Will we ever witness a gun fight in one of these Right vs Left rallies?
Will we ever witness a gun fight in one of these Right vs Left rallies?
Probably not, unless they want a real change.
>pot leaf boomer
fucking libertarians
I want a tire wall of fire like Ukraine got
No because leftists are anti gun.
The only thing you can witness is fistfights or the right deciding its time to massacre the side who despises being able to fight back but supports child rape.
The right will eventually flip out and vow to exterminate the left. There will be several shootings, and the right will be labelled a terrorist group. Tens of thousands of right will be sent to fema camps and deprogrammed. Those who cannot see logic or reason will be executed. Laws will be written so that this never happens again
You have been warned
>laws prevent things from happening
I still can’t belive this is an actual country name.
Yeah but it will be on our terms. Not the conservatards or the antifags or the police.
No, after today it is apparent that antifa is a shadow of its former self. After the leftists get pushed in this fall, Trump is going to Demand that the democrat party is the one that gasses them if they want to continue as a party, and the Democrats will lead the charge to round them all up and put them in semi trailers and pump in the semi truck exhaust
LOL, we know who your mother is. She won't be able to protect you much longer
I see, Northwest is making its presence here.
seems like it's bound to happen eventually
maybe not a gun fight, but someone getting shot
Hopefully you secure the future of the white race in the Northwest. God be with you.
We already had the massacre in Dallas in 2016, but the media doesn't like to bring that up.
What is it? Im phone posting on the shitter right now.
Jow Forums disappoints me with their lack of flag knowledge
Hopefully not.
Any rally where it's know that the participants will be armed will have a heavy police presence and neither side wants an all out gunfight with the cops so it seems unlikely to occur.
I sure hope so.
How are you all holding it together since HAC passed?
I heard the podcast and seems like there is no leadership. The only Northwest group that is in a good standing right now is called 'New Awakening' that is purely a national socialist movement.
>pics related
The north west imperative doesn't need groups... it starts first and foremost with the individual. The individual just moves there and starts living his life there, create a family, etc.
It's a decentralized approach of activism. Sure, you can join a group or whatever... but most important is BEING there and gaining a foothold. Sooner or later, america will crumble because its losing all of its cohesion. The strongest community will then prevail.