Who's dumber?
Who's dumber?
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Trump is going to end up on top, even Jow Forums can't save this poll
Also where's the link you faggot
this same shill replied to the tweet some 15 times
link it homo, searching take effort
democracy has spoken
Trumpy created a fake university to scam students, ended up paying $25 million in fines for fraud. LeBron opens school for low income students free tuition free uniforms everyone who graduates free college tuition.
Look at this shit: online.wsj.com
Fucking albino nigger
nice link you dumb fucking faggot
that's because people are afraid to be racist
A foreigner thinks he's making decisions about my country?
If this world worked right this would be an act of War...
Dude, I don't have empathy for faggots
get out
> Denmark
> impeach
trump is an absolute moron this is a respone of the new york times racist contract of that gook
instead of fighting the real enemy he try to gain some social recognition as the lion that defend his group(whites)
this only gave reasons to the new york times and their mnions when we could defend with the truth and smash their building of lies and true racism
I really have no problem with Lebrons school desu.
Doesn't change anything though. Still hate niggers and leftists
I wonder what kind of tax cut James got.
I don't use twitter at all. Upload image on progress? Contact /b, the special autist division.
Let IQ tests decide. I bet Trump's IQ is higher than those 2 niggers IQs combined. And you can add MAxine Waters and Kamala Harris to the other 2 niggers, and Trump STILL beats their combined total.
wow. powerful. how will Trump survive this???
Wow, even on a anti-deportation (antiTrump) site 17% didn't pick Trump.
Walk Away, Dems. Walk Away....
tbf Donald isn't particularly intelligent for the leader of the most powerful country in human history
Lol. Chickenshit wanna be Nazi.
Ya, but Don Lemon is like other level low IQ. Lebron is an athlete, thats automatic pass. Whole life is training his body.
What good has basketball done to save the people of Africa?