I heard you guys are fans of “mommy”. She just released a book. Which you may be interested in. I will be in France soon and can sell copies of her books to whoever wants. Tell me if you’re interested.
Mommy’s book
Will it be translated to Englisky ?
BASED and redpilled
book is called
"Loyalty to Faith and County"
does a more perfect female exist on this earth?
If there’s demand yes. Or you can use your smartphone with google translator from pictures.
What does she have to say?
She's dumb as a dog and her book is probably trash
I mean, she believes in (((Jesus))) and shit.
cant be dumber than a g*rman
What's her book about ? Will it be released in english/french ?
And i wish you a good journey in our country my friend.
Who cares. It’s a collection object.
She's low iq. The book is probably just some banal shit.
Are we in it?
Who is she?
a stink
kys faggot
This desu OP. Have you read any of it yet?
hurr durr mommy
Orthodox Christians rarely mention him btw. They would only mention him when they pronounce "in the name of the Father. the Son and the Saint Soul".
Oh nice. Lavrov's books are also sweet
I'd buy an English translation once it's out. Hasn't Putin written some books? I should bother to read them when I get bored too.
It’s about being a patriot
It probably won’t be released in English or French because nationalism is not well received in western countries.
I doubt that she even participated in the writing.
kek, to any kremlinbots that bought it, is there IR porn in it?
You're right i understand. Please intervene in our elections too next time.
> Loyalty to the country
> To serve Russia/Motherland (can't recognize the last world)
So, does that mean she was a Russian spy in Ukraine? Because otherwise she's a traitor.
It's "Holy Spirit" or even "Holy Ghost".
it's a book with her face on it, so i'll buy it
lavrov is a literal armeninigger , mummy on the other hand IS white
>one post
>off by one
sad israel, sad
>loyalty is kept to goverments , not people
lmao kys , son
mummy stood truy to her people when telling the kike gov of cuckraine to fuck off
how can someone serve the hohols
I'm taking that's a 'yes', Dmitri?
The book is called "Devotion to Faith and Fatherland", so I kinda doubt there will be anything new and original there.
She's such a cutie.
Why wouldn't you return to your Ataturk shithole, roach?
Sure is.
>still not showing flag
oof... embarrassing
no. its just no one cares about subhuman russian thievery. >> muuuhh russia so based
russian (((world))) a product of (((bolshevik marxist))) subversiveness and stealing
isn't she a lawyer
Would it really be any more niche in the west than other Russian writers like Dugin though?
Beats the majority of trash written these days.
All I want to see is see her get blacked by African migrants.
She's a member of Duma now.
>using "russian world" in the anglosphere
>being this much of an obvious hohol
the shame of bearing your countries flag.....
What’s it called? “The Art of the Mummy?”
Well, cockholes have never been in power in their own country as this roach rightfully mentioned, so it's more serving to the Jews
There's no st Soul sosach subhuman
You'd like to see a dog blacked by African migrants also.
he IS a dog blacked by african migrants lol
We dont have those, so tough luck, We do have chechens though.
You will soon, don't worry. UN has mandated to fill your nation with a billion nogs.
I'll take chechens over niggers any day. I'd say a chechen amounts to about 0.6 of a nigger on the scale of niggerdom, tops.
She was a prosecutor and in ex-Soviet countries you could become one only either being a member of prosecutor's dynasty or through sex with people in power. Same goes for judges.
Sell your body to a rich fuck then write books about faith.
Haven't been there for 4 or 5 years, maggot.
Makes sense.
I doubt nogs would like to come here, there's no gibs and everything is cold and grimdark. You might say our shitholeness is our shield.
You're here 4 or 5 years too early. Spare me the second hand embarrassment and go back.
She betrayed her state for official position in Russia. Now she sells books about loyalty.
Imagine the logistics of actually doing that. Isn't that most of Africa?
I don't understand your mumbling, Khan. I hope my man Nursultan bans all your squint-eyed scum from the Internet, you Neanderthals have yet to learn to be humans.
She's my kind of girl
>naming someone Khan in attempt to degrade them
Good one, Tzar.
I will only buy merch that mommy has touched or breathed on
Cmon! More mommy pics!
She was the only one to vote against pension reform in her party
>I don't understand your mumbling, Khan.
That's the whole reason you should go back. You won't see me posting nonsense on a finnish fucking spurdo board. That's because I'm not a retard and I'm aware that I don't know finnish.
>disdain for plebs
The Empress loves us all.
But I can't read russian
are you suggesting she is a Ukrainian?
that's seems not to be a cut and dry position if you are in any case
She was born in Ukraine, so yeah.
>Thinking Ukrainians are ethnic group.
Oh she could gulag me all the way
for real, or are you just saying that to be a cynic and down on your country?
It's not like that now it's it?
It could be true. It's kinda silly to believe that an honest person can get a high position in the Russian government.
Who's this dame?
She's just a figurehead. Why would I be interested in some woman's opinion or that of her ghostwriter?
she's a milf
she needs to release pictures of her feet before it's too late. what is she even doing
Don’t be filthy. This is mommy. Not some twitch titty streaming thot