Remember when our president was smart and respectable, and not the degenerate we have today?

Remember when our president was smart and respectable, and not the degenerate we have today?

Attached: President_Barack_Obama.jpg (2687x3356, 1.22M)

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respectable, like when he droned american citizens.
right, fuck face?

Reddit faggot faggoting full steam ahead!!

Wasn't this the president who droned more civilians and children than any other US president in history? How did he get a peace prize again?


yes i remember, peres was better than rivlin

veneer president, all appearances. we want substance, which is why we support Trump.

Obama was Jew wise on Israel too

The man who cheated on his wife multiple times? Surely that sort of man wouldn't be praised by Jow Forums, who upholds traditional values...

Remember when your president was a nigger?

Like when he sent palettes of cash to a country that was and still is on the US list of terrorist-supporting nations, a nation that still chants "Death to America!"?

Yeah, I remember traitor Hussein. I remember him quite clearly.

Attached: 20120925.jpg (933x445, 93K)

nah, I wasn't alive during Nixon's presidency


Attached: obama gay.jpg (1600x836, 474K)

Obama couldn't have thought his way out of not having a pedo for his VP if you fucking showed him any other person he could have chosen.

Why would anyone give a fuck what he does to his wife as long as he turns the country around? People cite the fact of Obama being a better husband as if it takes away from the fact that he was a lameduck president.

The first downlow president of cum catching more like it.

JFK? Yea, I remember him.

A LAZY nigger!

Attached: moon.jpg (600x431, 54K)

>kill 2000 syrians
>win peace price
>obongo yes

He was only "smart" when near a teleprompter.

Yes I do ! Nixon was great.