First mainstream openly anti-israel politician in history

>first mainstream openly anti-israel politician in history.
>bans donations from (((corporations))).
>(((Hollywood))) hates her.
>Obama/DNC hates her.

The jews fear the latina.

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The amerimutts haven't heard of jezza, absolutely shanful

Shes a Bernie acolyte.

Shes already dead.

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>literally an open-borders communist

Alexandria is not for lewd.

>Obama/DNC hates her
This is the next phase of the Democrat establishment's undoing, which is exactly why you should be supporting her ad infinitum.

She cute

I like her big eyes and she seems genuinely good-hearted and not a cunt , easily blows that bitch Tomi Lauren out of the water personality wise
Bet she rides crazy dick too
>TFW to qt Latina congresswoman gf

This is exactly how they shilled patrick little, nehlen, and everyone else. Into the trash it belongs.

She wants open borders and she's a fucking commie





>"bans donations from corporations
>"Hollywood hates her"
>"Obama/DNC hates her"

They don't hate her. She is a useful idiot.

They literally fund her.

when she picks emma gonzalez as her vp drumpf is finished

anti-semite hamas apologist

Why didn't Obama endorse her bros?

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>anyone who is openly anti kike is a shill

Its clear there is going to be at least some type of alliance between between far right/far left when it comes to the jq (or israel question, as it is for far left).

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Don't fear the Latina

Obama represents (((their))) interests.

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Obama is also literally an Indonesian Jew with 0 black in him at all.

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looks like someones been listening to too much infowars...

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No. Infowars calls Obama a muslim. You already knew that though meme flag kike.

No one can be an anti-Israel Marxist. That's called a useful idiot.

It's not a 1v1 it's a war with many faces you fucking degenerate. The woman advocates for open borders, reparations, and the replacement of whites. Just because kike 1 hates kike 2 doesn't mean kike 1 is your friend. Let kike 1 and 2 rip each other apart and then finish the job.

>The woman advocates for open borders, reparations, and the replacement of whites.
No. That's the mainstream democratic platform. You're an Israeli shill. NOBODY LIKES ISRAEL ANYMORE. GET IT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING HEADS.

I vote we kill this goblin communist. Look at her facial skull structure. Not human!

>supporting a communist
I'd rather just be nuked

Dude, she's got Soros money falling out of her ass and vagina. I didn't really care, until i heard her speak - she's a complete retard, she just spews meme after meme, that sounds good, but she has no chance of accomplishing. She thinks she's leading a revolution. She might even win. But it will be like the Tea Party candidates who won - they went to Washington, and were completely forgotten. The real powers that be sat them down, told them what they would do for the next two years, shut up, or we'll destroy you utterly. Play ball, and you might get a nice, new house in a safe part of New Jersey.

>you are an Israeli shill

Are you fucking high you faggot? I want that country to be torn apart and charred. I am not going to align with my own demise. I am not going to embrace spic socialist culture and let the west die.

>working in the interest of the kike
This is called "covert goyery."

Would have unprotected sex with this crazy Latina.

latinx you bigot

That is all she is good for.

>says she doesn’t support Israel
>literally next day apologizes cause she knows who lines whose pockets
She’s spineless

You can go to the DI and PR and fuck better looking than her, practically free.

Seriously, in the islands, she's a 5, at best.

if you haven't learned not to trust a bitch with crazy eyes go learn it on your own away from us. You're trying to go all in with everyone else's money on a pair of 2's.

>"She's a anti-Israel politician guize"
>Champions and promotes communist systems created by jews every chance she gets which would in effect solidify israeli statehood and their positions of power all around the globe
Imagine being a braindead fucking moron like OP.

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The commie spic fears the Samurai

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>She's against the establishment, goyim

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There's a difference between being anti-Israel because you're pro-Palestine and anti-Israel because you're red pilled

>>first mainstream openly anti-israel politician in history.
>Wants the US to go full kibbutz

You understand Hitler did what he did because most jews were Bolshevists, right?

Huh? Like all democrats are openly anti-israel

OP is an assigned shill cunt who uses this same argument every day. Meanwhile this spic bitch is a commie, and communism is a creation of the jews. She is a useful idiot and they are playing both sides of the fence

she has nigger nose


she's not

Is there any candidate who isn't open borders? Bernie has at least acknowledged the socialist experiment can't work with open borders. I don't know if he has passed on this knowledge to the wise latina but she has more chance of seeing the light then payed and bought politicians whose donors love the cheap labor mass migration brings.

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>Bans donations from corperations
>Only elected because of tribal colonies
>Accepts donations from Soros-tier oligarchs.
>Supported and platformed by corporate media

Who fucking cares. Why doesn't she move to Venezuela, and show them how Socialism is actually done? You know, test it first.

you guys are retarded, ICE was created in 2003 by BUSH, borders existed before that time, ICE is just another socialist authoritarian money grab from the government.

Burger calling any non-burger for a braindead moron

Alexandria Alaric-Cortez is literally the manifestation of open-borders Hispanio-Imperialism. Socialism in one country is counter to her premise. She's a Neo-Trotskyite


Prove it.

Oh wow, great rebuttal there you fucking no-English speaking waffle head. Thanks for proving my point. There's a reason you speak English and the rest of the world doesn't speak fintard.

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>replacement of whites
She won the primary thanks to gentrification

ICE was created because INS didn't work and didn't have the legal framework to enforce immigration law. I don't like the militarization of immigration law, but it is fundamentally logical.

Mass immigration is a form of warfare. We have been exploited for almost 60 years. I don't like it, but a heavy handed response is necessary in order to avoid all-out collapse and civil conflict (and to prevent the people of the US becoming a conquered subjugated people).

130 politicians in Mexico were killed last year alone. The majority were political assassinations. Ignore genetics, they don't matter. That is the ethos, the culture, the moral system you are importing into the US. One strong-borders political candidate being taken out by Hispano-Imperialist hyper nationalists, -will- be the tipping point. We, and all our children will find themselves in the midst of war. The fall of Rome will look like a picnic shuggle-fest in comparison.

Fight if you must but the future is written. Prior to funding Columbus Queen Isabella expelled the Muslims and Jews. Queen Cortez will do the same and fund an expedition to the stars which will be the most fruitful endeavour in human history... at least until trans-dimensional technology is developed.

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People need to abandon the absolutist understanding of the Left/Right dichotomy. It has its utility, but forces people into illogical patterns of thought.

Being anti-israel doesn't automatically make you good or an ally.

Wait until she needs the shekels for her campaign.

This is why people who base their political and philosophical positions on mythology and irrational ideals must be fought until their defeat is True and their end is utter.

Take notice friends.

Serious people. Serious business, seriously.

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I would literally marry her and have many children with her. God help me.

She's a typical Puerto Rican harpy. She'd drive you to insanity with her nagging and screetching within a month.

Get laid already, and stop getting crushes on worthless women. It's just a pussy, it's not magical.

Who cares if she does everything the Jews want. Plus then they get to cry more about oppression.

If you like mad cunts..

yeah the Jews are really afraid of the openly Communist politician

you stupid fucking retard

But she's a qt anti-((corporatist)).

>The Jews absolutely hate her for this one weird trick.

Everyone hates commie spics.

Any pics of her feet?

I'd vote for her.

>>first mainstream openly anti-israel politician in history.

She couldn't even articulate why she doesn't like Israel, thus hurting the cause.

How's your pull-out game?

More like LATRINA!

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Leave and don't come back.

This child think they should be involved in decisions that affect entire nations.

NEVER stick you dickin crazy, let alone impregnate crazy. If you've got 'maize fever' fine, but at least pick a sane one.

She's good. I would vote for her if I was an American. We need acceleration.

agreed on Tomi Lahren. Dumb cunt 5 LARPing as an intelligent 8.5.

You're missing the PSYOP.

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You sure you don't want to go accelerate your shithole some more first?

What if I network with others my age and increase my processing capability like a multi-core cpu? The boomers fear the network.

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Hm. Never mind. Fuck that whore.

>wow i've never heard this before

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Jezza and the Labour Party sucks.