>get your ass kicked by the Nazis
>have to leave all your gear while you evacuate your troops with everything that floats
>Nazis kind enough not to massacre you on the beaches
>immediately start blaming the French
>make jokes about how they are cowards for getting defeated by the same enemy that defeated you
>claim an embarrassing defeat was actually a victory
>sit back and let daddy America win the war for you
>still lose your entire empire in the process
>continue to make propaganda about it three quarters of a century later
Get your ass kicked by the Nazis
Other urls found in this thread:
every director is contractually obligated to make a horohoax themed anti-nazi film
>Nazis kind enough not to massacre you on the beaches
Sad to see a German cuck doesn't know his own military history. The Panzer groups advanced way beyond the their infantry and supply lines. The halt was ordered so the infantry could catch up for a final assault on Dunkirk.
fuck off fag boy go suck some niggers fucking cock or better yet go fuck your dog
Hans, I sympathise, my country is utterly kiked, the west owes Germany a huge apology. We got kiked too, understand that!
But is his wife OK?
forgot to turn your proxy off Abdul
if g*rms hate it so much, why don't you make your own films? nobody paid you to watch our propaganda, you willingly swallowed it. get fucked.
Nice counterpoint
I love europe. We'd tear each others throats out while a mosque sprung up behind us and nigs raped our family before us.
We the best!