Shaun King

Seems there might be something to it, they must have turned up something suspicious when they spoke to his kids, right?

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So he neglected to do his job assuming she would do all the work. Maybe he is black after all.


Well now he knows the consequences of being disingenuous in your intentions. Hope he learns his lesson.

Take the chalkniggers kids away, who gives a shit.

Raising white kids as black amounts to neglect.

quick rundown

He was probably beating his wife and kids because he believes his wife cheated on him with a white guy.

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That was a quick climb down?

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they got tgether and filed a child protection services alert on this guy based on images of him smoking weed that his child took. guess there was something they found that was substansial because now the big daddy govt(that this guy fights and believes in as a lefist) gets to take his kids away. the lulz basicalay irregardlessly

Maybe spending so much time on social media he didn't see his wife is a crackhead.

Talcum X is bleaching his own kids, calling it


>pretend negro beats/abuses his kids
you know its pretend because he lives with his kids, but he beats them to keep up with the facade

he tweeted that he won't let them talk to the kids and so they're doing it the hard way
it's another episode of niggers don't know how to act around authorities except without the niggers

wat will he do when cps sells his kids to satanic cabal and their ritual sacrifice blood libelous? wump wump

Any normal person keeps these things to themselves and lets it pass if there’s nothing to worry about.

A person who has done something wrong and feels bad about it would probably cooperate as well.

Shaun’s behaviour is usually reserved for someone that has not only done something wrong, but is also unwilling to own up to it and wants to twist reality and claim victimhood in order to get an angry mob to come defend him and obfuscate reality so he can get away with something wrong he did.

Sounds like they are shutting down the remains of BLM for good now. That other chap got shot by one of his own. The girl leader is in jail iirc. Now Talcum is being ruined even further than he managed the job himself.

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This is brilliant whoever did this, do Sarah jeong next.

>man pretends to be black so hard he begins actually beating his children

I laughed, I cried!

Well, I think Shaun just found out that the authorities have authority. On a serious note, I doubt it will come to anything. The level of neglect and abuse it takes to get CPS really involved is astronomical.

wonder what put them under suspicion of neglect? I figured the welfare check by cps was some troll report but they must have found something. Maye the original report to cps was an actual legit one.

>>>>reverse chronological order

Yes, but just the taints


They don’t serve you papers for “investigations.” He’s lying about something

tbf if someone from cps came to see my kids they would be told to leave, and if they didn't, would get a bullet.

i ain't letting some pedo fuck traffick my kids into hell

And yet you would do the one thing that would make you lose your kids to them. Smart!

of course he's lying when is that wigger not lying

>I will allow no authority to speak to my children
The first fucking sentence and he’s already a criminal, he really might be black. His twitter rant is going to allow them to take his kids against his will


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If CPS is knocking on my door, regular joe schmoe who slightly spoils his kids, they are being taken regardless of what i do


snowbama btfo

they tried to interview the kids first and he wouldn't allow it
all they had to do was head the kids say it's bull and all this would be over
but his refusal to deal with a 15min meeting means by law cps has to try to go get a court order to see the kids
so they're taking him to a judge hence the papers
it still may all be nothing and the judge may tell cps to fuck off
but he's in for a headache

How about calling your lawyer and not starting a rant in Twitter?
Is he stupid or pathological attention whore?


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You let them interview the kids first, dummy. If they want to take them away afterwards that’s when you take out our gun.

Doing it before that just puts you in he worst case scenario before you even know if you can get out of it quietly.

what's the problem, shaun? why are you going to go through all that trouble with attorneys and friends when you could just do the interview and have it all settled in what i assume would be half hour or less?


Dis be anotha case of sytemic structures of institutional systems.

tl;dr take a kid from da baby momma? Das Rayciss

If he were white it wouldn't be happening. Oh, wait....

I don't buy his excuse that he won't let them talk to his kids because he's being defiant.
If he had nothing to hide, he would let them do their job, and get it over with. Someone probably saw something, and he's desperately trying to deflect from it.

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LEL fuck talcum x

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>Martin Luther Cream will become a black statistic by the end of this month

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Never let them interview your kids, these are literal retards with a social work degree thinking they’re changing the world. Tell them under no circumstances are they allowed to speak to your children without their legal council present. It’ll cause you a headache but they can’t say no

Has anyone confirmed if this is real? Or has Mr. Kang not had a twitter notification in awhile so he's gotta stir up some shit.

Wait what exactly did he do?

>Criminal neglect
Did he leave a 5 year old home alone or something like that?

>Do you know who I am?!
LMAOing at his life, he is one of the biggest nobodies ever and only got his precious blue checkmark because he threw himself into the whole BLM garbage at the time

He imagines the Twitter outrage machine will somehow come to his rescue and make the charges go away. Also, he'd probably like to find some suckers to pay for his lawyers when/if it comes to that.

Never speak to me or my kids again!

Who thought filing false reports was a good idea?

why is he spewing all this on twitter lmao. maybe he really is black cause he's being real stupid.

You can straight up get a check mark by sending them a picture of your drivers license, it isn’t an accomplishment since like 2016

Could he not also sue for damages if it was wrong?


post his wife

Enjoy never seeing them again.

That is nigger tier behavior.

Parents need to understand that your children do not give you carte blanche to chimpout on people.

You are the primary example to your children, act like a fucking responsible adult not like a fucking nigger.

What brings me comfort is that if you do behave like this, your daughters will eventually either be on the pole or spreading their legs for every melanin enriched individual that passes into their range of vision, you subhuman.

>oy vey how dare you fight against the rape of your children

>how else will i get victims to sacrifice

get fucked

You’d have to prove they were willfully defaming you which is a pain, then again I really don’t know how much free gibs he gets so he could just waste all that money on principle. all they’d have to say is I thought this was what I saw so I reacted accordingly

No, they have a legal obligation to check out every complaint. He can't sue them for that.
I think he's saying someone made it up because he loves being seen as a victim.

>I have a twitter account and once appeared on local news, how could she not know who I am?

>mistakes fetal alcohol syndrome for being black

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He worshiped big Gobermint

Now he is learning that big gobermint dont care who it fucks, as long as it gets to fuck someone

Perhaps he will rethink his views a bit, highly doubt it though. Fraud Kang is an ignorant wannabe nigger shill.

He loves big intrusive government, and he will continue to love big intrusive government.

I do not pitty talcum x

He makes enough money to live in an NYC building with a doorman? The Post doesn't pay THAT well, and he spent the money off the Morehouse scholarship years ago. He must have stolen more of that sweet BLM dosh than Deray said he did.

He's probably terrified they're going to give his kids a DNA test and have it be on public record that they're half white.

I understand not wanting to let CPS interview your kids without witness. That’s why at most you allow them to do it in a room with a nanny cam.

this but unironically and without a memeflag faggotry garbage shit

If you arent under investigation how do you know youre safe?

why is he so scared for them to talk to his kids? probably molests them


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>I asked her if she knew who I was at all.
>She said she didn't.


whoever said Americans couldn't banter?

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What if shawn kang becomes a republican when he realizes this is the result of the establishment hes been shilling for all this time and his life is a lie?

Why do you think he is so "passionate" about the cause? Dude fucked kids and now he is getting blackmailed.

Lefties getting btfo by lefty laws, love it

Based Texas

>be white
>raise your kid and try to trick em into thinking they are niggers

how is it NOT child abuse?

> do you know who I am?
How full of yourself do you have to be to actually say this out loud?
All this will do is make them hate you more.

Exactly. As a Free Sovereign Citizen of Earth all civil servents are required to fellate you immediately upon request. It’s sad more people don’t know this.

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Nobody. Look at our fucking president we are kings of the bant

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The 1st thing any competent lawyer will tell you is that when you’re under investigation for something you should post every single update in he situation on social media.

seriously, all you got to do is let them walk thru your house and speak to the kid for a second and they will go. You also don't have to talk to them either but that's just prolonging the trouble. Neglect is pretty serious, if they're not guilty(IE strung out of the couch for days on heroin) then it would be done & over with in less than 5 minutes. They don't care that you smoke weed, maybe not around the children but that's not something to be afraid of. They rarely remove children just because a parent is using drugs, its in conjuncture with something else like neglect.

It's kind of like how nogs could out of trouble with police a lot easier without the attitude but sometimes they just won't shut up to the point that they need to be shut up.

They even give you time to get your shit together unless you’re doing some really fucked up shit to the kids.

Time to burn you fucking race baiting agitating piece of shit.

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People don't seem to understand the amount of neglect and child abuse that goes on in this country, CPS has to investigate every report because of liability because if they child later dies it's a HUGE shitshow for the whole agency. To remove a child you need a court order, you have to be doing something wrong. They leave far more children in bad situations that fall underneath the current standards of neglect/abuse/etc which are constantly changing and not linearly.

Sometimes they say that they're taking to many children, most don't go there(the first choice is always the custody of another family member) but foster care has the reputation it does for reason even tho imo its has some of the most selfless giving people that participate but there's the flip side who do it for the money. So something bad happens to a kid in foster care, all the sudden new guidelines make it almost impossible to remove children so they don't. Child dies after not being removed, huge shitshow, CPS gets a surge of funding, guidelines change again.

The difference between the junkie parents and regular folks is pretty big, I would not be worried about ever being found guilty of neglect. Now rich and middle class families do abuse their children too, I'm sorry to the lolbertarians here but I believe in protecting children from physical and sexual abusers.

>Pulling the "do you know who I am?" card on Child services

Fucking kek'd. No wonder Talcum X identifies as a nigger. He's just as fucking dumb as they are.

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Only person getting a bullet is you when the cops come and plug your dumb ass. Keep on boomin' though.

What about Degay?

>Shaun King
>Still LARPing as a nigger.
>Lies just like one.
>The twist is,he's fucking white pretending to be a nigger.
>Shaun King is another Rachel Dolezal that has yet to be exposed.
>No one dares uses the info of Shaun King being white against him.
I'm ashamed of you Jow Forums.The fucker hates it when you Tweet pic related to him.

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I hope they rip his family apart. Seriously.

Shh don't tell the average retard this. You're giving away inside information. Everyone KNOWS what cps is really like cause they've seen law and order, or had a relative lose their child over nothing (when the truth is their home was a fucking meth den and due to privacy laws we can't exactly broadcast why.)

>they got together and

>Talcum X

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He really is white

Top kek. This is how intelligent people can tell he's hiding something

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>Don't you know who I am? I have a BLUE CHECK MARK on TWITTER!