Please save Michigan Jow Forums

Please save Michigan Jow Forums

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I'm voting for the white Democrat chick in the primaries to counter the libs voting Pajeet and Mohammad. I'll vote Republican in the General.


Michigan is going to re-elect it's Democrat senator this november. fuck your state

The tide is coming. Inshallah.

Kill yourself. neoliberal.

You must create memes to destroy the candidate young one.
>Middle Eastern
>The next Obama
>sharia law
>rich foreigner trying to buy office

You can use any of these ideas. I gave you the ideas; now you do the artwork.

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Well, asshole cunt, I normally throw my votes away on libertarians, but I don't want a fucking Democrat in power here, so I'm actually casting a vote that counts, so fuck you.

faggots on this board will fail to realize this is just more of the Dearborn Muslim invasion that is happening

fuck you people are naive

>I normally throw my votes away on libertarians
As I said, kill yourself, neoliberal.

They're mostly Chaldean Christians. Kill yourself, jew.

adbul has no chance outside of SE michigan, if anything he helps colbeck

how does nobody realize it, stop being a knee jerk autistic redneck

>t.Democrat shill taking a break from marking fake ballots

Schutte will

Yet our state government is a Republican trifecta. It's weird.

Roger Victory is a pedophile

Is he /ourjeet/?

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I thought he looked native american, but fuck, a pajeet? Civnat was a huge mistake, these people are not "michigan" material at all.

A Christian sand nigger is still a sand nigger. They have no place in white society

Dem voters tend to ignore state and local elections for some reason.

Who do I vote for fellow MIbros?

Plainwell michigan fag here. The cringe level is sickining in michigan. I'm voting for calley for gov. And only conservatives in all other areas. I think michigan will go red in a big way, as all other states and this nation as a whole. Media can only hide the fact for so long that a majority of Americans are middle to far right conservatives.

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Are you Michigan or upstate Illinois?

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Wrong you fucking heretic scum. Since Jesus came God doesn't care about races anymore like he did in the past. All he sees now is christians and non-christian. Gas yourself jew

Valhalla awaits

Until we meet on the blood stained arena of combat. We will wait and prepare for each others demise.....

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I like Colbeck because he seems to actually know what he's talking about with its auto insurance plans, but Schuette would be fine too. Calley is a classic snake and Hines seems clueless.

is this your first election? because a muslim is not going to win this state

Dude Calley is so fake... He is claiming to be responsible for all of MI's job recovery in the last 4 years just because he was LtGov even though he did nothing to actually cause that change. He always has that poster smile, he is the epitome of a politician.