Which child would your mommy choose?

Which child would your mommy choose?

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How is anything other than B correct. If you spent money on it and built it, it's your property unless you sell it.

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i would give all 3 of them my flute

since it's a skin flute, i'd give it to all three

Based Mudshit


you talk big but you still pay income taxes

hold still

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all, my mom would have broke the flute into 3 pieces and split it among the kids.

Mommy would make them share the flute.


B can lease the flute to A and make another while C can go fuck off and learn some skills or stay poor. Its the American way.

Fuck A. Marry B. Kill C.

Child B gets the flute on the condition she teaches A and C how to construct their own. However, all 3 are banished to the sex dungeon for interrupting my shitposting time.



why is pol getting flooded with pedo scum

They got hired to monitor here since the whole pedogate thing. I would assume they get bored and act on their pedo urges.

Child B obviously. Is this a joke?


And here I thought this image had finally been banned from overuse. Alas

I'm only sexually attracted to 2D children, so it's ok.

big difference between flutes and food, larper

We didn't even start using it.

child b

Your illness will likely only worsen. You need psychiatric treatment.

They’re called jokes you fucking autist

nope. SJWs can twist all the words into A or C.
This is not a joke, that how they think

Child B. A needs to find her own, just because she can play one doesn't mean that she should be handed someone else's and in regards to C he's irrelevant to the situation

Not here in Nevada we dont.

>Your illness will likely only worsen.
How so?
>You need psychiatric treatment.

Child B made it, but she should share it with her sister (if Child A is her sister). Child C can't play and he's fucking a white male, so screw him.

What is the difference?

Child C becomes a party bureaucrat
Child B goes to an labor camp for crimes against the party
Child A starves to death

Argument is retarded. B would know how to play the flute because that's a requirement to make a good instrument.

Everyone can eat, but not everyone can play the flute.

You need flutes to live

B is literally the only correct answer
He made it, why should anyone else get it?

maybe B is an android and can make exact copies of objects presented to her without knowing what they're good for?

I would give it to child A. Child A is the only one who can add value to the world using it. CHild B created it for child A to play, if child B only created it to serve her own selfish ego then fuck em.

Child C can get gassed.

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>Which child would your mommy choose?
B. It's her property. Also gas C

No one has a right to live. If you can’t take care of yourself you die unless someone, out of the goodness of their heart, helps you out

No one is entitled to life or survival. It is earned

anything else is a violation of property rights

!!!!! I ams poochless

>so which form of socialist are you?

I can use your money that you created better than you so I am entitled to it

you are ignoring the FACT that B or C maybe are wanting to learn how to play it, if you give it to A and only A, then you would contribute to an aesthetic monopoly, which is also bad, B and C has the right to Learn to play it, so A can teach them, B should be economically compensated to build it and she has the right to own a factory, C has no more legal right to has it that being part of a musical academy or as a luthier. This question is so fucking retarded i could write even more..

>B doesn't get paid for making a flute
>will never make a flute again

pedo jokes have always been a part of Jow Forums you stupid moral faggotry
let me guess you found this place because of LE EPIC TWITTER RAIDS ON LE PEDOS
stupid moral faggotry

I'd put the flute in my bum, and see who wants it afterwards.

derp. A.


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Then B definitely should not get it as androids don't need things.


Pay child B to make a bunch of cheap flutes. Stamp my flute brand on them. Sell them on Amazon to the other two kids.


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Isn't it exciting?

B didn´t invented the fucking flute, you retard.
Also, no one things like B, thats why capitalism exist, people who have knowledge about something can monetize it.
For a "1st world country" poster, you are too dumb, go eat an african cock, you know nothing about logic.

Clear answer
B made it and never gave it away as part of his contract within any system
B was probably planning to use it 2
Any other option is pure theft and degeneracy


Flute goes to child B. Child B sells Flute to child A. Then they gas child C as child C is a worthless subhuman parasite.

>Implying I have a choice

settle down mehmet

none of this shit makes sense, its a false equivalency
if the company makes no money, its useless
not being able to play the flute doesnt make the flute worthless, it can be sold to someone else

Except B is compensated you fucking double nigger

the fuck. he needs to be taken out back and shot

I'd give the one who actually owns it the Flute. In this case it would be the middle child.

you have to go back

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if i don't need something it should be stolen from me?

If it was something essential like food or shelter I’d give it to C, but since it’s just a fucking flute B gets to keep it.

how's epstein's island treating you?

if you are a true capitalist then you would convince B to SELL it to A, and to B to work at B`s factory to BUY one and PAY to A for lessons.
B earns money and generates work and industrial knowledge
A earns money by teaching music
C got a work and the possibility to learn
is that so difficult? you motherfucker don´t even understand capitalism.

fucking commies

why? what harm do I do to anyone?

>hurr durr Flutes = currency or credit

B gets paid in the reward of seeing her tool used to better the world in the hands of a genius flute player.

Do you guys seriously really prefer personal property and greed over beautiful classical music?

Here's a better question, the world is overpopulated and we need to use the remaining food to feed 10% of the population and the other 90% starve to death. Do you save the top producing farmers and scientists or do you save the matweavers and shoemakers? Sometimes you need to make sacrafices in order for civilization to reach its potential.

Why do ancap types always make some ridiculous argument and say it applies in every single situation? Money or food = flutes. Mom and pop hardware shop = multinational conglomerate. What is wrong with you people?

Ancaps BTFO how will they ever recover?

you are so fucking dumb, C can get a work and pay for one, that how capitalism works

no wonder why you didn´t read it, Italy is the European Venezuela.

I never thought I would post this again.

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PS, GIving it to child B teaches A and B the wrong lesson. It teaches child B that ownership is the only thing that matters, and it teaches A that there's no hope in learning a fine art because society doesn't value it.
Telloing B to let A play it for 10 minutes teaches them both the right lesson, child A that people appreciate your true effort in the arts provided you study ahrd, and B that there is more to life than ownership, like sharing, and beauty.

CHild C can still get gassed

>Do you guys seriously really prefer personal property and greed over beautiful classical music?
If the kid is that good at playing, surely some music lover will buy them a flute instead of stealing it.

you dont. however to improve humanity aberrant genes must be cleansed. your pedo genes need to die with you. pedos get the rope. sorry mohamad

shit is not in my genes. i just spent to much time on 4chin.

In the example there is only 1 flute, and there is only 1 person who can play it, and there is me, the decision maker. Child A playing the flute, if only for a few minutes will show child B there is more to life than ownership and greed, and child A that being an artist aloof in a high castle is useless without an audience to appreciate what you create.

T. art school student who gave up everything for my art and is now forced to make a living in computers because no one appreciates my art form I spent years and years dedicating my life to. I would be so happy if the Waltons bought me a house to life in and a place to perform..

i have been here longer than you and feel nothing but revulsion and disgust at pedo faggotry. Also God is with me. also i said taken out back and shot. not beaten to death or burned as you deserve. it is a mercy killing. now be a good lad and neck yourself. save me the effort.

no, your image is retarded and tries to support commies
literally YOU: the commie

>It teaches child B that ownership is the only thing that matters
Why would B make a flute if she wasn't aiming at having it played by someone in the first place? just do look at it? No. Surely B wants the flute to be played. So why is she fighting over it? Maybe because she just wants compensation for her work. A could pay and B would be fine with handing it over.

I'd break the flute and paddle all 3 of them for bothering me with stupid shit.

if child B is dumb enough to relinquish the flute without proper compensation then that child is an idiot and deserves a paddling

if Child A and B aren't willing to work for the things they want and refuse to compensate the person creating it they're essentially behaving like niggers and that needs to be beaten out of them.

>T. art school student
how does it feel to learn something that will never meaningfully contribute or advance society

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apparently you can just up and move to nevada, """IT'S A FREE CUNTREE AFTUR AWL"""

B is literally Communism. Muh means of production.

The correct answer is whichever child will pay the highest for the flute can have it.

> i was to arrogant/stupid to spend my time learning a profitable skill waaaaaahhhh lifes not fair
would you like a free helicopter ride friend?

>Which child would your mommy choose?
Share the fucking flute.

>T. art school student who gave up everything for my art and is now forced to make a living in computers because no one appreciates my art form I spent years and years dedicating my life to. I would be so happy if the Waltons bought me a house to life in and a place to perform..
God, you sound like a faggot. Maybe your art is just shit. How would the state be better at recognizing the "true value" of your art than the free market?

IT feels shitty desu. I have other marketable skills, but the time I spent dedicating my life to an art form feels wasted. I feel disgusted when I listen to what's on the radio today, and when I hear bands in bars. WHy do people eat up all this shit??? But I digress.

>Pay up if you want to use the flute GOY
>You can perform in my bar if you pay us to let you perform GOY

DESU I would say "child B you should let child A use the flute for 10 minutes, listen to her play, then she will give it back to you" and make sure she gives it back. If child B doesn't oblige, she's a jew.

Me too /a/

Let's get serious here. Would anyone actually give it to A or C? Is anyone here that retarded?

A child is the government
B child is the Yoeman Farmer
C child is a welfare city boy cuck

A obviously, the other children can go fuck themselves.

C, he is a male and so automatically deserves it. If you're asked to think logically he still deserves it. A already knows how to play a flute so likely owns multiple, she doesn't need anymore

B is a liar, she's a pre-pubescent child, she didn't craft, provide the matierals for, or have anything to do with the construction of the flute.

C deserves it, he could learn to play the flute and would be infinitely happier if he had something to distract him from his impoverished unfortunate life. He is also male and so even if he had no argument at all the flute should rightfully come into his possession should it be given away. He could also sell it depending on its worth to improve his position in life