Discord : 9MEZcKU

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Podcasts (méridienzéro)
Nouvelle Edition de Rivarol :

Attached: Vive la France.png (274x184, 514)

Other urls found in this thread:ée-damitié-française-le-29-septembre-à-la-mutualité.html

>culture générale et histoire
Céline : voyage au bout de la nuit ; mort à crédit
Brasillach : Poèmes de Fresnes
Montreynaud : dictionnaire des proverbes et dictons
Jaworski : Te Deum Pour Un Massacre (jeu de rôles)
Dante : la divine comédie
Bloch : la société féodale
Bainville : Histoire de France
Venner : Histoire et tradition des Européens, 30000 ans d'identité
L'intégrale des oeuvres d'Aristote et Platon
Machiavel : le Prince
La Boetie : discours de la servitude volontaire
Tocqueville : oeuvres complètes
Rousseau : discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes
Saint Thomas d'Aquin : oeuvres majeures
Rattier : encyclopédie politique française
Delaisi : la révolution européenne
Maurras : la contre-révolution spontanée
MacDonald : The Culture of Critique
Hitchcock : The Synagogue of Satan
Orwell : 1984
Raspail : Le camp des saints
Rousseau : du contrat social
Obertone : guerilla
Chateaubriand : mémoires d'outre-tombe
De Villiers : les mosquées de Roissy
Bigeard : Adieu ma France
Houellebecq : extension du domaine de la lutte
Barrès : trilogie le roman de l'énergie nationale
Gomez Davila : Les Horreurs de la démocratie
Camus : abécédaire de l'in-nocence
Rouvillois : crime et utopie
Dard : la nouvelle droite et la société de consommation
Bastiat : pamphlets
>connaître l'ennemi
(((Hertlz))) : l'État juif
(((Claude Levi-Strauss))) : race et histoire
(((Marx))) : le capital
(((von Mises))) : le libéralisme
Hans-Hermann Hoppe Ayn Rand
Friedman : capitalisme et liberté
Sowell : race and economics
Keynes : théorie générale de l'emploi, de l'intérêt et de la monnaie
Smith : la richesse des nations
Jovanovic : 666
Hayek : essais de philosophie, de science politique et d'économie
Rothbard : l'économie et l'État
Joule et Beauvois : petit guide de manipulation à l'usage des honnêtes gens
Le Bon : psychologie des foules
Bernays : Propagande

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1st for corse
no pic

In the propaganda section you could add "gouverner par le chaos"

do you even sleep or just think about Corsica day and night?

n-no bully



you're ok, fren.

here some

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Corsica and its people deserve respect but it doesn't belong to France. Let's dump 'em.
Corsica, yes!

Why? It is rightful French clay!

Friendly reminder

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there are some other ones to dump before, if you know what i mean.


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Yes but they cost us lots of money and refuse to integrate. Better to dump them in their own misery so they crawl back to us in a few years.

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Daily reminder that FN is cuckservative, and on the edge of dilute in the Republican scum...

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>Don't chimpout

Not cuckservative, just cuck. And leftist.

>not taking the federalism pill

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Audible kek

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Non cuckery is illegal in France

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Everything is illegal in France.

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>regards appuyés

[Event on French white genocide aka Grand remplacement] fin septembreée-damitié-française-le-29-septembre-à-la-mutualité.html

Guns are legal somewhat

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>kneel before the masonic republic
T-thank you for letting us live in this multicultural paradise

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I really need to subscribe to a shooting club and get myself some guns...

no they're not, and i encourage anyone in here to do what's necessary to take at least a cat. C. and some lessons.

sorry i've misread.. i thought you said illegal.
it's getting late.

Which weapon would you advise to get first?

A white flag.

Whatever you like

I could still strangle your wurst eating race with it.

You're welcome to try, crossaint crossdresser.

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22 long rifle is perfect for starters. Simple, silent, cheap.

>kraut cuisine
You fucking savage.

>this kills the frog

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Begone degenerate

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My mom makes a mean sauerkraut

.22 is gay i'm aiming for a .308 troy PAR in cat C.
check it out.
then if things go well i'd go for a cat B.

More like the Kraut does your mom.

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Purchase a hunting license instead of a shooting license, friendly advice.
Better to shoot real things rather than paper targets

+ hunting is much more fun (friends, drinks after the hunt, etc.)

i'm near Paris and unfortunately i can't shoot those animals. kek.
on the other hand i have a shooting range not that far.

I seem to have heard in this video that when you buy a category B weapon, it belongs to the state, and the state lends it to you for a period of 5 years renewable.

So the day you need it, the state will probably have already taken it back.

Mh, I see. I heard about la forêt de Sénard though ?

no what it means is you buy the gun, but you are tied to your licence at the range, or your hunting permit, that's why they say you "rent" it, because you have to pay your licence anyway.

it's possible, i might get into hunting too, but i'd like to begin with a good year in a range.

Based Maurras.
No you're not tied to your licence,not yet at least. But you better keep training after getting the gun, so you can be ready when shtf.

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yeah i'm not planning to just let it sit in a corner covered in dust like some do.

That's the spirit. Also buy as much ammo as you can every year. You might need it one day.

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My dad was born in Germany, that counts?

Depends where.
Alsace lorraine?
That's not germany. Although it should be.

magazin from april 1932 predicted your destinity, literally... sadly.

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>Niggers well dressed
T-They were a bit wrong.

this is Cologne, in Germany.

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I would not say that the .22 lr caliber is gay.
this caliber has a lot of quality, ammunition is cheap, we can carry a lot of it, it makes little noise especially with a silencer, its range and damages are correct.

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You're alright. I would eat your mom's Sauerkraut.

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in the end it was still satire.

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it's a lightweight caliber compared to the .223rem .308win or the 7.62..
it's good for killing pigeons.

>Alsace Lorraine
Well, they don't even want to be Germans.
Says the ultradegenerate and cuck champion boche. Topkek.

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A man of taste


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Of course, but you can also easily kill a man with a .22LR, especially if nobody hears your shot ...

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at least there are "natives" left in a major city.

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i mean...

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Personally I recommend you a 12 gauge shotgun and a rifle in 22.LR (like a ruger 10/22)

>you vs the guy she told you not to worry about

Don't speak about killing people with weapons if you want to get one.
Nah he's right. .22 can stop anything if you aim right.
This. AR15 is nice through, but harder to obtain.
What do you mean?

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It's not necessarily the size that matters, if you know what i mean...

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Thanks for the advice, i'll look into it

12 have a lot of recoil, and it's not the most easy to operate imo. it has also a low range.
the mossberg MMR look pretty slick and not that expensive in Cat B.
i know but i mean having a 2 handed weapon that shoots a 9mm bullet that you could shoot with a handgun is pretty meh imo.
a leather jacket with some reinforcements under can stop a 22lr.

How can you compare a .22LR carbine with a 9mm pistol?
Have you ever shot with a pistol?

i meant the caliber which is similar to the 9mm.

I can hit a target squarely at 20m with my cal12 shotgun. Range isn't that bad, depending on the canon. Recoil is easily manageable when you're well trained and fit.

20m is quite low range. i'm looking for something that goes at 100-300m.

Why that? 20m is quite far, there are no situations where you need to shoot further, would it be hunting or "else". Also, .22 is efficient at >120m and way more silent than any 5.56 or 7.62 weapon.

i think 12 is ok for close combat in closed environment like clearing buildings. but even then i would choose a handgun because it's easier to operate.
if you're in a middle of a field or a forest with "something" at more than 50/100m you're pretty much fucked because of the spread and range.
that's why they use rifles in the military or law enfoncement. even in a Urban situation, there's buildings everywhere, and you won't do much with a 12 shotgun against a hidden target.

Also the ammunition of these 2 calibres are very widespread in France. if SHTF it will be much easier to find those.

That's why you should own several guns. For home defense purposes, cal12 does an amazing job. So does 22. Handguns are also handy (heh) for sure. I'd suggest 9mm. But keep in mind that law changes and becomes more and more restrictive on catB.
I personally also own an AR15 but only use it for fun and would not count on it if shtf because of . Your 1000 legal ammo can burn very fast.

Based décathlon agrees

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Personally I don't like handguns, I think it's too difficult to be precise with.
Also you can easily fire through the walls with a 12 gauge.

what about rifle on X urban combat?

what fares best?

They also have .308win I just check it out. I’ll be ok I guess