Christianity, a political movement invented by jews in the 1st century in order to subvert, overtake and destroy gentile societies, has been the most destructive force on the white race and white civilization. It singlehandedly destroyed the Roman empire, the mightiest civilization to ever exist. Christianity allowed the jews to defeat us in WW1 and WW2. Today, its influence is allowing Israel to thrive, causing race mixing, and flooding all white nations with nonwhite hordes of immigrants. Christianity brought jews to the US, freed the black slaves, made a pathway for communism/socialism, and gave women the vote. Christianity is allowing the white man to sit idly by waiting for the afterlife as his nations are turned to garbage and his children enslaved.


>* Teaches that all races are equal (Gal 3:28)
>* Teaches that it’s OK if you’re enslaved, it will earn you more rewards in the next life (Rom 6:15-18)
>* Teaches that you should obey the government no matter what, and “render unto Cesar” (Romans 13:1-5)
>* Teaches that the jews are God’s chosen people and you are to bless them and help them (Gen 12:2-3, Isaiah 60:12)

You cannot be pro-white and worship at the altar of a jewish-created desert religion.

This general is for discussion of Christianity and its dangers, and how to free the white race from the pox of Christianity through political movement and education.

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Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/mkrwnn3j94mqwru/Christianity and Communism.pdf?dl=1


>Dr. William L. Pierce - A Message To White Christians

>The Bible: A Jewish Conspiracy Hoax

>The Christian Mass and How it Ties into Jewish Ritual Murder

>Communism’s Christian Roots

>Jesus: The Jewish Archetype

>YHVH: Taking the mask off Christianity

Attached: poweroftheholyghost.webm (480x320, 1.32M)


>Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin

>The White Man’s Bible by Ben Klassen

>Nature’s Eternal Religion by Ben Klassen

>Christianity and Communism: Parallels in the Bible
dropbox.com/s/mkrwnn3j94mqwru/Christianity and Communism.pdf?dl=1

>Julius Evola - Pagan Imperialism

>Against the Galileans by Julian the Apostate

!!! Looking for more right wing anti-christian books, if you know of any please post links. !!!

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To hear the Kosher Konservatives tell it, a fierce, intensive battle is raging today between the evil forces of communism and the sacred forces of Christianity. We are led to believe that it is an all out battle between good and evil. We are told that these two forces are the very essence of two poles of opposition — in complete and diametrical conflict. It is a sham battle. The fact is they are both degenerate products of the collective Jewish mind, designed to do one and the same thing — to destroy the White Race. If we take a closer look at these two evil forces that have bedeviled and tormented the minds of the White Race for all these years, we find that they are not on opposite sides at all. We find that they are both on the side of international Jewry, doing the job they were designed to do, namely: confuse and confound the White Man's intelligence so that he himself will help the Jew in destroying the White Race.

In comparing the two we find that they are strikingly similar, and not opposites. In fact, there are so many similarities in the two programs and in the philosophy of these two creeds that the hand of the same author can easily be detected: the International Jewish network. Both preach against materialism. Communism designates those productive and creative forces of our society to which we owe in such large part the benefits of a productive White civilization, as "bourgeois." Christianity tells us basically the same thing. It tells us that it will be more difficult for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to heaven. It tells us that we should "sell all thou hast and give it to the poor," an insidious piece of advice that, if followed, would make us all a pack of roving bums and beggars. The result of this fantastically bad advice, is that it will more easily pass into the hands of the Jews, who do not subscribe to such foolishness.
-Ben Klassen

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The only good church is the westboro baptist Church.

really sick take OP

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1: Christianity isn't European
2: Why do you worship Jews.
3: You worship Jews why.
4: You literally worship fucking Jews you filthy good goyim, go die for Israel.

Christianity will be eradicated from the face of the earth along with Marxism and Islam, 50% of whites gave lower than 100 iq and simply will not have the cognitive dissonance they were occupied and conquered by kikes for a thousand years, I will give you ration.

Christianity isn't of "your people"
Christianity isn't civilization
Christianity isn't European
Christianity isn't western
There is nothing more white of Christianity than Islam
Christianity isn't a distinct cult
Any way I can get through to brainwashed rednecks?

50% will be legitimately retarded, the rest will think Christianity is in any way related to European laws and culture.

>Christianity is about helping the poor
Why does it say for a slave to obey their masters?

Death to Christianity.

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What happened to the Panama guy?


Your false god Jesus was a pedophile.

"A young man, wearing nothing but a linen garment, was following Jesus. When they seized him," Mark 14:51

Why was your limb wrist demigod with a little boy by himself?

Christianity is degenerate
Christianity is a transgender spirituality

Matthew 22:30, which states that there will be no marriage in heaven because we “will be like the angels in heaven.”

All angels are masculine so when women go to heaven they become masculine. Christianity is a transgender spirituality.

"there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.” Matthew 19:12

Christianity is a transgender spirituality "The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body." 1 Corinthians 6:20

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise." Galations 3:28

"Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her" Ephesians 5:21 - 33

Priest don't take wives because they are wives to Christ through the church.

"For man was not made from woman, but woman from man."
1 Corinthians 11:8

No man can birth only a woman can. The idea that mankind started with man is transexual fantasy.

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This oft quoted passage from the bible has been swallowed in total by practically everyone without ever stopping to examine its meaning. When it is examined for what it is really worth, it is found to be patently false. It is not money, nor the love of money, that is the root of all evil: the root of all evil is the perfidious Jew.

Money is not only a medium of exchange; it is a very necessary and useful tool in the wheels of commerce in our modern civilization. If we did not have such a means of exchange, modern business, progress, and in fact, civilization as a whole, would be irreparably set back and tremendously handicapped. To the average bread-winner and to the average family, the acquiring and earning of money is the means of acquiring security, of obtaining all the necessities of life, such as food, shelter, clothing, entertainment, education, in fact everything required for a decent living. To impugn a man for pursuing a trade, a profession, or business that will earn him the money to take care of himself and his family is about as idiotic as to deny him die right to live.

No, indeed, there is nothing wrong with a man making as much money as he possibly can and providing for himself for his family and his heirs, to the best of his ability. It is, in fact, those energetic and restless men of ability (such as Henry Ford), who have created die most and have also given the greatest benefits to our race, to our nation and to civilization.

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keep wishing it kike

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based AAND redpilled

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It's all very well being anti-Christianity but you must have an alternative. It's no use being against something and for nothing.

we are for pan-european-ethno-socialism
just like NatSoc but for Europe. Morals can be instilled as a racial moral developement which peaks at what we've come to. Chrisitanity is not the basis of our values and love ONLY for our brothers but it wants us to love leeches and literal spawns of underworld. We can't and will not sacrafice the earth so that billions of niggers can survive for some time. Evolution takes billions of years and by giving afriturds food they will never evolve or develop. Anyway we can't let them live since their resources can boost our developement so that we can secure our future and existence but they can maybe live in a zoo or something.

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Paganism, Creativity, Buddhism, Esoteric Hitlerism, Zoroastrianism, right wing atheism, Aryan Hinduism, take your pick! Anything is better than an Abrahamic jew religion.

>right wing atheism
Jew religion is better than atheism though.

You are already a jew we are trying to convince Europeans not your kind freak.

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>Jew religion is better than
The absolute state of Christcucks.


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take a knee, semite

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Fuck off, I would choose an atheists over a jew anyday.

pagan natsoc Europe, there's no place for kike worshippers here, even if they're white

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I am willing to LARP as Pagan if it would mean stability and it was chosen by the people i would teach it to my children. Even though i am atheist. But I won't LARP as jew lover EVER.

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This board will fight you tooth and nail because now its full of old people and r/the_donald retards that drink the christian theology like its no tomorrow.

When they admit that they would rather have an atheist continent (atheism is jewish btw) you know who you are talking to

bumperino pepperino

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>atheism is jewish btw
Why do spiritual semites lie so much?

Very good, your many children would grow up in a spiritually safe Europe and they will despise semites

Very much this, they have absolutely no idea who yeshua bar joseph even is when pagans here confront them. can't even recognize the name of the kikelord that emasculates them, lmao

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how is atheism jewish? You can come to atheism by yourself. I came to atheism when i was 9 years old just talking with my friend about hell and stuff and how i am scared. But it's nonsense just to scare children and it's CANCER. Christcucks are literally unabel to discipline their children without making up stuff about
>le big bad wolf WILL EAT YOU if you do that
And the old ones still believe it.

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Jew here. Please keep telling me how based I am.

So based, I want to give you everything I own.

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>hmm what can i say ... based and redpilled
t. christcucks

but wait who is jewing who is this reverse jewing? are you trying to say you are agreeing with us and make christians think we are jews? shoo

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Good goy. I would give you a shekel but you goyim killed 6 million Jews.

>6 million
Sorry about the typo, 60 million*

but bois i gotta say... the memeflags don't help much


Why are you downplaying the great sacrifice of the 600 million, you want me to call ADL?


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I'm sorry did I say 60 million? I meant 60 billion

Fun fact it was financed by a jewish mafia gang that ravages the US in the 50's.

>rampant degeneracy,hedonism,nihilism
>notable members: Marx,Einstein,David Silverman (president of American Atheists)
>how is atheism jewish?

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>post jews
>le you are jew because jews pretend to be atheist

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btw, the ADL knows very well who their enemy is
it's funny that christcucks are so brainwashed they can't see they're willingly doing the jew's work, for free

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Preaching to the choir mate.

How is something that has no notable relation to jews (especially when compared to Christianity) jewish?

Explain yourself, user.

>Christianity was invented by jews specifically to destroy Europe
>More than 2000 years later and Europe is still standing


can you drop the memeflag pls so i can see that you are not from israel? that wouldn't be nice

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There can be non doubt that our world is the consequence of the process of internalizing christianity more and more. The end result is leftism and cuckstianity

Christianity is literally the perfect antithesis to Judaism. The Jew fears and loathes Christians, which is why it does all it can to promote and normalize degeneracy and licentiousness among society; degeneracy perfectly in contrast to the scriptures. And I mean true Christianity: Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy; Protestantism is just as Jewish as the kike religion itself. Christianity is intrinsically the true red-pilled religion, and anything below it is little more than a pawn for the kikes.

>reddit speak (even if ironic)
>doesnt argue and rather results to meme jokes

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But is it standing?
If you think it is, you won't be for long :)

if atheism is jewish then you're a complete fucking moron

(((Pagan))) larpers don't even deserve an argument in this debate. Your religion is literally fairy tales and unicorns, faggot.

>More than 2000 years later
Jews own the entire western world and Europeans get replaced by godly niggers.

>acuses others of being reddit

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Post-christians also advocate for degeneracy. Leftism isn't jewish. In fact many leftists were against jews, like Voltaire, Marx, Bakunin, Proudhon

Differentiate between leftists and jews

He isn't wrong.

You will see why in 20 years faggot, Failed generations since people chose to ignore God, Repent, The end time is NEAR!

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>tfw czech republic is majority atheist
>more based then all the western christcuck countries
>japan is also majority atheist
>the basest

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>Christianity is literally the perfect antithesis to Judaism.
Of course, Christianity is the jewish way of saying ethnocentrism for me but not for thee.

Even as a retarded LARPer you have to realize that Europeans reached their greatest heights in every sense while they were Christian. While Europe was Pagan they were no better than the average desert tribe in the Middle East, in fact in many ways they were inferior to the civilizations in the fertile crescent or the Persians until the Greeks in the 5th/4th century BC. It wasn't until Europe was Christian, that it forged global empires.

Now, of course that doesn't mean we should go out and join some zionist church or some liberalizing garbage heap. The reality that we have to recognize is that nearly all churches today are compromised, but that still doesn't change the power that Christianity can hold, or at least could hold in the past.
You might be right, that it is time for something new. Maybe just a new, more solitary and isolated form of Christianity (read the bible for yourself, be inspired by great Christian men of the past and ignore pozed churches), it might be some kind of spiritual paganism or some new age/ buddhist/ hindu esoteric hodgepodge...

Dont forget the most important part
>it was created before the modern day jew cults and talmud

jews are truly master race to have supernatural powers of clairvoyance and IQ of 300+ to create a religion before their talmudic books told them to and plan it for 2000 years to these two decades as a weapon against whites while sacrificing hundreds of years of humiliation,deaths and oppression of their religion and race,historically mostly done by christians during the middle ages.
wtf i love jews now
This is some 6D chess right here

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Your refusal to submit will not benefit you.
ALL will bow the knee and confess that Jesus Christ, Son of God and Messiah, is Lord.

If you do not repent of your sin and accept His payment for your sin through His death burial and resurrection first, you will bow as a subject. We will bow as His family.

He is a Jew. We know that. The Jews rejected Him because He is God, the same reason you reject Him.

He will return for us no later than October 17th 2018. You will then be free to pursue your own agenda for a time. On December 26th, 2024, that agenda will come to a permanent end. The Kingdom of God will be established on earth.

Get right or get burned.

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Nothing Godly will happen in 20 years besides muslims and blacks conquering Europe.

no i will never bow. he can kiss my ass.

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This is an anti-christianity thread, will you fuck off?

ok we get it ur an atheist. christianity founded america. carry on with no purpose as you please

Anyone who thinks the Bible isn't Jewish has to be memeing.

But if Christianity was specifically invented by jews to destroy Europe how did Europe survive so long in the first place? And why isn't The Netherlands based considering the majority is non Christian?

Czech Republic is known for its slutty women and corruption.


>fairy tales and unicorns
>says the semite while living in the world created by the Gods
tell me about your kikegod, why is it jewish? oh, you didn't know that? how shocking

hello boomer semites, how y'all doing?

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This. Welcomed in by the FUCKING PLAGUE OF CHRIST KEKS.

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>He is a Jew. We know that

Then your filthy "Christ" will get the gas chamber with all the rest of them.

Advocated le street-shitting religion
Literal Jew
>Proudhon and Bakunin
Quite possibly the very last of anti-kike leftists; from that point forward, you had Lenin, Trotsky, Goodman, Chomsky, Weinstone,—and these are just the ones off the top of my head.

As for Christians advocating for degeneracy, it's a moot point: if you promulgate faggotry, trannies, flagrant sexuality, etc., you're not a Christian, and the Book says so numerous times.

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>While Europe was Pagan they were no better than the average desert tribe in the Middle East, in fact in many ways they were inferior to the civilizations in the fertile crescent or the Persians until the Greeks in the 5th/4th century BC. It wasn't until Europe was Christian, that it forged global empires.
Alexander the Great? Roman Empire?

Just so you know even the "based" Orthodox are no different they talk about how we need to take care of refugees and other shitskins and they actively work to feed and support them.

Pretty much this.

ehm. NO. it's not known for that stop making shit up christcuck. That's what netherlands are known for.

We definitely have less corruption than you our politicians aren't selling the country to the jews and letting millions of niggers in but nice try faggot.

Our country is known for beer and porn and car manufacture.
inb4 netherjew banker starts making shit up
listen pal even with all of your christcuck "virtue" you'll never be as based as us

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can you larp as a pagan if you're circumcised? you literally have the mark of the jew

Alexander the Great and the Roman empire engaged in multi-century struggles with the people of the mideast, the Levant and North Africa. they were not their clear superiors

kek they ignored this

This is real love.

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obviously you can. But if you circumcize your children during infancy you get the rope.

How do people like you manage to make sense of the fact that Jews are actively trying to destroy Christian values, and the more they succeed the worse western civilization gets? You let your hatred of Jews drive you so heavily that you do exactly what they want you to do. You hate Christ and value money above all, but who do you think gains the most from your efforts? You, or your boss who is almost certainly Jewish? If you hate the Jews so much, why attack Christ who they hate more than anything, and why worship the money that they invented?

I couldn't imagine the Gods to rejecting one just because he was sexually abused by christcucks as an infant.

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>b-but christianity is trad and therefore not degenerate or something
face it, you have been fooled.

Are you keks actual traditional Pagans or romanticised, women lead Neo-Pagan larpers?
How was it morally right for VIKANGZ to go around and rob fellow white inhabitants of Europe?
Do you consider slavery to be righteous and kidnapping women from neighbourhood to be used as sex slaves your right, like nogs do in the US and South Africa all the time?
Is raping others morally righteous in your opinion?

What kind of God commanded morals do pagans even have lmao?
Are you going to follow your ancestral traditions and conduct human sacrifices on regular bases in time of celebration to receive blessing from Odin and other gods?
Did you kek even know that Odin demanded you to sacrifice 9 person for every 9 years as per Ynglinga's saga?
And that Viking chieftains did even murder their own sons to receive longer life from gods?

If Paganism is superior to other religions, why is the practise dead in Europe?
Why is it only such shitholes as Amazons and African jungles where pagan traditions are alive and ruling their KANGZ societies?
How did Christian steal your traditions when your own ancestors chose to convert their ritual habits for embracing Christ?

how? murricans/canadians/australians etc, anyone who is circumcised, has the mark of a semitic jew religion. especially when pagan religions place so much importance on the natural world, sex, etc.

you'll keep spamming this? You know that christian priests approve of this?

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>Jews are actively trying to destroy Christian values

Show me an example of jews trying to prevent christians from being meek and submissive. From bringing in and housing refugees. From adopting african children. From doing mission work to overpopulate brown countries? These are core "christian values".

>That's what netherlands are known for.
That's true but I don't understand how that can be because The Netherlands is also majority non Christian. Also Czech women are notorious for starring in pornography.

>We definitely have less corruption than you our politicians aren't selling the country to the jews and letting millions of niggers in but nice try faggot.

Sure your country might not be importing millions of third worlders but that doesn't mean you aren't incredibly corrupt in other areas.

>Jews are actively trying to destroy Christian values
Jews are trying to destroy morality, after they destroyed European tradition and after they destroyed European spirituality.
Christcucks, being the products of the first two steps to destroy the European people, are oblivious to the fact that this third step has fuck all to do with them.

>the more they succeed the worse western civilization gets
Exactly, I wish the Romans would've exterminated their tribe entirely so that we would've never had to suffer this Abrahamic cancer.

Not an argument.
Low-IQ ((((((pagansteins)))))) strike again.
God has no religion. The Lord is the creator of all, including your stupid ass. As for Jesus, he predicted the betrayal of the kikes, and said it right to their faces. The Lord himself knew this would happen, and gave the word to Jeremiah of a new covenant (Jeremih 31: 31); you might know that if you didn't speak on topics you know nothing about, but then again, that's pretty much what your retarded """religion""" is based on LOL.

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