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wow this is so sad alexa play despacito
I thought they were separated
I didn't see it on gloom or any other streams
pretty pathetic. What the fuck are all these Larpers doing? What is this all for?
probably honey pot but brings out all the antifags
the weapon had to be spiked to do that much damage
>1. why was he in the middle of a bunch of antifags
>2. why is he no-helmet fagging
Good, hope he develops retardation.
He got tapped by an umbrella, what a pussy.
He's doing the Neymar.
there's blood on the cement
So we have the antifa version of The Penguin?
any stream better than ruptly?
>slapping his arse then a tap to the head
>guy immediately balls up
wtf the fuck was that
wtf, that looked so weak all around
Anyone who goes to these retarded things is a fag anyways so who cares, both sides are kikes, notice how they never actually do anything, just slap each other like sissies for a bit then go home, that's not what people who really give a shit about something do
>ubermensch fetal crawl
Blood flowed from his head wound. heavy steel lock or lead ball was in the bag. No injury when it
taps his butt, but strike the skull with a heavy lead ball, can literally kill someone, he barely hit him and it broke the skin (bleeding) and maybe skull wound. If he had swung with force, easy fatality.
The right is still not taking antifa seriously, and they are doing more damage to us, than the reverse.
I've seen more convincing dives on a football pitch.
I see no blood at all. Head wounds are notoriously wet, even minor ones.
what the fuck is happening in burgerland.
The guy is down and covering up. Other streems showed blood on the ground. You don't go down, for show, when your enemy surrounds you, they could have easily stomped him.
>Antifa shows mercy to a downed enemy.
The left is winning, this is embarrasing.
We are waiting for them to kill someone and expose themselves as terrorists to the normies so that we can gun them all down and not be judged for it.
>We're just waiting for the war to start.
All I see are bunch of fannies.
its neymar jr
What? the guy was getting tap slap by an umbrella and one small hit to the hit and he goes down like a bitch.
This is no damage at all, this is incredibly bad for the left. They are masked physical assaulters.
You're like those retards that would always spam "No one cares about optics!" and "Vote Ron Paul!"
You can't see the forest for the trees. Eventually these retards will start attacking regular people, that's when you've won.
literally none of this is what happened. you are delusional
What time is the dance off gonna start?
This is actually pretty accurate i think. I bet once an antifa kills someone the right will unleash a massacre of epic proportions
Let me "tap" the back of your skull like that.
Lol. At least he can't get any more retarded.
Take that alt-right
>With this little bag with a lead ball in it.
Or any heavy thing. Probably something that is not an obvious weapon. Like his extra heavy lock for his shed he just happen to have in his bag.
there are multiple streams where they show blood dripping from his head onto the concrete
Exactly, user. There are millions of us just watching the clock. And I'm not talking about the obvious 3%guys.
Just average people, looking average, working average jobs, walking past you on the street. All waiting for Antifa to let their tiny little balls drop.
>get spanked and btfo by an umbrella
not talking about that, talking about
>the left is winning
>the left has great optics they showed mercy
all of that is false. left looks fucking terrible with this. masked slovenly good rips an american flag out of man's hands, 2v1 (like pussies they are), cowardly hits head w/ weapon. it's a disaster for the left all around. same as bike lock FAGGOT clanton
>Other streems showed blood on the ground
link pls
>5'11" cuck/mutt
cargo pants
tacssault boots
paintball mask
K/fags can probably get the boots branded
We already know about 14 of their names and faces where I am. So yeah. Anti-fa better just give up their citizenship and fuck off if they know what's good for them.
Mary Poppinskulls
>With this little bag with a lead ball in it
sure it wasn't nerve gas too? maybe some of that shit that turns the frogs gay?
Can't wait to hear who this guy's name is. 5 bucks it's another teach
There are chemicals in the water that are making frogs hermaphrodites essentially. Jones just said gay. Don't be willfully ignorant.
why the fuck was he not immediately tackled after that and his gay mask ripped from his faggy face
Only one though? Weak. Should've treated them to few molotov cocktails instead.
I wish they would. We could send them all up to Northern Alaska.
god, patriots cant fight for shit
all that internet bravado and you get your asses handed you by a bunch of xers
Lmao this is retarded on both sides, it's literally nothing
That guy was not a proud boy or patriot, just some random fag
shit like this makes me think the right would get cucked during a civil war
I thought ANTIFA has already been labeled as a terrorist organization or is the government literally allowing violent leftists to get away with doing physical harm to the other half of the country?
Fuck off Trump fags.
There's 2 possibilities. The first one is that he's faking it to score some victimbux. The other one is that he's was knocked down by an umbrella like a fucking child. Looks pathetic either way.
>Democrats start multiple civil wars within the middle east and north africa
"omg trump is threatening civil war!".
Holy shit, you guys actually do deserve to fucking die.
The good news is, that dipshit can easily secure a spot on any soccer or basketball team with those fucking theatrics.
you did not notice the antifa faggot hesitate before swining at this mans head? the thing he is swinging is loaded, some kind of metal inside, and he had a brief flash of guilt before doing it anyway. then he walked away in the hopes that nobody noticed
>people there saying there was blood on the ground and yet you guys still acting like it wasn't that much damage
They've taken apart a collapsible umbrella and replaced the core with rebar. It looks like an umbrella but its a steel rod.
People say a lot of things, until I see proof all I have is that webm where the antifa kid bops some other idiot on the head, stands there awkwardly, and then the tension completely dissipates. It's like watching two groups of retards that don't actually comprehend violence trying to do violence. I'm just embarrassed as a human being.
What really annoys me is the fact that no one decided to try and follow the assaulter, nice idea there dipshits let him get away.
>Jow Forums hypes this up as the next civil war
>it's a bunch of fags playing dress-up and spanking each other with pieces of cardboard
AHAHAHAH fucking pathetic display on both sides
>people there saying there was blood on the ground and yet you guys have still not provided any pictures or video of said blood and no blood is to be seen in all the videos provided so far
muh kækz
This is horrible optics for Antifa. Has the gay faggot butt tapping and then cowardly use of hard weapons while wearing black masks. Everything everyone hates about the left all in one video.
You can literally see the blood pooling the video
>Cernovich tweets deleted already
really makes you think
Oh look, it's the Left being shit at memes, as usual. You guys are the ones throwing an endless temper tantrum because Trump is the President
Is this protest still happening? Any streams still up?
Holy fuck I'm retarded
>Journalist hit by Antifa bottle
idk why people go to these besides wanting
to be on a government list
>The right is still not taking antifa seriously, and they are doing more damage to us, than the reverse.
You'd be amazed at how much incriminating evidence is being gathered on these people via infiltration.
Wear a helmet is pol's rule
Not anyone else's
Remember pol forced Lauren southern to wear a helmet at berkley
Antifa fgts never fight fair
This is how bad Jow Forums has become in a year. When Clanton did something similar to this we got that bitch overnight, but this thread is just “lol dumbass deserved it” fucking fags
best sources to find hi-res journalist pictures?
Are you that desperate for new comrades?
Why not use a gun to stop that antifa?
What the fuck happened to men? Why are they such pussies? At any other point in history bullets would be flying, why can't people just start fucking shooting?
more like they are too lazy to actually do it because "hur dur, I don't see any blood, must not been that bad lol faker"
>gets hit by a BDSM wip
>starts to cry
Yeah here we have the white people savior right here
Do you shove that up your ass too?
> hears the word “trump”
>starts to cry
Yeah the “resistance is real”
Do you not know about Charlottesville?
Because Americans have been tamed to the point where everyone is waiting for someone else to escalate to a certain point, so we're just edging constantly. After Charlottesville, I am convinced a civil war will never happen again, or anything similar to that scale for that matter. We're a country of keyboard warriors and namby pamby babies, it's better just to accept the black pill instead of waiting for an impossible scenario to spark.
but there was blood
Both of these sides are useful idiots, I hope they all literally kill or hospitalize each other.