Why are niggers so musically gifted? Perhaps IQ doesn't correlate to musicality...

Why are niggers so musically gifted? Perhaps IQ doesn't correlate to musicality. That's the only explanation I can think of.

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nice bait, nigger music isnt music


They're not though steve irwin

Mumble rap vs Wagner

then why do all white american daughters listen to it?

Wiggers make the best music.



they're following orders. The machine writes their music.

Because they are retarded and unmusical themselves?

You think musically talented people listen to that bs?

because they're smarter

Tell that to Kevin Gates. You may not like the lyrics but he's a genius. XXXpenetration was talented too though I was not a fan at all.

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the eternal jew

arts isnt a science. its just subjective nice sounding noise, which the majority of stupid are attracted to. it really reflects in our current state of society. its all going to shit.

Nigger music sucks balls dude, in all my life i've heard just a couple of good nigger songs

>musically gifted
> mumble and giggle while inhebriated
> doesn't know rhythm timing
> doesn't know chord progression
> doesn't know intervals
lol...."musically gifted"

> the Aussie shitpost

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>then why do all white american daughters listen to it?

i hear women listening to country music from my window here in a suburb of LA. maybe if you keep buying up those radiostations and play nothing but nigger music youll achieve your dream schlomo but until then whites resist you.

Sad touched me deeply even as an aryan man, I could relate to loving a woman so much you become defendant on them for happiness and you knowing that leaves you thinking it was maybe better off not knowing them.

It's not mumble rap, it's literally the antithesis of it. He had a large array of songs varying hugely in genre, I know you dont care to check them out nut I'm just gonna let you know that.

Kill yourself, moron. You black boyfriend got shot for being a degenerate

why are you oven-dodgers so active today?

>black boyfriend
You projecting big guy?

You're the one attracted to blacks

Nigger music is terrible you uncultured fag

they what is music?

wite folk cant sing, or dance. Hell, only racial trait white people have are skin cancer and congenital disorders.

Only a person with substandard intelligence would consider rap "music".

>wite folk cant sing, or dance
>only racial trait white people have are skin cancer and congenital disorders
i'd say bait but niggers are that dumb that some might seriously believe that

Blacks aren't musically gifted. The average consumer is just musically retarded. We've lowered the bar so far that even niggers can now qualify as musicians. And no, jazz doesn't fucking count.

Liking some black artists =/= being attracted to blacks. Stop being retarded you sully our flag here, dont you think it has been desecrated enough by morons such as yourself?

Get shot you degenerate tattooed faggot

By this point we understand what it is about music that appeals to humans and can produce appealing tracks an infinite number of times. All you need is one good producer to manufacture a top 40 song. Mathematicians tend to be good musicians too.

>And no, jazz doesn't fucking count.


>IQ doesn’t correlate to musicality
Correct, it’s purely artistic, which means it doesn’t require IQ any more than painting or acting. Literature is an example of an art that would require high IQ.
Astroworld is the best music I’ve heard in a very long time.

Trump has shown you can't argue with popularity, stop being autistic

He asked rhetorically, and his big nose started to itch from excitement, as Isaac knew that he would be getting a lot of (you)s.

The ONLY redeeming quality of modern jews is the way they perform white classical music. It won't ever be enough for a saving grace, but still you choose to even piss on that?

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>Astroworld is the best music I’ve heard in a very long time.
t. normie who only listens to top 40 major label nigger music

What's that song it goes something like

Fried chicken
nigger nigger
white bitches
nigger nigger

The formlessness! The chaos! The shapes!

I’m a classical musician actually, nice cope though.

>so musically gifted?

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Xxxtentacion was my first real introduction to nigger music and I have to admit it's quite good tbqh (the songs where he talks about killing people and fricking bitches the depressing shit is gay as fuck) like video related youtu.be/ymSgls0Ce24

idk I want to find more music like this but most screamo shit and nigger shit doesn't really sound like this.

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This one is quite good also

and example of nigger (((music)))
>yeah nigga
>yeah nigger

It's not gift, it's just part of a culture of a cult.

In Asia, these groups are not so popular.

In the US, white males are fucking weak. They only make love music, look unshaved and have unwashed hair. Black people take care of their looks, that's why girls are liking them more and more.

Girls love dominant males, and since black people are part of american culture they just yet impose their songs and get the bitches.

I wasnt really in it for the lyrics although some of the lyrics like sad are good. He just really knows how to lay a tune which is where he really excels. He would have made a very good producer had he lived longer.

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The reason why white women are so drawn to black music is because it is the only music that gives white girls the attention they wish they'd gotten from their cucked beta white fathers. Look at the Beatles, Nirvana, Justin Bieber. White musicians have not been giving white women their dues so they go to niggers instead. This is largely the case in white civilization as a whole.



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>Black people take care of their looks
You've never been outside. Blacks are the fattest people in USA you dolt

>be musically gifted
>get shot
What would we do without our musical niggers? Sage

jewish producers and record labels make those monkeys dance. it's not hard to figure out

Xxxtentacion was garbage even as someone who listens to rap sometimes.. his whole new album has one song where you can understand the words. He has a 2 minute song where he is whispering about voices in his head for the first half and screaming incoherently for the other minute and 30 seconds fuck off lol.

I'm talking about the singers. Not those fat ass broke blacks who go to Walmart

>rhyming words like a 3 year old
>musically gifted

>I'm talking about the singers.
No, you were referring to the race as a whole you idiot

This is now a nigger music thread.


Have you listened to the lyrics of any rap song ever?

>gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang

If a white person ever tried to pass this off as music it would be considered a racist parody of how simplistic niggers’ lyrics actually are. And you think theyre gifted? Are you a nigger yourself?

wow, this was really thought provoking. I guess I will give astroworld a listen!

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This is the real answer. All popular music is carefully constructed like scientist creating the same medicine over and over. No one pays you 100 million for a risk. They pay you because they control everything you're a figure head. I have a friend in the industry the same song could get passed to 3-4 different artist before they choose who gets to claim it as their song. No one writes their own music, makes their own beats, or performs their own songs.

Lmao u think anyone gives a fuck what u do in any aspect of ur life ever?

keep hiding behind your meme-flag and listening to your shit tier music

Because your people control all the record labels and radio stations in America, nig nog lover

“musically gifted” is a bit too strong, how about competent jungle drummers?

Mumble rap and pressing buttons on a sound machine (invented by a white person) is not gifted.

>hiding behind your meme-flag
Lmao what exactly am I hiding u low IQ waste of flesh, that I’m American? Hurr durr

look at african tribes, music is a massive part of their existence. we are reincarnated and the blacks around the world are souls from africa where they've had lifetime after lifetime making music. it's why blacks dance so well and most of them are great singers.

IQ has nothing to do with degenerate, nigger "musicality." You can make "boom-chuck-chuck" music with a 60 IQ... But it takes superior intellect, and a superior human being to create (or perform) REAL music.


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No the nigger is garbage.

The last nigger to make a listenable song was lil Wayne nearly a decade ago.

Insufficient answer

Rare to see someone who knows what he’s talking about. Based and redpilled.
? is an excellent album. Nothing mindblowing but the tragedy of X is that he had a lot of potential, not that he was already a master.

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You ovendodger smallhats have bait down to a science

I thought it was because overwhelmingly white parents tell their kids to grow up and get a job rather than mumbling into a microphone all night.

Lil Wayne is shit

Chinese invented gunpowder and Europeans improved upon it making it useful, your point doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

>musically gifted
>lyrics that a literal child could write
>unsophisticated vocals like all rappers
>beats that were most likely made by someone else, not a creation of their own
Mate even this song shits on all the so-called gifted rappers out there and that's not even their best song - youtube.com/watch?v=xD1YqWrwtJk

Rap is music for the lowest common denomination.

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Ooga booga I got a big mouth helps me enunciate and project my voice ooga booga

>musically gifted
Fuck right off

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Never seen a nigger compose a symphony.


The Isley Brothers were last. Honorary whites?

Most niggers making modern music are no more “gifted” in their medium (typically rapping and lyric writing, if that) than previous generations of white popular music were “gifted” in their guitar playing, singing, or lyric writing. There are exceptions of course, but most of this stuff is popular because it’s what’s being pushed and music is so subjective that even a song you initially hated may grow on you to the point where you love it. For pure musical talent and innovation, virtually none of these guys could hold a candle to Davis, Coltrane, Parker, Mingus or Monk.
>inB4 “boomer”

To play in all 11 keys you'd need an IQ of 11,000

>musically gifted?
Funny, your not talking about Jazz - the only Black music that requires talent and training to perform well.

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Reminder that before the Jewification of society was completed that niggers used to actually make alright music


XXXtentacion was redpilled on the power of frequencies and vibrations and how they can be harnessed to control people, illuminati took him out because he wanted to go against them.

It's lame music, and nobody really likes it. It conveys no emotion and doesn't inspire you. People pretend to like it, but nobody really does. I've seen people go through jazz phases because they think it makes them sophisticated or something. But eventually every one of them has gotten bored and stopped. It's just not good. If anything it's just a style that musicians play for other musicians to show their chops and 'creativity'. But that's all anyone really 'likes' about it. Sort of like a pool player going crazy with tons of english so other pool players know they've got skills. Sure, it lets people know you're good, but if you play the whole game like that you're probably doing something wrong. Same thing with jazzy licks.

Because it is an arbitrary talent like putting a hoop though a basket or tap dancing. Teach someone the rules (what is considered music is arbitrary) and you can train a monkey to tap dance.

What we see is a lowering of standards of what we accept as art to better sell to the lowest common denominator, something that was never possible before capitalism. Elites were the market for entertainers for thousands of years but now it is the inverse: nigger trash are the buyers. Economies of scale: easier to sell a $.99 tune to 5 million futureless niglets that fills their brain cavities with fantasies of superiority than it is to sell one child rape painting to one John Podesta for 5 million dollars.

At least those dumb enough to believe in the polished turd the Jew provided.

((( (((Gee,))) (((I))) (((Wonder))) (((Why))) )))

In all fairness music really isn't entirely subjective. It's based off of mathematics.

meh. niggers are awesome musicians. were able to write very complex music. you can't do shit

Lol I’m picturing some blind user with voiceover reading that. Sheeeeeeittttt

they're more connected to nature, because more primal and animalistic, which causes them to have an increased sense of rhythm, broadly speaking.
They'll never produce a work of musical *genius* at the level of a bach or beethoven, but they can create catchy beats, esp those that appeal to our animal natures

More oxytocin = more creativity


Symphonies are less complicated than what Hendrix made desu. Besides complexity doesn't equal good music, just listen to some of the overbearing multilayered techno trash that exists, complicated yes, enjoyable, no.

(((record labels))) give popular ones with street cred the use of equipment enhance their garbage.

African languages have a distinct abundance of rhyming words and rhythmic syntax. I posit that they are epigenetically predisposed to enjoy making rhythmic couplets and such like rap "music".

I do agree for the most part but look at what each race considered to be music. The various scales etc. sure they are logical unto themselves.

Rather by arbitrary I mean in the fashion sense like, currently xyz style of music is trendy.

They are not. On what basis do you assert this?

When Steve Jobs used the bicycle analogy he didnt factor in how it would let Tyrone roll through into the next hood to cap Shanista’s mother’s cousin’s babymomma’s daddy.

I’m sure we would have outlawed music ala Islam had classical era Europeans forsaw niggers making current year music.

I'm not talking about rapping. Go ask a random black person to sing. A way higher proportion of black people can sing compared to other groups. Then ask them to dance. They are inherently talented at these things. I want an ethnostate as much as the next guy but I'm not going to lie about the talents of particular races.