Why do the elite want to kill only white men, but are allied with white women?
Is white whor-... agheeem... female suicide, harmful to society?
its a fact that the destruction of family and promotion of degeneracy hurts women more than men, gg feminism
Read the article. It was an accidental death, not a suicide.
If it hurts them so much, then why do they worship it?
Beautiful strong independent women who doesnt need no man
I used to work in forensic science. Coroners almost always file suicides as accidents simply to avoid bringing shame to the family. I'm not from Japan.
Researchers rely on accurate reporting in data analysis-- if this is widely practiced, that's a serious issue.
obviously because women get easily brainwashed and its all fun and smash the patriarchy when you are 20 and pretty
then it hits you hard when no one wants you anymore, but of course its all mens fault that they just fuck a new generation of whores instead of settling with old used ones
Families need an "out" when one of their own punches their own ticket. No one is going to change the practice.
overall its made up by all the murders filed as suicides
So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, and we should lower the age of consent?
> being less of a bitch and willing to give head may help also
thank you army boy
you know you might be right
most marriage counselors end of giving advice that the women has to take care of herself more and be willing to suck dick once in awhile, and men have to pay more attention to her, and take her out to dinner
It just makes studying suicide even more difficult than it already is. Thanks for bringing it to my attention though; I'm currently doing research into economic, social, and biological factors of suicide in the US. Open source data is extremely difficult to come by, and we rely heavily on it to validate our empirical results. Tell your coroner friends to knock it off.
>Why do the elite want to kill only white men, but are allied with white women?
Because women have no nationality or tribe. Obviously they have biological race, but no conscious sense of belonging to a group which is this race. Therefore they are merely a resource in a hands of whichever men own them right now.
Smartest answer
But almost a guarantee youre still too fucking dumb to figure out the solution, as i have.
And even if you knew the solution, youd be too much of a faggot pussy to implement it.
Civilization is quite literally an equitable distribution of feminine affection and therefor procreative prospect. This is the very behavior/ritual that galvanized large groups of men and allowed them to work as a unit. Those men that practiced this sexual restraint imposed their will on those tribes that didn't. This is why tradition, monogamy, and control of female sexuality is imperative if you want your civilization strong.
>March 29 2016
Because white girls are the hottest. Even the most treasonous of scum can't look past white women and go crazy for some shitskin bitch.
Thats why theres a separation between men and boys.
Boys chase pretty women.
Men chase meaning. Purpose. Light. Truth. Lasting happiness. Fulfillment. A mans life isnt vain, or corrupt.
You are not a man if you overlook the meaningless stench of white women.
You are a little boy.
Anyone think women over 50 might overcome male suicides in the next 10 years?
White male suicides outnumber white female suicides 21 to 1 right now so i doubt it.
Roasties are too narcissistic to actually kill themselves.
Even the bitch in OP was doing it for attention, and accidentally killed herself
Jesus fucking Christ! The woman in the picture is only 31?
Well please, grant us your wisdom great wise one.
you cant unsuicide them, we have to make do with whats left