,000,000 and exchange it to the federal government in exchange for us treasury bonds because the state needs it for supporting its government programs.

what just happened to goy’s money in his bank account now that there is 1,000,000,000 new pieces of paper in circulation?

again, read a book you stupid fuck.

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That's call fractional reserve banking moron, and no, it does not have to be a tenet of central banking, it is the result of a kiked system. You are a moron and a loser.

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>what just happened to goy’s money in his bank account now that there is 1,000,000,000 new pieces of paper in circulation?

it lost 1% of its value because the Fed keeps the inflation rate pretty low these days.

want to beat inflation? invest in stocks or real estate (or bitcoin lol)
