I voted trump in 2016, he has not delivered. I expected a new speaker and majority leader, mass deportations every single day. He has been pretty decent on trade. The tax bill was bad but I understood. (Gop's got huge donors) Honestly, besides the judges he has been pretty shit. Planned parenthood, Obamacare, infrastructure, the wall, reducing legal and illegal immigration. The commies in Seattle who don't pick up the phone when Ice calls or the Oakland mayor, those ppl should be locked up or taken out of office by military force. Sanctuary cities still in effect. Without Jeff Sessions and Stephen Miller where would he be? The one good thing he does on immigration(family separation)he pussies out on because the jewish media. What happened to the RAISE act or the Grassley bill. He should be calling these kike puppets out on Twitter and Tv. Instead he endorses someone who wants to replace White America with Indians and Mexicans. (Kevin Yoder) breitbart.com
Hopefully Kobach or another nationalist runs in 2020. I'm voting democrat in November. The only republicans I would vote for are ones with A grades on numbersUSA /"Trumpian" reps like Lou Barletta. Plus my dem rep is has a 100% from NRA. (NY-22)
Do you guys feel the same way or different?
Mid-Term Discussion
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PA fag here
Barletta isn't going to win. Casey & Wolf will secure re-election
we will see. How do you feel about Trump and R's, same?
>Trump hasn't delivered
Wall's being built, immigration has fallen through the floor, China and Europe are running scared
Did you think Trump would win PA in 2016?
>Wall's being built
It's not really being built. I don't blame him for it, however, since he can't secure the necessary funding for its construction. And immigration has remained constant. One million are immigrating here annually, and illegals aren't being deported.
Like I said he's been good on trade. thehill.com
Also what wall? He's fixing some fencing (not bad) but on legal and illegal immigration he's been a pussy.
I was thinking that too
Immigration way down. Particularly legal and from Muslim and Asian countries. Economy strong, lower tax rates on all income levels. Wall a disappointment, but only a year in so let's not give up.
>be faggot-OP
>support Trump and his policies
>Trump has worked to the maximum extent of his ability
>can't get most things done because of congress
>instead of voting for congressmen who will help him i'll vote for the people who are obstructing him at every turn
I'm voting along party lines because institutional warfare is a major issue. A democrat is going to appoint democrat officials, vote for anti-Trump things, and has no qualms trying to sabotage the country in order to blame it on Trump. You're obviously just trying to shill, but it's so fucking obvious.
Right I've only seen Ice arrest people in big groups on a handful of times. 1st day in office he should have renewed operation wetback.