Can Jow Forums weaponized autism be use to kill this guy or drive him to total delusion or suicide ?

Can Jow Forums weaponized autism be use to kill this guy or drive him to total delusion or suicide ?

Attached: Sem título.png (647x549, 392K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jow Forums's weaponized autism can barely influence a local election

these seemed to claim credit for it
but Cuba G2
G2 and, until 1989, named Dirección General de Inteligencia (DGI), is the main state intelligence agency of the government of Cuba. The DI was founded in late 1961 by Cuba's Ministry of the Interior shortly after the Cuban Revolution.

Attached: Soldados de Franelas soldadoDfranela Twitter.png (1935x573, 1.96M)

many National Guards injured

Attached: 1 Explosion at Maduro Speech in Venezuela LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE 2 YouTube.png (891x569, 662K)

>CIA niggers can't do their jobs right

No one gives a shit CIA nigger glowing in the dark hiding behind a Gadsden flag. That assination attempt (failed on purpose) it's just an Israeli false flag operation to show sympathy to Maduro.

They wanted him their puppet down - really they would make sucessful at any time.


As we win the presidential

Jow Forums had nothing to do with Trump winning the presidental election.

>assination attempt (failed on purpose) it's just an Israeli false flag operation

Attached: 1 Explosion at Maduro Speech in Venezuela LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE YouTube.png (856x494, 663K)

Stay salty bitch. Israel is fucked and you know it.

Attached: 1508842814753.jpg (1865x874, 1.13M)

Ohh gee I wonder who could behind this.

Attached: 480px-Seal_of_the_Central_Intelligence_Agency.svg.png (480x480, 101K)


and because this we need to kill him or drive him insane


Attached: DjyAJ-7WsAAJbJN.jpg (735x735, 147K)

Was it CIA?

um sweetie, CIA are the good guys

yeah, Trumps victory don't have nothing at all with the memes created on Jow Forums, it's just a coincidence goy

Wojak I told you... communism works!

i have a couple mil in wow gold, how many houses could i buy in venezuela?

Oh look, another CIA shill thread.
I miss the good old days of shareblue interns trying to get us to push their agendas. At least they tried.

Attached: 1529554928758.png (473x299, 99K)

>um, sweetie
Aaand your opinion is discarded
>CIA are the good goys
Fixed that for you

with that kind of dough you could be president... of both... Venezuela and Zimbabwe

apparently they tried to use a drone with explosives

I'd direct the secret service to prioritize looking for suspects from a list of of youtube prank channels

nigger detected

>Asking Jow Forums to carry out an assassination

In other words
"Hey Jow Forums, CIA here, we fucked up our assassination, it went really bad. Can you finish the job for us?"

Fuck, do your own damn dirty work. We may want the guy dead too but right now he's showing the world a shining example of what happens when communism is put in place.

only a swede with a mohawk can take him down

>Thinking the glow in the dark CIA niggers fail assassinations on accident
They're the best of the best in whacking foreign politicians. If he survived, it's a false flag

Redpill: Maduro's Venezuela is part of Trump's anti-globalist alliance.

>best of the best in whacking foreign politician
you forgot ....and domestic

Attached: 2 Soldados de Franelas soldadoDfranela Twitter.png (516x521, 533K)

>Maduro's Venezuela

Attached: 4ED653BC00000578-6027507-image-m-30_1533425540162.jpg (634x422, 89K)

Attached: Djslq8GXgAAkXnx.jpg (800x495, 88K)

>one drone btfo the Venezuelan army

>one drone
but still missed the big enchilada

Attached: DjXERASX4AA_N4J.jpg (895x748, 55K)

He won’t make it

Maduro says it was right wingers from Columbia

Attached: 4ED6558100000578-6027507-image-m-32_1533425637912.jpg (634x445, 81K)

anyone have pics of the drones yet?

Maduro just said the leaders in the attack live in Florida...sounds like Cuban intel glow in the dark.

Attached: 4ED6442B00000578-6027507-image-a-34_1533426046155.jpg (634x426, 63K)

He’s one of us faggot, he’s keeping the military strong while starving out the American imperialist sympathizers.

He’s reverting to castroite tactic of blaming exiles in Miami

>north korea says us must stop defending israel
Truly best korea

Attached: 1533295704702.jpg (480x640, 68K)

a slightly different angle but still similar video

where all the drone footage?

Attached: 4ED66D1B00000578-6027507-image-a-37_1533426976485.jpg (634x482, 64K)

Do you really think that CIA or Mossad would try to assassinate him exactly while taking a speech military parade in livestream TV making him a martyr and keep going the part on power forever?

These kikes (like Maduro himself a descendant of a Jew therefore has Jew blood) make a lot of false flag operations to gain sympathy of public or entice countries to war. And another thing taking in account - it's that they are doing this since long and they are first recorded terrorist in modern history - Jewish Sicarii Zealots. They are master of deception and what goes on the background and in reality pulling the strings.
>The Lavon affair refers to a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954.
>In early 2017, a wave of more than 2,000 bomb threats were made against Jewish Community Centers in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Norway and Denmark[1]. Two arrests were made in connection with the threats and Michael Ron David Kadar, a dual American-Israeli citizen has been convicted

ZOG False Flag OP

Manchild Fears No One.

Attached: glitch.png (1080x1430, 1.61M)