One Child Policy World Wide

If we adopt a one child policy world wide---literally all problems would be fixed.

-No more traffic jams.
-No more high real estate market
-No more electrical outages
-Environment will begin to heal
-Less sea turtles will get shit caught on their flippers

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>If we adopt a one child policy world wide---literally all problems would be fixed.
So the existence of the White race is a problem that needs to be "fixed"?

So how exactly are you going to force all the non-White races of the world to have only one child each?

>So how exactly are you going to force all the non-White races of the world to have only one child each?

Good me figure it out?

>Good me figure it out?
No. You're an anti-White loser in support of White genocide because you let the ecofreaks delude you into supporting the destruction of humanity.

You can't even prove your "one child policy" would result in all those things.

Logically those things result from having less people consuming on earth.

It's relatively simple bro--I want more white people bro, I really do, but we have too many people in general on earth, to the detriment to the survival of mankind.

Why am i getting the feeling this is all about sea turtles?

>Logically those things result from having less people consuming on earth.
And what makes you think the world is overpopulated?

And you can't even give a number of by how much the world is overpopulated by.

>It's relatively simple bro--I want more white people bro,
No you don't. You want Whites to have one child per family. That's a non-replacement birthrate. That's White Genocide.

>but we have too many people in general on earth, to the detriment to the survival of mankind.
Says who?

Because turtles and tortoises are amongst the most noble creatures on earth.

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They actually teach this to kids in Canadian schools at a sixth grade level after indoctrinating them on global warming propaganda to scare the shit out them into not breeding.

They tell you that the one child policy is good and that your life takes a toll on the planets resources, they make you calculate the carbon footprint of your life and then they show you the carbon footprint of every human being on earth.

Canada's education system is anti white propaganda.

You have good intentions but you're extremely naive. Only whites would follow the one child rule.

>Why am i getting the feeling this is all about sea turtles?
Because its a picture designed to elicit an emotional response and override logic and reason.


How do you enforce this in countries such as Canada where you are guaranteed the right to pursue happiness?

How do you enforce this in an African tribe somewhere in the Congo?

Your plan if flawed from the outset in that it cannot be enforced without infringing upon people's rights, and a massive one world government entity that dedicates a ridiculous amount of resources into hunting down people who have more than one kid.

This idea is stupid at best, and globalism at its worst. Fuck off.

>Only whites would follow the one child rule.
and it would be racist to demand non-whites follow that rule.

In reality, all the talk about "overpopulation" and "saving the environment" is really about causing the genocide of the White race.

So guys have been brainwashed to think that "environmentalism"="white genocide"?

Seriously? Are you guys fucken retarded? Have you never went into the woods? The more people we spawn, the less woods and nature we will have, it's basic math.

Look at Brazil and how they are fucking up their gorgeous Amazon rainforests.

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This is all taught to the kids right before sexual education btw. So they tell you essentially before you are taught where your penis goes that the amount of kids you make will destroy the earth and that you are killing the planet just by being alive.

Think about the kind of self hating and nihilism philosophy this would develop in a childs mind.

They are told the earth will die because of their existence and that every breath they take is killing the planet.

They want to kill us all.

So when losers like you can't get laid and never breed who gets to have a second one to even things out?

How about we just exterminate all non-Europeans from the planet and create a global Aryan utopia? We would achieve the same goals more effectively.

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>So guys have been brainwashed to think that "environmentalism"="white genocide"?
Isn't it interesting how the only way "humanity" can save the environment is by having White people give up more freedoms, money and control to the government?

>Seriously? Are you guys fucken retarded? Have you never went into the woods?
So you want no more White people to not be able to go into the woods? How does that work?

>The more people we spawn, the less woods and nature we will have, it's basic math.
Says who?

>Look at Brazil and how they are fucking up their gorgeous Amazon rainforests.
So why do Whites have to sacrifice the existence of our race because of what Brazil is doing?

If anything, that proves we need to eliminate all the subhuman non-Whites who are destroying the world.

They are christ cucks. They believe god will sort their shit out.

If we want to get radical, why not just engage in programs of massive population culling? Limiting people's reproductive desires and rights doesn't seem that much more moral than utilitarian slaughter to be honest

Only white countries would do it, the world would become brown, then no one would do it. Same thing as cutting manufacturing to save the planet. Your "voluntary weakness" policies do the opposite effect if you don't force the main offenders to follow them.

OP is a brainwashed idiot and doesn't understand that only white people actually care about the environment. All other non-white countries breed like crazy or trash the environment. Look at India or China or the Arab nations. They don't give a fuck about the environment.

OP needs to get off the blue pills that public education is feeding him.

>If we want to get radical, why not just engage in programs of massive population culling?

>Maintain humanity under 500,000,000
Bit lower than what I had in mind, but I'm curious as to how they were planning on doing that?

>If we adopt a one child policy world wide---literally all problems would be fixed.
Silence while the Great Anonno cogitates. The Great Anonno is forming a mental picture.
The Great Anonno can reveal that...
OP is less than 25 years old!
The Great Anonno has spoken.

Attached: The Great Anonno.jpg (467x275, 25K)

People ITT simply don't get that this is worth dying for...the woods...the most important thing on earth.

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Just stop all aid shipments from 1st-world nations to all sub-90 IQ nations on Earth and literal billions of people will be gone very quick.

>but I'm curious as to how they were planning on doing that?
Forced abortions. Forced sterilizations. Murder. But only to Whites of course. To do it to any other race would be racist.

>People ITT simply don't get that this is worth dying for...the woods...the most important thing on earth.
Yeah...kill off all the white people so they can no longer see or experience any of that.

makes perfect sense.

Through economic coercion, propaganda, degeneracy or culture and destruction of religion, chemicals introduced to water supply

Im really, REALLY fucking glad not enough people love the outdoors. If I start seeing commies and shitskins around my fishing grounds, I WILL start killing "people".

>Forced abortions. Forced sterilizations. [Executions]
>economic coercion, propaganda, degeneracy or culture and destruction of religion, chemicals introduced to water supply

Well, all that could do it. Yo OP, here's how you save the environment long term!

They tried this in China, and it's de facto what's happening in a number of western countries and has been happening in Japan since the 1980s

The results are in:

- Working population to non-working population ratio drops from 10-1 to 2-1
- Females killed in rural areas skew population to have too many males
- Females also look outside their country for rich men or don't dedicate themselves to males at all
- Economic collapse (japan) or people brought in from third world shitholes to fill the void (western countries)

And before you say 'but Japan is a great place!', everyone who goes to Japan knows that it's a great place to visit, but a shit place to live. Japanese people are overworked and get hardly anything to show for it at the end of the day. Their unique admirable culture is in large part down to the cramped urban planning that was a consequence of the rapid rebuilding after WW2 ..which ironically would be gone in your scenario where population density decreases and building stops.

>world wide
No need to. Doing it for Africa and South America would be enough already.

>one child policy world wide
Only in 3rd world countries (or if you’re a nigger)

The woods has a therapeutic effect on me...I'm never as happy as I am when I am in the woods.

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one child policy wont work because you would have to control the nigger, spic, and muslim countries who would never abide by it. Nothing we do can stop anything because the majority of problems we have stem from third world trash. Until you wipe them out... nothing can be done. Almost all the pollution in the ocean is from third world countries among other things.

>If we want to get radical, why not just engage in programs of massive population culling?
Because that would actually work. This jew policy only works to guilt white people into slowing their breeding even further while niggers and spics continue to reproduce like vermin.

What if Japan is going through a painful period to have a much better future 100 years from now?

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So do you part and eliminate the threat you pose to Earth.

>If we adopt a one child policy world wide

And when happened in China everyone aborts till they get that male child? What then incel?

Retard that's a 2 > 1 downstep and we will loose half the population exponentially.

One child policy for non-whites would fix it

Let's think which ethnic groups we can get to follow such policies
>Whites, pansy enough to do it for sentimental reasons
>Chinese, they would do it again out of fear of authorities

Everyone else will just ignore that.


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There has been a direct correlation to parental planning and education...

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Japan has already degenerated into a sensuous society

From the outside, it's an (often arousing) aesthetic, but up close it's really quite sad. Everything is fake and empty.

When people can't derive purpose from their partner, their family, their children (all because they lack them), they resort to pleasure-seeking. It's only going to get worse, not better, unless childbirths increase.

China is following this path, but because they lack the attractive culture unique to Japan, it's more obvious how bad it is. Lots of malls and trinkets, all the same where-ever you go. A few rich guys revving up the main streets in their Ferraris. This is the only form of 'progress' currently known to the Chinese, aside from putting up endless roughshod commie blocks disguised with western-style embellishments.

M8--how do you talk of such topics with such confidence? How sure are you that your accounts are actually accurate?

Do you have Japanese friends who tell you how it is?

If every brown person in the world was subjected to a one child rule, the world would be better off.

The birth rate is already plummeting, so what do you expect

This. what do we do?

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Great idea. Then as the current generations age, we just start euthanizing them as soon as they can no longer care for themselves. With a one child policy at some point there would not be enough people to take care of the sick or elderly, even if that’s literally the only job in existence.

hunt down the asian fishing fleets and torture all indians,asians and niggers to death if they dump their plastic waste in the ocean . remove 99% of all non whites and things will be ok for the turtle

>there would not be enough people to take care of the sick or elderly
Elderly care robots already exist...

we need at least 4000 Auschwitz camps world wide

OP is a faggot and needs to grow up a little and stop believing the crap the (((media))) tells him
Ever heard of a demographic winter?
That’s what’s going on in the West and in China among many other places. If the trend continues we are fucked


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It has to be done sooner or later.
Either voluntarily or through forceful measures like mandatory castration at birth, chemicals in the water and air or even as a last resort measure mass bombing of civilian territory.

most of those problems is solved by moving out of a fucking degenerate big city
People werent meant to live stacked in complexes like lab rats and its a sickening fester on the world to see population centers like that
But no fuck that I dont want the kind of person who thinks shit like that is acceptable to live anywhere near me

>one child policy
Literally only a brown problem.

It's basic surface area math dumfuck. Ever been to the flyover states? It's all farms. We need farms to feed increasing populations. Unless your suggesting one day we'll be pulling food out of thin air

If you do not go into the woods at least once a week, you are a broken person.

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Make a virus that only affects non-whites. Make's their fertility rates plummet. They'll still be able to have some kids, but nowhere near as many as current.

I've spent about two years of my life in Japan and China, only as a tourist though, starting in 2000.

My girlfriend also lives in China (chinese citizen) and spent a few years living in Japan (fluent in japanese), which is partly why I've spent so much time in China and Japan.

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All of those advantages and more would be achieved with white-child-policy.

I love walking through the forest too.

Ok buddy....

But Japan is clean and moving toward sustainable population levels...that's better than most countries as far as long term planning.

Most western countries are consuming themselves off a cliff.

If we closed our borders and adopted one child policy our systems of government would collapse. We live in a ponzi scheme that requires permanent growth of society, that's why they import thirld worlders in the hopes that ANY kind of growth will be enough. We need the right wing to rise so that the lunacy of the left can be stopped. One child policy is irrelevant.

I agree with this.


He could have stopped all of this

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There's a lot of problems caused by a one child policy user. Late term abortions, disproportionate male to female ratio, rampant human trafficking. See China.

Japan's cleanliness is cultural, not a result of declining birth rate.

Birth rate decline is not 'sustainable', it's unsustainable. Having a 2-1 working-to-nonworking ratio would kill any economy, and it's going to happen in China in just two decades or so - the demographics are already set in for it to happen.

Population growth has its consequences too, but shooting yourself in the foot won't help anyone.

A side note: Japan is clean, but it's a real pain in the pocket if you want to get rid of anything there. Costs a ton of money just to get rid of a few things from an apartment. When I had to clean out my girlfriend's Tokyo apartment before she left, I ended up deciding just to take it out at night and dump it somewhere. Most people in Japan wouldn't do this, but in China or elsewhere? What do you think people will do, at least without a police state to watch over them?

how about just end all immigration to the west? We already have basically a negative pop growth rate.

t. Thanos

>Birth rate decline is not 'sustainable', it's unsustainable. you know how easy it is to rectify a declining birthrate? Manipulate the fake fiat currency system to make living affordable again and boom---population growth through the roof.

This. Its unbelievably expensive for working families to have children. (((They))) have made it unsustainable.

>So how exactly are you going to force all the non-White races of the world to have only one child each?

science my dude

-No more economy

>more child trafficking
>more homeless
>the stuff that homelessness brings
>more child killing
>more abortion
Great idea!

Indeed fellow goyim, family is just a social construct.

Being a only child is extremely lonely

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