There's a problem that demands our attention, it's not a problem that's as easy to fix as merely naming the jew

There's a problem that demands our attention, it's not a problem that's as easy to fix as merely naming the jew.

That is since the election Jow Forums has undeniably been getting exponentially dumber, if I had to put a number on it I'd say the board as a whole has dropped 20 IQ points.
It might be the Jews, it might be the democrats, maybe the boomers or the redditors or the shitskins it doesnt matter
it doesn't change the fact that THIS (pictured) is undeniable nigger babble. You have let your hatred of (((experts))) convince you to throw all logical processing out of the window, not a shred of evidence is quoted, nor study linked THIS is the norm for argumentation now.

Drink it in.

>if u believe x then ur a dumb dumb me hate u
>Theories aren't collections of knowledge about natural phenomena via the scientific method
>Muddying the water of Israeli and jewish crimes with needless rothschild tinfoiling (pro tip the second a normie hears rothschild they have switched off and no longer care about anything you say)
>Americans are immortal and always have been
>Prove me a negative
>you must be one of these 3 arbitrary groups I hate
>durr hurr audism

so here's my solution, I will lend my expertise to the rabble, I will show you how to construct an argument step by step.

Jow Forums has been successful in the past, and no it wasn't the memes as people like to say
It was that we were right.
Don't forsake that.

Attached: SENDHELP.png (1299x667, 260K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jow Forums was always dumb

Why did the IQ sink? It’s because of shitskins

>Jow Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flies are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here

>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs

Attached: FDBA0784-ACCF-42B2-9491-B1664599E30E.jpg (883x606, 127K)

This dude knows


Attached: 7CA27864-6F42-44BF-9F78-8F7E718095A8.jpg (542x623, 287K)

HOLYSHIT I’m redpilled now reddit, you did it!

Attached: 64528594-C4D3-439D-9014-F75AF5243639.png (30x30, 2K)

Gravity is a natural force, not a theory. It's the law of gravity. Why is that even in there?

I keep leaving because of the constant FBI flooding and infighting, the creation of the mutt meme created a lot of mess here and i think made a lot of people leave, we were at our peak during the elections/just after elections

does anyone else feel the same, all this flooding thinned our ranks?

Rule 1: Ad hominem is acceptable, but not as the centerpiece of your argument, if your entire post revolves around calling someone a faggot you better be sure it's just bait.

Rule 2: (for appealing to normalfags) Make a sound argument and THEN name the jew/nigger/liberal, whatever boogeyman you like, if you name the boogeyman first the person you're speaking to has likely already dismissed you, give them reason not to.

Rule 3: Get off your ass and link studies (((google))) scholar is literally the easiest shit to use, if you don't bother to find evidence then you don't actually know that you're right, you're probably basing your entire belief system on feels or whatever your favourite eceleb tells you


*looks at meme flag*

It’s cause of the gullible dumb ass moderate boomers flooding the board.


Victory in the meme war has defeated Jow Forums

Now most here are complete newfag larpers and normie that are, for some reason, allowed to post and reply without being eviscerated by the more politically and chan-experienced anons.

Jow Forums, here on Jow Forums, may have lost a lot of it's sharpness but the anons that made up old Jow Forums are still out there somewhere.


Why is pol so reluctant to follow that rule? You fags want to believe larps, you don’t actually care about the truth

"Theory: In science, a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses."

Rule 4: Even wikipedia is better than no source, if you're writing a thesis or researching past the needs of the layman then wikipedia is a no go, but for an internet argument the only lies wikipedia tells are those of obfuscation, so its fine.

Rule 5: Call others out on bad arguments, I'm not talking specific fallacies because that's just as lazy and nonintellectual, when you see someone who can't justify his own beliefs, roast him for it and embarrass him and make him learn the truth rather than just hearsay.

Rule 6: Attack the center of your opponents argument, it's extremely easy to pick something apart, the most obvious examples are grammatical errors and typos but also having a number slightly wrong or exaggerated, if the number used and the actual number dont differ by 50%, it's not worth calling.


I have been on Jow Forums since it started and left shortly after Trump was elected and just recently came back. The election brought so much attention here that it became extremely diluted and then I guess people like me made it worse by leaving.

I feel like most anons thrive in the dark and in the shit. It makes us work harder and stick together better.

>"Theory: In science, a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses."
Correct. Keyword incorporate. Laws can be incorporated into theories. But theories aren't laws. They often, however, use laws.
>A bunch of irrelevant nonsense
Ok. Yes. Jow Forums is getting dumber.

>Get off your ass and link studies

And don't forget to provide and archive link as well as highlights of the article/study/etc. in your post to give people a reason to want to read further

Just remember that actually beleivers of this ideology have to come in every now and then and post, we need to fill some of this space with our ideas and we need to defend them at times, whenever i see other right wingers lose on here i try to step in in provide what i can, it may sound cringey but i think we have an obligation to post and defend what we believe in here, at least from time to time

This along with TITS OR GTFO are extremely useful rules that people no longer respect, we must reclaim this level of common sense.
Every single one of the posts in the picture used their real flags, 'meme flag' posters are certainly no dumber than the average american flag or union jack poster, stop with this garbage.

Rule 7: LEARN YOUR SHIT, don't wait for an argument to start to verify what you think you know, backing up your arguments should be a matter of "I'll use that study, let me find a link" and not "oh shit oh shit i gotta find a study that supports me quick", and just so you know this scrambling is really obvious from the extra time it takes and you look like a total tool.

Rule 8: Stop claiming superiority for believing things you cannot possibly confirm.
It's pathetic
Believe in any (((God))) you want to but you still must accept that your belief system is that of faith, if there is no logical reason to believe what you believe then by definition the intelligent are less likely to believe in it.

Rule 9: Pick up your meme game, this is a side issue but seriously if I see one more boomer facebook tier 'hoppean snake memes' meme I'll pop a blood vessel, this type of safe for work kid gloves meme doesnt belong on Jow Forums. We have to be edge to get peoples attention.

10: Finally, leave it to the (((experts))).
If you see 2 people arguing and they seriously seem to know their shit (rare these days) don't jump in unless you know your shit up, down and back to front, throwing a bump for good threads is always encouraged though.

he doesnt know about the new place.

true, don't forget to archive jew sites, if you don't its gonna lead to countless 'ARCHIVE THIS KIKE SHIT' posts and water down the actual argument.

anyway that's it, those few of you that I have reached please take these rules to heart and think back on how to really win an argument. Don't participate in the special Olympics of current pol discourse.
Rise above

union jack posters are meme flaggots, now show your flag it's so gay to hide like that

Yea, I do actually kinda feel bad for not being here because when I came back it felt so different. I really miss Jow Forums and would love to see it make a comeback here on Jow Forums.

I think something else that has made a difference here is the old guard has actually gotten older. We have actual lives outside of imageboards and the internet and it's hard to live the life of a traditional husband and father and be a part of the internet hate machine. I guess I always hoped the next generation of anons would kind of seamless take over but how I see that they have been let down by us. We did not actually teach them how to be a real Jow Forumsack without constant moderation by us. And then when things got to watered down we left.

My flag is the Union Flag however I refuse to remove this one. if you truly believe flying the swastika is an act of cowardice you are living your life backwards.

Yeah, Trump has been a pretty good president, but he hasn't been a good enough Jow Forums president to be worth our opening of the floodgates, it's kind of an ironic reflection of western society in some ways.

Here is a picturized version of the things I outlined in this thread, obviously I can't make you do anything but if you want to stem the iq bleeding from Jow Forums then I believe saving this or something similar and spreading it around is the best course of action.
and no, theres no watermark faggotry or anything, I just want to make Jow Forums great again.

Attached: pol guidelines.png (606x2045, 85K)

Fixed a typo

Attached: pol guidelines.png (606x2045, 28K)

Show your flag before we continue talking firend

being prompted to remove the swastika and doing so would violate my core principles

Regardless I'll be leaving the thread now, if you see this image around in the future its almost certainly me since the thread died before I finished the image, ask me whatever you wish then if you like

That's why I rarely post here anymore or any of the chans for that matter. This is the first post I've made here in about 2 weeks and I've been a lot happier not arguing with retards all day.

Another memeflag opinion

This is what I'm talking about. Who cares what kind of flag someone decides to use.

god what is it with pussy "intellectuals" like you who unironically want to debate your sworn enemy, what are you going to do to them? roll the red carpet all the way to Auschwitz for them?

the mods refuse to moderate properly. what do you expect?

its summer right now, stop getting your panties in a twist you bitch

this is a joke right

You know what though? I have noticed less international flags lately
It just seems to be 5 eyes countries and a few poos. It used to be the United nations of shitpostng. Where the fuck is everyone

Don't get baited so easily, it's in the OP m8

Dumb shitskin detected, hiding your Indian flag eh?

Attached: 1D23B71F-C72B-48C3-8D2A-EF99F6313A0B.jpg (870x488, 90K)

bumb for attention