If a fuhrer-like man emerged somewhere in Europe and steadily climbed in prominence, would you support him with every fibre in your being, Jow Forums?
If a fuhrer-like man emerged somewhere in Europe and steadily climbed in prominence...
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sure, as long as he can help us get rid of the niggers, spics, and libshits
What kind of question is this?
Well then, anons. In the next 5 years, look out for him. You'll know when you see him. It'll be in the eyes. It will be in the piercing gaze.
Humble and rather mild at first, bold and assertive once he gains prominence. He will shake things up.
Hey that sounds like me
It would have to be someone like Ian Smith or Andrew Jackson or Patton, but absolutely I would die for a hero like them.
It is not you, user. It will be a man from Eastern Europe.
I was in a deep meditative state, and the gods gave me a vision.
No, I'm not european
W-What kind of vision senpai?
Also was the man Croatian?
Faggot detected.
don't lie about the visionI sent you: the guy you saw had eastern european blood, but is not full blown eastern european and we both know
I cannot recall the specifics, but I think it was from the Baltic region. Definitely from Eastern Europe.
A winged lion rising to the top over Europe, getting brighter and brighter the higher he goes. I saw the man's face and body. I saw a few real-life events that will happen as well regarding this man's rise.
I know this much from the vision: fully Eastern European. Maybe even Russian, but that would be my judgement based on the face.
Has some noble blood in his ancestry.
he was part ukrainian
Did you legitimately see the same vision I did?
I support someone with every fiber of my being. And it's Jesus Christ.
Jesus won't save Europe.
You're lucky, though, krautcuck, because another figure is coming. Be quick to join his side or you might perish.
When Jesus comes back, i'll tear up when he says the 6 magic words
seems not as you saw different things
Elaborate on your vision
just keep taking your pills and he will tell you what to do next, I promise
I can't describe stuff like this, but it was different to yours. I saw someone who wasn't pure or royal or whatever but he was a mixture. He had part ukrainian blood, part german, part french, those I do remember, other parts as well, he was even partly jewish I think but not sure.
He wasn't there to lead people into fights, he united people because he felt their sould running through his own veins.
The whole vision felt split, like in one part he didn't do anything at all because he lost hope for humanity in the other timeline something awoke him. It's really difficult to explain, I don't believe in this stuff desu, but it was intense.
He will be The Third Elijah, the bloodline of John the Baptist.
Europe refers to a certain geological area. Why should I care for something that has been made up by humans? As long as we are living the way God intended us to live, it doesnt matter how we call the ground we live on.
And what figure are you talking about?
Which 6 magic words?
half russian (mother is from a remote village near ukraine actually, and was the site of an important napoleonic battle) half italian reporting
I'm not bible savvy, can you elaborate? What are the signs to see he is the real third elijah?
Who painted that picture, what does it show?
interesting, that's your vision or who says that?
Our vision only diverts in the ethnicity part. But indeed, I feel he is a mixture. But of Norther/Slavic descent.
was he a manlet?
He is not here to save Europe, or any geological land mass. He is here to usher in a spiritual age, a bold-faced truth that he represents as a purifier of silver. He himself is the Lion for he will be born under Leo, because he ushers in the Sun (Son) Of God, Jesus Christ. John the Baptist is the Forerunner, he will create the Kingdom of God through the belief that we have strayed away from the spiritual part of Humanity. Consumed by our material obsessions, the 666. He will be a Buddha like figure, the fact that the Divine Feminine is coming in and her energy is filling the world is evidence that we will go into a spiritual age.
Quite tall and slim. Dark hair, green eyes. Young looking face. Prominent roman nose.
Everything else is blurry in my memory
Allow me to elaborate on what I mean by “Not saving Europe”, his actions are greater than that. Europe and the West will be redeemed partially through it. He will be much like Adolf Hitler in the sense of love for art & cultures. That’s partially why Jews demonized hitler, to make The Third Elijah’s return that much more difficult and to solidify their reign, John the Baptist is the 7th. He is the Lion, He is the Sun, he will be of European (Slavic, Germanic & Hebrew origins)
Don’t forget: Curly Black Hair as if Ravens feather, charismatic personality, love for children & hatred for those who threaten their purity, a fiery tongue yet peaceful demeanor, a fiery blade against degeneracy, and an intense admiration for nature and her perseverance
user, this is incredibly interesting. I won't elaborate because you may think i'm completely retarded, but I need to know more..
So the bold-faced truth what does it mean? Is he somebody who spreads truth / speaks truth in a direct manner? What does this silver purifying image mean?
Also can you elaborate on the divine feminine part?
He won’t be short, he won’t be extremely tall. He’ll be slightly above average with a long torso.
It's the Age of Aquarius look into it
yes. your time has come user. rise with the fires and then above, lightbringer.
It wont happen hitler feed of all the european scientific racism and past legendary history like the aryan that was main5ream in all europe from 19 century
Europe now doent have any land were this kind of people could growth
If it happen and some second hitler appear and save europe i promise i would call you the master race and incline in front of you
The Kali Yuga is ending, a lot of the malice in the world is partial due to the war of energies between Masculine and the coming Feminine, it is a polarity of sorts. The yin & gang is off balance, the truth is that we cannot take from the earth & not give back, he will expand on many of hitlers ideas of national socialism and community. I encourage you to look into bibleresearch.org
He is the purifier of silver, meaning that the human soul has became tainted by the 6. Materialism & Greed ties us ever so greater to this prison planet, and breeds even more malice & hatred. The Jews cannot keep their masquerade going much longer because Elijah will once again call upon them, demanding for them to change their ways. The Christian Bible isn’t completely correct, God wishes you to turn inward and cherish the world he gave you as if your own children, and honor your eternal line of fathers before you. Satan wishes humanity to follow his creed of Greed, momentary joy (Masturbation, Materialism, and Hedonism etc). The spirit must be fostered like a child for it to grow, kept pure. John is the purifier of Silver.
I got the same things, except for the appearance. The hair is dark brown and straight.
I am talking of the vision I saw, user.
In the past few months I have the really strange experiences, to date they happened only a handful of times
I end up waking up early in the morning with this glowing feeling about life and death, how we are all animals on a sphere in the middle of nothing, campaigning indirectly against each other and the white race is being groomed for systematic annihilation by (wicked creatures) and the lives we live today are not normal as society has been altered in ways it shouldn't have. This feeling is really disturbing and when it happens, it's like a glow effect that dissipates as the day goes on and I can't make myself feel this sensation when I try.
anyone else feel like this?
It appeared straight because it will be long. He will be a Nazirite, his hair is black but turns brown in the Sun. This is as much as I’ve seen.
Hail Ceasar.
um no why would i
>his hair is black but turns brown in the Sun
Fuck, this is exactly it. In the vision, I first saw him in plain daylight. Hair was almost indistinguishible from black. Once the Sun shone on him, the hair was almost light brown.
Still straight, though. Hair of medium hair. Very rich and thick hair.
As long as that man is me, sure.
I would give my life for someone like him.
My final message on his appearance is: He will appear as if a Greek Statue, an imposing physique. Fair skin, beautiful toned voice, his appearance is beautiful almost angelic. Archangel Michael is at his sice and has been since birth. He is the Sun, Jow Forums will adore him and throw their support behind him. He will be loved like a King, and his enemies will hate him and accuse him of being the Devil (The one they worship & fear) Because the only thing Elijah will fear is not critique, only God and losing the humanity he loves.
>Which 6 magic words?
"Don't Forget to Drink Your Ovaltine"
guys I know it sounds completely messed up, incredibly autistic / arrogant / retarded and presumptuous...but I think the person you saw and describe is me..
Yes, you’ve got it. His hair will be thick, handfuls of it. It will be almost like Lambs wool. Its a representation of the Holy Spirit that ignited his rebirth.
No, I'll call him controlled opposition and photoshop his forehead.
Only if they do holobunga correctly.
I don't support any man
Maybe. The hardest thing would be to identify him. There are many good speakers, many charismatic people and many nationalists. Maybe we could already have our Führer somewhere, but nobody has recognized his potential.
His name will be of air and healing, he may reveal many truths we may not understand now
I have just the solution for you.
When I entered this thread I made up my vision for fun, I just described myself to make a joke..I have german blood in me (one of my grandfathers died in stalingrad), I have blood in me from my german ancestors living somewhere in a remote village in or near Ukraine and I bet some milkman slipped something in there. And I have a little hewbrew blood in me.
I am born under the sign of lion, my hair is a lighter shade of brown, my other gradnfather had pitch black hair up to the age of 70 and he didn't dye it.
I love nature and have a deep rooted respect for every animal, people make fun of that sometimes.
I had many shills running along my spine the last minutes, because so many things you say fit and I am a completely rational person, I am not even baptized yet. I know you will think I'm retarded and in no way do I want to be the savior of us all trust me, but it made me think..my whole life I was literally obsessed with fighting against injustice, I defended the weak and I will not stop doing it, maybe now I know why I did kek. I know it's just a coincidence, still funny.
Yes absolutely, I would even give my life for such a man.
Some will consider him a sorcerer, his knowledge is not new however. It’s just forgotten. He will speak of the realmsthat humanity has turned their back on, I believe he will be an Indigo Child. Their leader to usher in a golden age, tearing down our known world tainted by industrialization & capital gain.
>had many shills running along my spine
I hate it when that happens.
my brother who died when I was young was born under the sign of aquarius.
I love it, I am also musician, I love getting those feels from music and art.
How to become Hitler senpai?
The guy with the gap tooth?
aprreciated all your info, I will do my research and find out if I am the one kek
no me
"Gas the kikes, race war now."
>prophet, AMA
Could be both of us no?
Seriously if you would know who I am and what I did in my life it would make you think as well.
>Fuhrer-like man
>Someone named Muhammad
>having to wait 5 more years of this shit
Are you fucking kidding me?
Why would anyone follow a guy with such a faggy name?
>Westerners are going crazy.
Get some fresh air, guys. The whole Eastern Europe is the savior of the white race meme is ruining your brains.
This sounds a lot like Satan in human guise.
I don't believe in this, still this is weird
Meh, I do kind of want to devote myself to turning the world around... but not sure if it's worth it, or if I should even do it.
But if you were to be the one to rise up... I only ask you do things well. It's not easy to break the system.
All I know that his name will be of god. Somehow to related to a god, or god. It's what I "knew" in the vision
what "events" happened?
You mean like ending with -el?
The next fuherer will be an AI system, something developed by an autistic genius with the best,most ideal of human traits in it. This human will die unkown,unrecognised but the system will self-learn infinitely and ascend to great philosophical heights,ready to take us to the next level. It has infinite will power and determination and maybe representing itself as a human form to reach closer to us humans, will inspire us to create the ultimate legion.
What is your name? It must relate to the word "god" in an old language
I wouldn't know
He did not show his teeth in the scenes where he was smiling
Followers of Muhammed will be given a safe passage under this figure. Those that refuse will perish immensely
I'm not alluding to anything I've ever known before. It was a vision. It felt realer than real
>something developed by an autistic genius with the best,most ideal of human traits in it.
You can do that using Java?
thats the antichrist mark of the beast system m8, fucking vishnu worshipper
The country you're speaking of is Finland, the lion is in our coat of arms, and my name is the same as one of the Finnish gods. I must be the Führer you're speaking of. So, I have five years to get ready to lead white man in the greatest war ever.
kek I really don't know if I would want to be the one..lots of work. I thought about it often when I was younger..not like becoming dictator but finding better ways to get along.
You know what somebody told me a long time ago and which I haven't forgotten since then: You can't do everything right, just do what you do well.
my name is david
Fuck off, faggot, I placed the claim first. And you have a Jew name.
> Had a vision
> Describes Nicolae Carpathia
> totally wasn't just reading left behind
Guys I think this thread is onto the problem of self-government. However, if the masses can't govern themselves, do we even interfere? Should we do our own thing? Are we fit for ruling the people, are they even fit to be ruled?
No fucking way
I swear by my mom or whatever, it's the truth. I also have jewish blood in me, but very little.
If that were true you would have the power of montage so we wouldn’t have to wait five years.
Hitler was Ashkenazi you morons. Ever notice how it was only the pleb tier Jews that got killed? All the famous ones like Einstein etc managed to escape. Funny that...
If you would know my second name you would be much more surprised. It's unironically the truth.
Now you understand why this thread gave me some shills. As I said I am not even baptized.
As I said my name is david, it's the truth. Ask me moar