Why did they kill off lieutenant yar she was so pretty

Why did they kill off lieutenant yar she was so pretty

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She wanted out because she'd have to stand behind Patrick Stewart for 12 hours a day doing nothing.

(((Natasha Yar)))

Why are Amerimutts so easily seduced by the dyed blonde Jewess?

She left because she was a stupid bitch.

Q predicted this.

Attached: Q Trumpet.jpg (1000x750, 428K)

socialism always kills off the pretty ones first


I blame Khan for losing the eugenics wars. Otherwise she would be Captain and Mr Picard would be a nameless face in engineering. A bald Captain? Really?

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Yep. She came back tho. Like three times

She obviously didn't understand the golden ticket of residuals she was handed. Any actor with 1/2 a brain would have realize how lucky they were.

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