Jim is really gone, isn't he?

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Q predicted this


he got fucking tuberculosis from a somalian nigger, i thought he was meming when he said that


>literally who?

F predicted this


no he just got tired of all the other youtube faggots

shamrock-niggers don't die, they just get drunker

[citation needed]

he said he was gonna give the channel up afew months ago. Might have finally happened.

he disappears from time to time. he may be back.

Yep he wasn't meming. Shits real plus he has a comped immune system already. F

Let the dude enjoy summer...Minnesota is indoors only frozen hell after October. Guy is probably out on a boat enjoying himself right now

so he's dead?

We are not one species.

The Fixation index, or FST, is a way to measure genetic distance between populations.

The FST between Whites (British) and Blacks (Bantu) is 0.23.

The FST between the common Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the Bonobo (Pan paniscus) is 0.103
(Which you'll note is *half* the White-Black difference, despite the two being classified as two separate species.)

The FST between two Gorilla species; Gorilla Gorilla and Gorilla Beringei is 0.04.
(Or 1/6 the difference between Blacks and Whites. Again two seperate Species).

The FST between modern Humans and Neanderthals is

He never made the couch cuck shooter video. He said it would be his top priority but instead he made 3-4 videos on seasonal garbage. Good riddance.

Doesn't he have a history of dropping accounts and making new ones because he likes the smaller audiences?

he hasn't posted on Twitter in a week and a half, maybe he's working on a big video?

I think Jim is in a situation where he can't access the internet. He could be out in nature, he could be dead, who knows. The fact of the matter is, Jim couldn't resist shitposting on Twitter during a happening like today. This leads me to believe he is unable to do so. Given that sometimes Jim drops off the face of the earth for a week or two at least once every 2 months, this leads me to believe he is undergoing some type of medical treatment at a facility.

either he's dead
in a coma
taking a random 2 week break without telling anyone
or someone got his real dox and is extorting him.

I heard he had plans to move to Texas with Jade in the future

He might be very cautious about when to go low-profile and just left for a while. If he ever gets doxxed there's a shit ton of people who'll go after every aspect of his life just due to the number of enemies he's made.

Jim is a nigger who always does this
Check his previous internet aliases such as "Internet Aristocrat", he does activity then fucks off for an unknown amount of time and comes back

That’s some spicy AIDS!

But he has a huge number followers. We'd be the first ones to strike back if Jim got doxed

Canada is frozen hell from October to May, same in Minnesota?

That is not Jim Carrey

Terrone ritorna a diocane negro di merda l'Ialia puzza.

I was hoping to see him make a video about Dan "get in my van little man" Harmon.


Who cares.

We do. We do.

bye reddit

He has tuberculosis and probably still sick. Plus he said he would update his patreon if he was leaving or his cancer aids got him

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Does anyone know what Jim really looks like? I know this gets passed around as him, but it was proven that it's not.

he'll be back next time there opportunity to play contrarian for shekels

Nope, no one, not even Jade. Not even him. No one

literally fucking who?

Do better than him you lazy nigger.

Mr. Metokur. I mean for fuck sakes: you old fags act like Masonic niggers. Good christ.

Attached: metokur.jpg (900x900, 102K)

Here's an uncensored pic of him.

Attached: 1508994434776.jpg (640x400, 65K)

Good riddance, he was only putting out unfunny five hour garbage anymore

So when are you livestreaming your suicide?

Attached: dab_suicide.jpg (125x92, 2K)

I hope you contract ligma,

nice jpeg

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Excuse the fuck out of us for not knowing every goddamn eceleb of the week you whiny shits cry about.

>being proud of knowing about nobodies

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how is he gone? its been a month since his last video, has has had much longer breaks than that

Only after I'm happy with your service.

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Which makes sense if he is ill. For all we know hes a wheelchair bound fragile skeleton



Source? When did he say that?


i thought he has crohns
did he really get TB from a Somali nigger prostitute?
i wonder if he took jewmira
it says in the commercial that it can give you TB
but how TF you get TB from a pill, i thought you had to contract that shit , like from a Somali nigress or something

Attached: jewmira.png (1280x989, 1.46M)

"Jim" is best known for introducing the wider YT world to the principal, modern day, prophet of God, Terry A. Davis


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Wasn't he going to do a serie of vids about failed school shooters?

who the FUCK in america gets tuberculosis in this day and age? holy shit