ITT we post redpills

Here is the hardest redpill to swallow;

I don't want to waste a lot of time typing so I'll make it short. Western civilization doesn't exist. It is a construct of the Renaissance era. It was made up in the Renaissance era by italians who fantasized about the Romans and greeks too much. They believed that "western civilization" was based upon the thought of ancient greek philosophers. And they initially thought that the homeland of western civilization was Italy and it is vicinity. This evolved to become Europe when the white race thing picked up.

The Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates among many other countless non-European states have adopted greek thought long before the Renaissance. Does that make them western countries? Muʿtazila islam's fundamentals are nearly identical to the ancient greek philosophers. So is it "western"? Same thing with Averroism which was wide spread the medieval islamic world.

The Greeks and Romans didn't consider themselves to be western. They considered themselves to be part of the civilized world. Meaning they would have preferred to be associated with the Persians rather than any other European tribesmen.

If the west would have ever existed. It would have came to be during the Renaissance and enlightenment eras not during the Greek or Roman ones. It is at these eras that the modern "west" and it is philosophies became solidified in western Europe and some of their colonies. That is why Sweden is western. Because it partook and got influenced by the Philosophers of the Renaissance and enlightenment, not ancient Greece or Rome.

Our world was always more connected than most assume. Although it is true that not all of our world was connected. Generally speaking once we connect we start sharing ideas. It is about geography, the more geographically close to each other the more similar we are. And today, the world is a small village. bound to assimilate.

There is no types of civilizations. There is only human civilization.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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And before I get called a kike or a cuck, let me say this to the dumbos. What we should fight for should be based on ethnic and cultural lines and not based on a made type of civilization. Just lol if you do that desu! I am a nationalist but I only care about Germany and countries that should be part of Germany. I don’t give fuck what happen to the rest of the world. Including the so called “western countries”. Anyone who understands and is aware of history would agree with me.

I'd fuck that chick in the OP

>Western civilization doesn't exist. It is a construct of the Renaissance era.
Wrong, its a construct of the Battle of Salamis.

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Absolutely true. But most people posting on this board have never read a single history book in their lives. So you are waising your time. Just migrate to /his/.

i think the meaningful distinction is against the far east, which is also a civilization but is pretty divorced from the west/med's ideas about all that.

I agree. To be honest I had similar thoughts and ideas but you finally put them to words and affirmed them for me. I want all rightful Dutch clay. That includes Flanders. Belgium shouldn’t be a country desu.

Doesn't matter, Germans are going to be extinct soon.

>There is no types of civilizations. There is only human civilization.

Agreed fellow white man. Has your daughter received her daily allotment of nigger semen today?

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Fantastic. Now write this again but in G*rman.

>Western civilization doesn't exist. It is a construct of the Renaissance era.

You have it exactly wrong. Western civilization has existed even longer than most people imagine, in fact it's existed since about 3000 BC with the rise of the Sumerian City-States. Over time that civilization has developed and spread first westward especially to Greece and Italy and then North, and then around the entire globe.

> "western civilization" was based upon the thought of ancient greek philosophers

Well they're right to the extent that all Western CIvilizaiton has been influenced by the Greek Philosophers since they existed

>Does that make them western countries?

Sort of but this is offset by their backwards Arabic/Bedouin roots which have turned all Islamic countries into backwards inbred shitholes.

>The Greeks and Romans didn't consider themselves to be western.

Actually they did in the since that to the east was Asia (named ironically after the Ind-Europeans tribes of Anatolia the Assuwa).

And yes Greeks definitely considered themselves to be separate from the "eastern autocrats" as did the Romans.

>Renaissance and enlightenment, not ancient Greece or Rome.

>There is no types of civilizations. There is only human civilization.

lmao , there are many different types of civilization only someone totally ignorant of history would claim otherwise.

Here is also something supremely important that many people here probably don't think about.

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You should fight for your race first everything else is insignificant.

Holy shit, this is some of the most psudeo-smart, jargon-filled nonsense I've ever read. The saddest part about this post is that OP thinks it's clever and he actually spent time on it.

Go read some books you retarded autist.

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So, do you care about Poland or not?

Ancient Sumerian 1 millennium BC

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>western civilization is a social construct
I'm going to take some time off from the internet.

>He doesn't know about the Catholic church

My redpill is: the problem isn't the jew, it's us

Assimilation into liberal (classical or modern) society can be resisted. Secular jewry (ie. holocaustianism), judaism, Islam, travelers, they all quite successfully resist assimilation. In fact with exception of secular jewry they are winning demographically.

Classical liberalism was only possible in white ethnostates, modern liberalism was only possibly in jewed white ethnostates ... with whites disappearing liberalism will disappear with it and western civilization.

Whatever the future might hold, only one thing is certain. If white ethnostates disappear, it will be shit.

Of course you would say this as an American. You have no culture. The only thing you could call a “culture” in your countr is the entertainment industry and consumerism. So you have nothing better to do than the white race faggotry.

I expected Americans to be bitter about this redpill. Europeans and other actual cultured peoples wouldn’t be so bitter. An ethno-state should be based on ethnic and culutral lines (German, Nordic,Iberian, etc...) not race larping.

No. To be honest I don’t even like poles. I love and respect many peoples, but never eastern europoors.

>Western culture doesn't exist
>Explains how western culture exists
Definitely a German.


I agree senpai

Fun Fact: The period in which a culture enters civilization, is actually the beginning of the decline, the high point is absolutism, according to Oswald Spengler.

>You have no culture

lmao every society on earth has a culture.

But race will always matter more than culture, go adopt a nigger if you think "culture" can overcome race.

You should get the basics right. In modern parlance 'The West' is the synthesis of Greek/Roman and Christian thought/values. People became conscious of this common heritage long before the Renaissance. The founding of the international school of Padua goes back to 1088 AD.

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Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

We are all wasting our time here and the left is probably in the right.

Everything posted here is factual and completely correct about non-whites is correct, but they are citizens of the west and they are breeding while we are not.

At this point, politics is just a soap opera. Whatever resistance can be put up is just delaying the inevitable unless these people are made unable to breed which would lead to a civil war.

Dwelling on the downfall of the west or even fighting to preserve some notion of something that died before most of you were born is just wasting your lives.

Daily reminder to OP and all shitskins: you have to go back

Except that shitskins want to genocide whites

>muhh 1 human civilization.
>muhh 1 human race
>muhh 1 gubberment

NWO bullshit, you have to go back!

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>the dumbos
>we should fight for

now show tits or gtfo, sweet antifag snowflake

>completely missed the point of my text blocks

Yup definitely a mongerl la abominacion

My point was that our ideas of civilization are outdated larping. And even if assume civilization is a thing. It will still be redicoulse to think civilization is something that you could clearly dived and catagorize into few catogries. It is more of a loose spectrum. Something that could change constantly.

What is legit and you could catagorize however is ethnicity and culture. I’m proudly Germanic. That’s how I think of my self. I don’t think of my self as a “westerner”.

Plz elaborate

Kidding I know you don’t have one

Well said. Here is your (you).

>Here is the hardest redpill to swallow

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Romans were obsesed with law witch transformed into rule of law.
Persian empire isn't the same as current islamic countries.
Current islamist states laws are leaning more towards religion.
I dont want to be a second class citizen so fuck islamic law

Pick books on the history of the periods I’ve mentioned in the OP. That’s your source.

now make your chair circle and have nice conversation with - whoever. not us. maybe wozak. you are proudly a newfag. we can smell this. tits, plz. don't even talk about ethnicity. This is Jow Forums. You stay here now. we eat souls. you are not germanic - you are a sad larping clown.

kek. Go to the archive and have a look for how long I’ve been posting this. I post this every other month you fucking newfag.

Was zum Hölle hab ich es gelesen? Mann seht sich wie am Spiegel und minderwertige Untermenschen kann ich nicht hören mein Schatz.

kek OP on suicide watch

>the western world doesn't exist
>muh social construct
>only one humanity goys
>suck a nigger dick and don't forget to prep the bull good goys give their wives to the invading muslim horde
Fuck right the fuck off, kike piece of shit.
God will you faggots raid us until we finally genocide you. It's like you never learn or get tired of being evil faggots.

>swallow too many redpills
>everywhere I go I just see subhumans
>get mad
>mad all the time
>can't fight the jews or the left
>realize being mad is not fun
>stop caring about everything
scuum gang niggas

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kike cuck

"White American" is our ethnic group and it has its own culture, perverted as it is by materialism. You're being needlessly divisive

>social constructs don't exist just because they're social constructs
wew senpai

Dont fall for stupid threads, sage

+The Swedes are western because they think in western categories. Think of culture as software, in the west we're running close variations of the same program. Globalization is the rest of the world adapting their largely primitive constructs to the superior western model.

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Fuck your weak ass defeatist faggotry.
The only thing that pisses me off more than kikes and their useful idiots is that you faggot people too weak to fight are going to benefit from the revival of the hyperborean civilization. I wish we had a list, and everyone who fought against us or knowingly nihilistically caved without even beginning to fight get the rope.
No words even come close to encapsulating the absolute rage you cucked faggots inpspire in good men.

Yeah basically this. OP is retarded.

reddit gang


>There is no types of civilizations.
>There is only human civilization

sounds like "Astrid Lindgren - Pippi Langstrumpf"

this means nothing if you dont want to show your tits. I don't give a shit how long your little social project will last. You sound like a bachelor faggot libturd in focus on a masterdegree. not like rotten poltard. no lebensraum for you. at least you are here - and you stay here. for ever.

There is only human civilization - and the rest.

what the fuck are you even trying to say you brainwashed limpdicked moron

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Fpbp. Despite it lacking dragon dildo


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>Category x doesn't have a solid border therefore it doesn't exist

The world is not a small village, a small village is a small village
There's an extraordinarily astronomical difference between how people behave and operate within a population of 100 and a population of 7 billion

Ahmed you are trying to hard today

fuck you want me to do?
post pepes on facebook and talk about how great the biggest jew Trump is?
Maybe post about SD and how great their Israel support is?

The only way to support your dream would to have Svalbard in the states

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America's culture is hotdogs and TV.
It's history is a bunch of anglo-saxons who wanted to revolt from their leadership so they don't have to keep giving taxes.
America ended up getting hijacked by smarter people and bankers, and now is just a vassal for Globalists while feeding it's cattle with hotdogs and netflix

what fucking kind of culture do you really have that you are proud of? Technology? Apple iphones? These are all products of globalist's work, the superelite. Not some plebian who doesn't even know the true history of his country

ur vastly underestimating the germanic spirit of even italy, spain, france and gb.

there is a reason the renaissance started in lombardy, where the guelfi(welfen) where nominally calling the shots and let things go as far to the point these liberal dynamics disposed them.

in the germanic culture there is also allot of power sharing. white entitement and all our endless revolutions come from that entliment.

these frequent public uprisings are not found anywhere else on the globe.

i could go on and on.

>too weak to fight
The battle is over.

There will be no race war, there will be no legitimate political movement and there will be no 'pivotal' moment.

The west will just get browner, more corrupt and more violent until it resembles Brazil, Mexico or South Africa.

The only person you will be hurting with your rage is yourself and your family, not the people who have destroyed what the US was.

good, and precisely because the west has nothing to with greek and roman universality it has been and can be imperialistic and exclusionary

>fuck you want me to do?
How about not give up like an absolute cucked pussy faggot?
>wah we lost a few battles and Trump cucks to Israel
We've made so much progress and we're not even fully awake yet.
Fucking summerfags I swear to god

Fuck off memeflaggot kike fuck

Also Karl Marx and Engels were Western philosophy, the Internationale was in Paris. Western chauvinism is as ignorant as it is gay.

The Renaissance came about by finding Vitruvious' architecture book and rediscovering how to do things and ending the Dark/Middle Ages.

>There is no types of civilizations. There is only human civilization.
Really joggin my noggin man

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>non-European states have adopted greek thought

They then explicitly rejected it whilst the West, at times, has gone to the other extreme and fetishized it. Averroes was essentially deemed a heretic and al-Ghazali's thought became orthodoxy.

>The Greeks and Romans didn't consider themselves to be western.

Irrelevant. Just because the Greeks and Romans didn't predict they'd have a significant influence on a particular civilisation doesn't mean that they didn't have a significant influence on Western Civilisation.

>They considered themselves to be part of the civilized world.

Which ended at their borders. The Greeks thought the Persians were faggots.

>Western civilization doesn't exist.
>German flag
>t. Mohammad

I expect this much from mutt flags

But Islam btfo Averroe. So you're saying Islam is uncivilized? I can jive with some of what you're saying but in the end the result just seems like everyone on the outside is an uncivilized barbarian. Which makes our position of needing to defend ourselves from them like Rome needed to all the more relevant

answer me du heino

>I don't want to waste a lot of time typing
ruh roh

Answer the fucking question you faggot

I'm not Jewish, but if I were I'd tell you that you need to find a better scapegoat. You aren't in this mess because of Jews, you are in this mess because your own people fucked themselves and allowed themselves to be taken advantage of or manipulated again and again.

Feel free to retort anything I've written. Maybe you might want to beat your wife or kids because you are pissed off watching the news today as an alternative.

American history isn't even Anglo-Saxon it is a mixture of English, Dutch, Scots-Irish, Scandinavians, Irish, German, French, Spanish, etc all bringing their traditions and cultures to North America

Antifa Achmed - plz. This are our allies ... marxism is not the answer. Be nice. You try so hard to be edgy - but you fail. Can you meme?

>the foundation of a house is not a house
>so everything that is build upon it is not a house also

bad bait

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Makes claims
>has no evidence to back up said claims.

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>read more posts by OP

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That's actually fucking scary.
I have noticed people talk about echo chambers developing online.
The MSM seems to pander to people based on this (more predominately the left)
If all the media people consume goes one way they'll be completely alienated from any other groups.
I really wish I read and saw the same thing the original OP did to come to their conclusion.
If this was already bad in 2008 , that means we've been on fire for more than 10 years. Hell I only noticed the SJW crap about 4 years ago.

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Wow so red pilled. You should go to so you can see what a real red pill looks like, and don't come back until you do.

Everything you've wrote in the first paragraph screams
>Muslim absolute retard
for its factual dissonance.
We shall continue... but only to shake my head and wonder how it is you people can outwit goats for long enough to make love.

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The Abbasid and Umayyad fought the west and were fought back by Charlemagne. This was the creation of the West you seem to be spergin' out about. Charlemange's lineage split up between every major precursor European state.

Renaissance is just a small part of a bigger picture of the European continent. Unfortunately when you import middle eastern Islamists and you don't put your boot up their ass they tend to walk all over you.

>...for long enough...
Solved it.
Two minutes isn't so long.

germans are so fucking autistic

i had another german saying "white people" dont exist either and so white nationalism cant exist, because we're actually a bunch of different subspecies of white, or whatever

so fucking stupid and pathetic, just doing mental gymnastics all day to ignore the problems and solutions that are destroying first world civilization

you people are a disease

fucking kill yourself OP, not even going to entertain your bullshit, you're pathetic and need to be put out of your misery

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You're wrong, but still interesting viewpoint


yeah, thats exactly what i expected

hope you dumb autistic cuckolds dont come crying to us when your government enlists your tens of millions of military aged muslim males to genocide you worthless sissy dumbasses

It's mental gymnastics to lump French people in with Russians. One behaves like wild apes and the other imports them into his country.

And here is the pasta sauce:

>There is no types of civilizations. There is only human civilization.
absolutely wrong. european civilization is european civilization. they know but you hans, you dont because you are indoctrinated. although i agree western civilization does not exist, european civilization does. first conceptualized during ancient greece, later cartographed by the romans and now a full civilization.