Why is Japan so undeniably superior to every other asian country?

Why is Japan so undeniably superior to every other asian country?

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freepornx.org/search/japanese black cock/latest/1.html

They win by default because they didn't let jews ruin their country

I don't know if that's true. But it's certainly the most prowhite. With its history, it can't not be.

Attached: 1533179982998.jpg (1002x1334, 163K)

Because of the Japanese.

Because your weeboo trash

But what made the Japanese people so different from the rest of the asian peoples? I mean, every other asian country is a shithole full of ugly and violent subhumans

am i a race trator if i go out with a jap girl?

One word:


It has everything.




They aren't. I'm often travelling for business through pretty much all of East Asia and Japanese are universally considered as closed minded weirdos who work themselves to death. Fun thing is that Japanese don't think anything about anything other than their work, which kind of confirms the stereotype.

>they didn't let jews ruin their country

America runs their country. So Jews technically run the Japs as well.

Pre WW2 Japan was a completely different society both culturally and socially. Today, they have little autonomy and their culture is slowly degenerating into complete trash
> generates the most disturbing porn
> normalizes pedophilia... age of consent 13
> fucked up tv shows
> yet their men still arent capable of producing.....