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Save the Anna-Sophia. All Finns bring her ice so she isn't dieded.

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Its the ancient European gods trying to kill off the niggers and shitskins

I'm on my way

By bringing the temperatures their accustomed to?

30 C kills Nordics, -22 C kills the immigrants.

Above 22 C and below sauna is a temperature range Finns don't understand. Sari made a new vid the other day complaining about it being 27 while wearing a wool hat.

It confuses the Finn.

Attached: Sari3.png (1366x768, 2.04M)

Why do they HAARP us like that?

The sandniggers bough their weather with them. Europe will soon be nothing but a backwards, shitsking infested desert.

>It’s hot in summer
How the fuck is this news

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Hey man, if i call u a mutt it will all go away

>>It’s hot in summer
It's so Cold in the D, brother.

Nowhere near enough.


Global warming kills Europeans???

brb gonna go burn some copper wire in my yard

You really want to kill The Korpi?

Attached: 1987Called.jpg (400x600, 122K)

In Scandinavia most homes don't have aircon because summers rarely get hot. This heat is unbearable.


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buy a window ac

lol get fucked

I very rarely lose power, but I have a generator just in case. I've never had a house fire, but I have extinguishers anyways. Some people have no foresight.

You Eurospooks have been bitching about global warming for years, but haven't done a goddamn thing to prepare for it.

are you kidding or just ignorant

Blame the Chinese and people that look like that, they eat dogs and shit

he has a point. if you're so worried about the heat rising then why didn't you get air conditioning installed?

if you thought an Ice Age was coming would you make sure your furnace is working?

So thats why they imported Middle easterners, super heat resistance

Jews did this.

That’s nothing, just a warm weather.

T. Desert deweller

come to iceland desu. today was a sunny day though but its back to rain tomorrow.

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Don't invite Moors to Mordor.

Nice comfy 25 where I am. Laughing at Euros


Kek, today it was 50ºC.

Attached: 50ºC.jpg (454x818, 41K)

I work in a warehouse, it's been 37+ degrees with 0 aircon for the last month.

End me.

it wasn't that fucking hot.
It was 35C (95F) and higher indoors just a week and a half ago, and that was at 60-80% humidity.

Yeah, in the sun genius. Still pretty hot.

how these faggots managed to conquer anything is beyond me have some goddamn self respect

NuEuropean's are used to the heat.

Thankfully Finland is cooling off next week.

wow, i fell bad for you. i can barely work outside in 17 degrees celcius

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>60F is too hot

I literally don't believe you. There is absolutely no way a human being, regardless of what climate you live in, could ever believe that 60F was too hot.

What the fuck, man.

Fires aside, this summer has been pretty normal, or rather on the cool side so far for us.

>Summer heat
>Wear shorts
>Dogs play in sprinklers
Oh the humanity

Attached: LazySummerDays.png (817x497, 384K)

Fucking chilly room temp.

How nice, Europe is welcoming refugees by becoming more like North Africa or the Middle East every day.

Mostly old people

Imagine the smell of a decomposing eurofat in their moldy victorian home who died from the heat and humidity.

You are gay, my room is 30° All Day and It's fine.

t. Mountain Yeti

Attached: Nepalese_Yeti.jpg (625x450, 57K)

This year's summer is the coolest ever in Hanoi. It rains too much though.

I wish I was Indian and had facial hair.

Its 2:30 am and I just came back inside from laying down on grass in 16C rain. Praying to Varg worked, the iceage is on its way.

burn in hell Germany

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t. snownigger

i believe him. i work outside and if we get like 15°C we just stop working and go to an ice cream parlor.

Have you considered that he might not be a nigger or a mutt?

it was 100 degrees (~38 c) here today. ran some errands and went on a walk. i fucking hate the heat but this isn't that bad.

It going to be a fucking tragedy watching all that ancient art and architecture get ISIS'd.

Lrn2record-temperature fgt pls

The obsessed ameretard again talking about us.

Fucking pleb.

24 Celsius here

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