Portland Patriot Prayer Is Live

Proud Boys vs Antifa



Attached: antifa knocked out 2.webm (1500x844, 2.78M)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: Kujou.Karen.(Kiniro.Mosaic).full.1931399.jpg (900x1198, 694K)

cuck squeezed out like a spot


Nothing good is going to happen. Will be a nothingburger.

gloobtube is up

>He didn't punch that roasty

Is it An-TEE-fa? Anty-FAH? Or ANT-iffa?

Huh, I always thought it was an-TIFF-a

Learn something new everyday

Antifa looks like a collective of drama club, art students, and band from high school.

Any excitement yet or just chanting commies/patriotards


why no pin? faggot mods.

Why are people always protesting in Portland? Just burn the west coast down.

DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT NIG NOG WHO SAID black lives matter black panthers unite?

Lets find out who he is, anyone got the feed where we can screencap his face.

Here we go, both sides are armed, RACE WAR NOW!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 135245322.jpg.png (250x250, 53K)

on the scanner, there is a pursuit.
Any live news streams have it?

Tim Pool: youtube.com/watch?v=yL7T4c8iaZA

Daily reminder that a brown-shirt group exists.

Attached: NewAwakening.webm (592x454, 1.74M)

Based AND redpilled

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this is now /nsg/ thread

Attached: logo.png (403x400, 243K)

These proudboy faggots are the literal definition domesticated of good goy conservacucks. There whole fucking agenda seems to be feel-good liberalism with a """patriotic""" twist. They even have a token uncle tom nigger talking about how "hateful" and "racist" the left is.

Christianity is used to domesticate goys.

Feel-good childish bullshit is believed by the retarded or the cowardly.

Never fall for the feel-good bullshit Jow Forums. Always hate and endure pain/struggle.

Attached: 1443817191165.gif (499x250, 798K)

This is boring no wonder the police never do their jobs

What ever happened to that Antifa fag?

Stop making new threads nigger


>fucking hugging

What is going on

That's what I'm saying. There are genuine groups with a plan that are aiming to be something bigger than going to retarded rallies and screaming "YOU ARE A FUCKING FASCIST MAN!" then someone from the other crowd screams back "SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU'RE THE REAL FASCIST!".

Join NewAwakening today.

>pic related

Attached: 5b6102c5b22fd.jpg (1200x900, 139K)

Just a bunch of basedboy commies and cuckservatives yelling at each other


Attached: 18856576576.jpg (708x1000, 66K)

Here we go!

I don't know it's autistic as fuck. These people wouldn't know real civil unrest if it was in a bottle mixed with petrol and sugar lit with a rag and thrown at their face.

These "conservatives" are literally liberals with American flags and noxious neo-con pseudo-patriotism. They are filthy liberal rats with no race awareness or knowledge of zionism.

Complete controlled op conserva-cucks.

Finally, gloomtube turns on the fun music.

are they gonna fight or what? i wont be staring at a youtube stream all day

No chance it's being streamed on porn hub because of all the pussies exposed.

What a queer

Proudboys and ANTIFA are both Zionist controlled opposition.

Attached: proudboys.png (414x687, 521K)

Jow Forums is zionist controlled opposition.

Attached: 4chan redpill.jpg (802x1024, 150K)

shut the fuck up. go away. It would be much better if you left the movement. There are so few white nats. And you want to divide the only support the movement has.

So fuck off. God to the deep web with your schizophrenia

ill watch the high light reels in the morning i dont need to waste my time watching cringeburgers loiter and seek belonging fuck that

That was a baton he whacked the guys head with.
Listen for how loud the crack of the skull is, and watch the antifa's shoulder/arm recoil from the impact.
That patriot victim has at best a serious concussion, possibly much worse.

why would you link that weak ass shit

get the fuck out of here
