Why shouldn't The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland...

Why shouldn't The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Flanders and German Switzerland unite into a Germanic (Federal) Empire?
>GDP at 6,2 trillion USD, with potential to grow even bigger, and not even counting parts of Belgium and Switzerland
>Population (post deportation) at 110 million - again without parts of Belgium and Switzerland
>Capital being Berlin, German being Lingua Franca
It would be an enormous ethnostate, with tremendous (potential) capasities both historical and present in fields of science, culture, tourism, military, finance and more.
>German, Swedish and Dutch industry
>Norwegian and Austrian nature
>German size
>Norwegian strategical importance
>Danish and German agriculture
44/118 periodic table discoveries would have been Germanic, and we would have 208 total Nobel Laureates in all field.
The only real problem is language - which isn't even a problem if we just create a functioning, representative state.

All above and much, much more. We are literally the greatest people of all time - I believe history has shown this. We could be self-sufficient in all areas - We are literally looking at the perfect ethnostate, and we don't even have to include mutts in it.
A Germanic Homeland, with the potential to become a great power both militarily and economically, and which already is by far in fields of culture and history, would allow us to preserve our people in a hostile world. It would allow us to counter the threads of China, India, the islamic world, Brazil and the United States. I think it needs to be a serious option.
>pic semi-related

Attached: united_germanic_states_of_europe_and_america_by_arminius1871-d7uiph2.jpg (670x437, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't want anything to do with those Central European countries such as Niggerlands and Germanistan. They are literally worse than Sweden in terms of demographics, and they are already long past recovery.

I will only accept a Nordic Empire.
(Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland - and maybe Estonia).

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North mexico is white?

Fuck off with your crypto-globalism.

fuck off. nordic countries should stay divided.
especially denmark and norway because danes literally oppressed norwegians for decades. don't you remember?

unions are for faggots anyway

shut up desert nigger, our european civilization will be united through ethnic and cultural solidarity, cant say the same for your patch of dirt.

Where is Australia

Doesn't want to be included in your muzzie caliphate, we have chinks to deal with first

If there is to be any union within europe in the future this is the only way it can occur. All these countries have something to contribute and don't run their states and budgets like southern europeans. Far more functional than forcing Nordic countries together with Mediterranean countries and Slavic countries that all have totally different mindsets and ways of running things. I'm more of the mindset "tausend lichtenstein, ein europa", but a nordic union of sorts would work if this was agreed upon by the populations of each partner country and not just a bureaucratic forced merger like the eu. Respect for individual national traditions would be paramount, and a degree of autonomy would be necessary. Of course this would require the uncuckening of each respective nation before it happened.

Because of the eternal piefke

good i idea
lets get rid of subhums and start

>breivik for defence minister

Because this would lead to another European war because Anglos can't let nice things happen.

This is a real problem that has crossed my mind.
and forgot to mention
>swiss nature
how could I

who the fuck would ever want to merge with Germany while that cunt Merkel is in power and her policies

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The only thing I have implied, Trudeau, is that this state would have a population of 110 million after shitskin removal. If we in this potential state would have removed millions of people not belonging there, I am pretty sure Merkel wouldn't be a concern.

>oi noice alliance you have over there

Attached: oi u got a loicense for that aryan blood.jpg (225x225, 8K)

in all honesty though, eternal Anglos wouldn't have anything to say if the state were to actually happen.

>Iceland excluded once again
will danish bullying of Iceland EVER stop?

Guess who didn't exclude you, desu

y-you where by my side all along

It would be enough reason for them to start a war and they would certainly be backed by France and Poland who would chimp out by the thought of a greater Germany.

and yet all you care about are danes...

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>It would be an enormous ethnostate

Gemany is already an islamic caliphate. ethnostate isn't going to happen

if it was natsoc it would be litterally the dream

No doubt. Perhaps the solution is to look to Russia? They're not communist rat's anymore, and they have healthier ways of life than any of the countries represented in this thread so far. If that was to be the case (Russia + Germanic state) I don't even think the anglos would dare.

I'm all for Protestant Union

Attached: protestantnords.jpg (2088x1442, 745K)

German people have too much nafri blood
... even more now

- The samples were analyzed under “stringent laboratory conditions.” Experts found that Hitler’s relatives have a chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b1.
- Ronny Decorte is a genetic specialist at the Catholic University of Leuven.

Attached: HITLER WAS A BERBER-4abc-87a2-8ad597669656.jpg (530x398, 53K)

If it wasn't for East Germany and its apperant lasting affect, protestants would have been majority by far. I guess we still would have been, but not as much.

because they already are a part of the jewish empire

have you been to Berlin m8? it's a filthy city full of white German Schweine wallowing in their own shit. girls sitting on their bare bums in rat, human, and cat pissed parks drinking and eating while surrounded by mounds of uncleaned trash. homeless picking through the bins inside Tegel international airport. Or the postmodernist architectural terrorism that paints the city? and you want to make that the capital? at least Paris can blame the nignongs for its degeneracy

Are we welcome? We might not speak a Germanic language or even Indo-European for that matter, but we're the only non-Germanic country with more than 15% I1 thus it is apparent that we share a common ancestor that predates the Germanic languages.

Attached: 0021_2Nordic-Germanic-Haplogroup-I1_00012.png (1766x960, 247K)

And Berlin - as with all of it's degeneracy - can blame anglo and ami bombs. They can blame you.

Yet another example of the german purity

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Not an Empire, a confederation.

Attached: Confeditarion.png (1844x2214, 1.14M)

>The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Flanders and German Switzerland
Neither Germany
Nor German Switzerland

Attached: Germany-831788.png (1288x1224, 1.81M)

Germany is like France ethnically talking

Attached: Half-german Half-Ghanaian.png (408x646, 406K)

Attached: Florence Addo-Gerth from Ghana and her German husband Stephan Gerth.jpg (502x798, 72K)

>Reich, rike, rige, rijk?

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Reich out of Nostalgia

Nah but the whole word has a meaning - its sort of like the best of both worlds if you take empire and nation. I think such a nation needs to consider itself - and officially call itself - a reich - regardless of the political science behind it.

In terms of science, art, development, agriculture, industry, trade, genetics, history and overall culture all these countries are inferior to the Netherlands. So what the fuck is in it for us? We need markets not deadweights and race traitors.

Sure, Finns are bro tier

Okay norge nigger.
Step one for a germanic homeland.
Which language will we speak, are there minority languages allowed?

>The minority languages
So you mean all languages besides german?

>Implying german will be the first language of the germanic league

German needs to be Lingua France, both because like 3/4 of the population would speak it and because its an important languge historically speaking for all participating countries. We need to replace English today with German. German television and literature and at the same time German is taught in school from first grade till senior year at Gymnasium.
And what do you add in minority languages? Dutch and Scandianvian? Of course - otherwise this would never be possible because of muh german oppression. But if you're going at French, Polish, Finnish, Sami etc then of course not :)

No. If Vienna and Dresden were the same shitholes as Berlin then I would agree. But since the citizenry of those cities have made efforts to preserve and beautify classical European centers, the only conclusion is that Germans themselves are responsible for the filth and decay found in other parts of Germany.

Australia and Finland should unite and take over the world.

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can whites from the u.s. come? otherwise I say nuke it as a precaution.

You realize that in this germanic league, german speakers would be the absolute majority?

Because you'd get crushed by the Judao Anglo master race

North sea countries are secular m8.

Just have a union of all countries that don't believe in some 2000 year old harry potter fanfic.

I rather thought that Nordic germanic countries learn german and and southern germanic countries learn danish.
Dutch/flanders understand german
Austrians and germans speak german
From what I got is that danish is the most universal language of the Nordic countries.

Well then what about a Germanische Fremdsprache in school? I don't really know about the differences and similarities between Dutch and German but I do know that Scandinavians will need to learn German properly in School to be able to participate in a state where German is lingua franca. But if the regions learn what needs to be learned then of course. But do Germans and Dutch understand eachother enought to build a state on on German language?


Kill yourself.

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Nobody understands a single word of danish tho, including the danes. English is the lingua franca of the nords.

Trust me, that is not something you want. Do really want to abolish everything that defines us? There's no way in hell we'd be speaking Finnish in that dystopian scenario, but I'd much rather have them as a neighbor, both to the east and to the west.

Good job destroying Constantinople and converting spics bro. 10/10 well done.

>I don't really know about the differences and similarities between Dutch and German

We call it retarded german for a reason.

Attached: Duits nederlands.jpg (529x334, 26K)

I believe Finland should remain independent, and with a peacefull, beneficial-to-all solution to the Swede probem;) Your way of life and culture is way too differend and too defined as finnish. We should remain close allies but that is it.

Yeah but say you had a joint parliament and a German representative were to hold a speech - would a Dutch person be able to understand? And vice versa?
I know for a fact that that would be problematic if you were to change one of the two to a scandinavian so we need to learn german in school.

Don't give in to the Anglos. A non-English(/non-French) primary language is a prime defense against the hordes of niggers and arabs and their jew handlers. Don't submit Finnbro, don't fucking submit.

(((They))) wouldnt let it happen

you left us you bitch

>We should remain close allies but that is it.

Agreed. We have your back and you have ours etc

So you don't even learn German in school?

Depends on how hard their accent is.

>if you were to change one of the two to a scandinavian so we need to learn german in school.
implying you wouldn't use this as an excuse for germanophobia.
I don't see how this should work when only site has to put effort into the relationship.
Second Opinion would be to invent a simply universal germanic language.

Yes we do, but it is dangerously out-competitioned by le I-want-to-experience-the-world

We didn't kick Germany's ass twice to talk German they can learn English fuck the smug bastards

>they did
It’s called the EU

No, maybe you misunderstood me. I was talking about mutual intelligibility. I know for a fact that Scandinavian languages vs German/dutch(?) wouldn't be sufficient to run an efficient state - thus we would need to learn German. I personally believe that ideally we should all do what needs to be done to learn and adopt German, but that won't happen and it is unrealistic. And so is a universal germanic language. That universal language should be German - but it takes too long to adopt.

eternal Mogens

Boomers in Finland have higher proficiency in German than in English because it was so widely taught here during and post-WWII. I don't know if that's the case in Norway, do old people know German there?

Attached: Europe_Spheres_influence_SF.jpg (560x536, 33K)

We need the southern states for trading and expansion to africa, mate

WW2 generation were fluent because it was obligatory during the war. Boomers were taught German in school enough for them to keep a basic convo in the language. But which foreign language you learned has always been volunteer (spanish, french or german) and with these happy-go-lucky-times everyone goes for Spanish. Before that it was all about German because that was number one important language to learn (still is but who cares?:))

Here we have the Jew in its natural habitat - trolling and dividing Germanic people.

From my experience (Dad worked 20 years in Germany and i lived there for 10 years) Finland is closer to Germany culturally and people wise than any other Scandinavian country.

Always weird to me how some Norwegians want to be together with Germany when they are not that similar at all..

As I said this wouldn't work, leftist would use it as an excuse to destabilize the state because of "muh evil kraut oppressor I have to learn german"

OP : autistic larper
German language is basically the 2nd official and 1st unofficial language of Syrian people now
Germany is also 40% ethnically non european
Germany BTFO

Attached: Migrants-Germany-640x480.jpg (640x480, 46K)

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t. edgelord

I cant believe you guys didnt give up on us, yet.

>Scandinavian languages vs German/dutch
Danish people are the ONLY ethnicity speaking Dutch without a noticeable accent after only a few months to a year, even poorly educated ones like footballers. Our tongues must be very close.
Also I can roughly read Swedish and Norwegian if familiar with a subject. In terms of linguistics I think Scandinavian and even old English are much closer to Dutch than modern high German.

That is my intuition too but care to elaborate?

You have Celt support. The Anglos must go.

I agree, but we can't just leave it because of leftists. They need to be dealt with either way.

I'd be interested in an elaboration too, as some of those statements are outright wrong and/or not representing the whole truth

I consider you to be just as important as any Norwegian - as I do with Swedes, Danes, Dutch and all Germanics. If Germany dies I don't really care about Norway per say.

Yeah it has never been my impression that Dutch and German is close enought to be able to function together at a potential national level. Of course I can - with only Norwegian as my basic knowlede - get what a German or Dutch text is going at but that isn't enough to run a state with different languages.

What do you want me to elaborate? Germans are a lot more Finnish like in work life and how they interact with other people. Or maybe i should say that Finns are like Germans because of their historic involvement with Finland but i don't know. Scandinavians are more marketing type of people and Finland and Germany are the promised lands of engineers.

This is true.

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For a Germanic Union it would probably be more practical to keep using English as a neutral lingua franca like we used Latin for centuries.
The 5-eyed angloscum will be listening anyway and we can just switch to local languages as needed. In any case real-time translation software will make the question moot soon.


Isn't it sort of a matter of principle not to speak the language of the eternal enemies of the Germanic peoples?

I'd be a dead man before I make English the official language of my Germania ;)

Agreed :)