Moving to L.A

Moving to Los Angeles next year, I want to buy a house.

In which neighborhoods does the white population live?

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>White neighborhoods
Pick one and only one


The white population currently reside in Boise Idaho, Salt Lake City Utah, Denver Colorado, Reno Nevada.
There is no one left, in 10 years Lost Angeles will be like the shitty movie Escape From LA. Except infrastructure in worse conditions.

anywhere west hollywood

Its a shithole, why piss a million bucks on a delapidated shed? Are you already rich? You won't be able to afford a house on a W2

there are no more whites in California cities

Based and redpilled

Go to the suburbs but at best its 40 percent spic

West Hollywood.

Tustins cleaner op unless you like rich snobby people then go to calabassas


you wont be able to afford it

You can also throw in Santa Monica and Westwood (if you have the money) and severable other neighborhoods, but th biggest factor is where your commute is going to be and how far you are illing to commute.

LA Metro has the worst or at least tied with the with the worst traffic in America aside from the NYC metro area.

Spent much of my childhood in LA. So many reasons to list NOT to live there.

West Hollywood is a mix of AIDS riddled fags and orthodox Jews.

Pacific Palisades. It's very expensive to live there.

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That photo is of MacArthur park which currently has a massive homeless tent city spread across it and Guatemalan food vendors all around it.

Go to Wyoming or some backwater state

Get a condo on wilshire



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The Brady Bunch house is for sale. It's in a white neighborhood I think

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dumb frogposter

west of the city along the coast.... come to torrance its the only city la county that allows concealed carry permits, 50% white which is huge for any city in la, and 35% asian, not many nigs or spics. the only town in la that has a hometown feeling as well, its one of the most poilitcally conservative towns in la county.

checked. This

dumb pakiposter