Why are elite whites playing along with Jews to mongrelize Europe?

Why don't they recognize Jews will just cast them all out at the end and make only themselves leaders? Makes no sense.

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they are outnumberes, and they would be "suicided" if tried to gain control

to become "elite" in this world you more or less have to make a pact with the devil (and the jews). you want to be rich, have power, fame? you can only get this if jews allow it and for them to allow it, you must not only prove to be a valuable slave to them.

so, they DO know of the jews, they DO know what's going on, the DO help because they already lost their souls.

like muslims are helping the jews by imigrating and destroying europe and doing the will of the devil.

that's how it is.


kai murros explains it starting at 29:00

Most of them are psychopath who only care for power and sex
The rest are too afraid to make a move, and prefer to enjoy the ride

I often wonder if the political and financial elite are even human. Don't they feel bad for having unlimited resources while others go hungry and live in squalor? Don't they feel bad for the gradual ethnic replacement of their native territories? Don't they feel bad for ignoring their constituents and acting on behalf of other elite? They aren't human- don't even let the thought cross your mind.

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>and sex
Angela gets laid a lot?

Gib milkies.

they're not 'playing along' they're obeying their masters .

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She sexually molests the refugees

How do you control them, in a typical scenario?

I have noticed it's the elite and the jews getting mongrelized at the highest rate also. What a pity...

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control the goyim ?, their elites are already under control we have nothing to worry about .

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when in doubt, remember that G.B. Shaw quote.

Kys kike

>if you cant beat them, join them

tfw you control the entire global financial system but still can't prevent your granddaughter from being BLACKED.

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European elites aren't as cohesive and tribal as kikes, so they cannot coordinate effectively for their own interests. Any sign that European elites were beginning to coordinate amongst themselves or with their own lower classes would result in their immediate denunciation as nazis.


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>Why are elite whites playing along with Jews to mongrelize Europe?
If you look into it, people like Merkel are truly indoctrinated with Communist ideology. She was on the eastern side of the wall before it came down. Others are looking for their own "slice of the pie," as it were....

All in all, there hasn't been anyone (but Trump and Farage) to really draw blood from the Jews and their cabal. Some people are still hesitant to join them because the believe this is only a "one time loss" on their side. If Trump wins again, it'll show serious change in public opinion and you'll probably begin to see people jump ship rather quickly. With that being said, America is lost. It'll never be a white continent again. Anyone who honestly believes it will, has never done the math. Just look up the demographics for each country in the Americas, then do a "white population vs. non-white population" comparison. Idealists for the Americas are rather naive. With that being said, there is still time to save Euro-Siberia. That is more than enough space to graciously accommodate our peoples and allow fruitful growth that would easily allow us to dominate the world if we got back to basics (God, family, education, nation).

From the 1950's onward, we became a hedonistic peoples that went from quite literally ruling the world without any serious opposition whatsoever, to being completely in danger of annihilation. Make no mistake, a "race war" right now would probably kill our people.

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>and that's a good thing!
by the way i've been wanting to ask an eurofag for a while now, but is balder.org/index.php blocked in your country?


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by the way just a warning, but that website is extremely antisemitic, it makes Jow Forums seem like childplay, if it worries you that it may call a visit from the police don't open the link

>Why are elite whites playing along with Jews to mongrelize Europe?
money, they think they are better than normies so they fuck their own race and themselves in the process.

>I often wonder if the political and financial elite are even human
i had an asshole renting an apartment, he never paid rent and he badmouthed everyone, he was also extremely regressive. after i threw him out he went on to become a politician

>Why don't they recognize Jews will just cast them all out at the end and make only themselves leaders? Makes no sense.

M m m m m m m m m m m m m money..

>America is lost. It'll never be a white continent again.

I still hope we will be ethnically cleansing the muds off our land. Make America White Again.

Many reasons.
Some are mad about what whites, and no other race ever, did: sacrifice theirselves and fight each other in favour of other races (abolish slavery, treat other races like equals, etc). So probably they want not only a punishment but a new pseudo-feudalist era with a new mongrel race.
Some are christians who believe in prophetic scriptures and actually think that helping the jews will bring back the Messiah.
Some are just in it for the money.
Some are just dumb and indoctrinated.

Powerful families have been using their less valuable members to cement alliances with...distasteful...elements for millennia.

Hope is nothing more than what an individual who can't do anything does.

They're blackmailed pedos, blackmailed and marshalled into power. They didn't start diddling kids after getting the power, they got the power because they were pedos with a harvard/oxbridge degree and they made a deal with intelligence agencies holding the info over their head.

this is actually a good idea, if i were (((them))) I would get dirt on my subordinates in a way that guaranteed their distruction should they ever try to turn against my hand, which getting content of them committing acts of pedophilia/cannibalism/rape would essentially do
I would also make sure to seek ruthless self-interested psychopaths that pretty much see people like cattle


Yeah well considering that rapper is someone I had never heard of before I'm guessing it's more of a case of her loving the BBC.

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Because richness is just a measure which gets dictated by poorness.
The richest can only be as rich compared to the poorest. See all the socialist shitholes, there's still super rich people there. Why? Because the super rich will never be poor.
They don't give a fuck if Europe or America or any first world country is poor as shit, they'll have their gated communities playing golf and having poor people as subordinates.

this isnt only the fate of the U.S.
The whole west will eventually be lost if we dont go full btfo-shitskin mode. which obviously is more than unrealistic. the international jewry had roughly 70 years to rampage the west basically freely, this cant be reversed in just 10 years. the resistance is strong. to get trump into office shows that there are still ways, but to be honest in the big picture it doesnt look to good, like really not good at all.