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Serbia hate thread
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Eat a dick Slobodan.
kys kike albozerg
I'd rather kill dirty chetniks
Good luck with that kike diaspora shill, Serbia did nothing wrong.
I'm proud member of NATO that bombed your shit hole.
>muh civilians
Im not a Serb, but I will always defend their actions. They were justified now delete this thread and begone shqiptar devil.
No they weren't. You're retarded.
This could've been a fun thread actually. Too bad the OP is an albozerg
I will not allow anybody to harass to Serbs.
Our government and our military slaughtered them like the dirty dogs they are.
Croatia and Bosnia are rightful owners of that clay
Kosovo Republic is free.
I'm not a shqip but anyone that kills chetniks is a bro
go to hell kike
Back when US did not exist, we wuz kangs of balkanz.
You subhumans are worse
I like Serbia
I do too, OP is an assblasted diaspora kike.
report and sag*
serbs are based
My vater is a bundeswehr vet who fought in Kosovo and in the yugo wars on the Bosnian side.
Said he shot 2 serbian rats at least, feels good.
That's what serbscum gets for killing innocent civilians.
serbia > this shit hole, at least they don't put people in prison for saying 'nigger'
>killing innocent civilians
another brainwashed diaspora shill, good god they're coming out of the woodwork
The serbs were justified, today croats and Slovenes are mass homosexuals and pro migrant.
Aren't you supposed to be skinning peoples faces off or shooting their hands diaspora
>implying serbia doesn't fit in that category
wtf are you talking muslim faggot.
serbs are based, and were right, the last based pop of europa.
there are probably more police on that street shielding the gays, and 3x as many rioters than police-fags combined
t. tonibler
t. turk rape baby
They literally expelled the turks you south american ape.
expelled after "only" 400 years of ottoman domination lol this the power of serbshits?
who knows how many serb women were taken from their serbshit husbands by turks during that time
Sure they did
Explain us then why genetically serbs to not cluster with turks, and only with thei balkan neighboors, don´t you realize you have already lost on that subject tard?
Like 7
Those are gypsies, Croats should have killed all the gypsies in balkans instead
What do the quadrants represent
That's PCA, genetic proximity. As can you see serbs are just a random balkan european population, not related whatsoever with the turks.
Actually the Ottomans didn't rape but took healthy Serbian children from their homes and forced them to convert.
>implying ottomans didn't rape serbs
They did whatever the hell they pleased, yes
But the notion that every Serb is just "a Turk rape baby" is downright wrong and shitty
absolute state of shiptars
Here comes steve irwin
Unbelievable how someone can get butthurt just because my country exists :D
>pro immigrant homosexual
Says the united shill of america
why didn't serbs try to defend krajina
instead they ran away after 3 days of fighting
I know if I hate servs i'm just perpetuating the divide and conquer that the roman jews started.
today i'll pass on it
This. Reminder that the Croat Independence movement was to restore "democracy to the will of the people".
is there something wrong with us being independant
>go outside
>see a Servian
>day ruined
I hate Serbians so fucking much. Get out of Vojvodina, you fucking vermin.
based hungarian
fuck you, God is a Serb.
go away, satan
hungary is rightful serbian clay, get out mongols
Serbs aren't based. They're gypsies.
it gets in the way of landgrabbing serbshits' dreams of le greater serbia meme
based brazilian
your father is retarded
When the Serb has no civilians to slaughter and when he faces real combat, this is the result.
Based croat you can sleep with my women
REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab
you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo....ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia....hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac... you are ppoor stink turk... you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ....fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey
yeah just look at this evil dangerous old woman this heroic serb soldier managed to take down in combat
truly based serbshits
you never visited Bosnia eitherway and dont know the full picture.
Bosniaks will always be subhumans and no propaganda to give empathy will fool me
it's not about empathy for bosniaks, it's about serbshits being unable to win wars so they have to kill unarmed civilians to feel some sort of accomplishment
>my women
You're a gypsy then because Rita Ora is a Kosovo gypsy!
Take a look what BASED Serbs do when they don't get their way. I don't understand how an ordinairy person can support Serbia and their actions during the war. The less Serbian influence on the Balkans the better. Message to all Croats who are looking at this thread, do not fall for the "brotherhood" bullshit. People are already forgetting what they have done to us, but you don't have to. They should be left to reap the whirlwind from their numerous actions in the 90s.
No she was born in the us from orthodox albanian parents leaf
Barf, no wonder she looks like a nignog gypo.
You’re probably a mudslime nigger, Serbia did nothing wrong with killing Mudslimes.
I regret ever going to Serbia.
Last time I've been there it was for a vacancy with my girlfriend. We were absolutely horrified by the natives, I think I never saw uglier looking people b4. They are truly disgusting. My girlfriend also took a picture of a serb eating with his fucking hands just like a nigger. Wtf?
Stay away from Serbia.
That’s fucking gross.
almost as if a certain 3rd party intervened to prevent them from winning
The Serbs weren't going to win though.
I'm glad somebody else noticed this. I thought that I'm being biased because I hate Serbs, but at least 60% of Servian men looks borderline deformed. Women are slightly better, maybe 40-50%, but still very unsightly. Must be those Turkish genes...
They would have gotten Kosovo and parts of Bosnia without NATO intervention.
You cannot deny that NATO did most of the work there and seeing bosniaks and albozergs bragging how "they" won is retarded when NATO won.
I thought it was basic common knowledge that Serbs are ugly as fuck, even the women but they have good bodies. The men are literal orcs.
disguised serbian detected
i'm dead
>only serbs hate albanians meme
can you subhuman albozergs leave my country already?
That makes sense considering your flag.
>even the women but they have good bodies.
Meh. I was looking at my younger brother's class photo, and all the girls had gross chunky legs.
You gotta be in that diseased sinkhole to leave it
I’m not Serbian actually, I just despise Albanian gypsies for committing crime from where I come from.
As long as they have fitish looking body then they make good cumdumpsters for the west. Some many trafficked girls are Serbians btw.