Would you tell your child if they had [minor] autism, adhd, add?

obviously if it's srs you gotta handle it and inform them, but i feel like there is a very real effect of telling a kid they have so and so condition. seems to put them in a box and define them. i remember when i was a child i had a friend who was normal but would fuck off and play the ADD card as an excuse. i just feel like a highly functioning autist's power levels would be off the charts if he thought he was a regular kid and didn't have parents advertising the condition as they often do...

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bro, just ask your parents if you have autism. you probably do and i'm sure they won't mind letting you know.

my mom never told me, then when i was like 26 at mcdonalds I was telling the people there that i didnt want a sesame seed bun and the woman said "oh you have autism okay"

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all of those words are different names for poor parenting

lol i knew this response was inevitable

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nobody told me. my super powers could have been fine tuned if I knew what I had to work with all these years.

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>"my son, autism is going to make your life difficult at times. enjoy your new family and no i'm not sorry. you'll understand."

i imagine it would go something like that

>no talent

libtard trolled epic style 8)

i didnt tell my son he was autistic till he was a senior in high school. he is now doing well in college majoring in civ eng

>Would you tell your child if they had [minor] autism, adhd, add
Hey! Put that down! Stop it. STOP IT!

Their maxist teachers will be the first to tell them

how'd the conversation go down

honestly good point, a lot of teachers for some reason take it upon themselves to play doctor and diagnose kids

I wouldn't tell them anything, it's none of their damned business. I have two daughters that have autism spectrum disorder and they know not to ask questions. When I am changing their nappies I pin them down with clamps and blow a jet of very cold air over the vulva area with a special machine.

Learning disorders are no joke.

If they had add or ADHD nothing if they had autism well pic related

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what and why

but word on the street is that weaponized autism is the next super weapon

his dad mentioned going to his yearly 504 meeting at school since i was out of town. so they called me to ask about the meeting. my son previously thought he had just needed speech therapy when he was younger. it was awkward but he took it well. it was a good excuse to get his dog listed as a emotional support animal and allowed at dorms

Had someone bothered to tell me I had been diagnosed with ADHD instead on me finally getting re-diagnosed and treated at 37, I'd be a physicians assistant making a quarter million a year and not a dead end cube rat having already peaked in earning power and now just a middle management failure. Be truthful and helpful.

at what age would you have wanted to be told?

Yes. I would. We are all some form of fucking autists. Seriously there is worse shit to deal with. Try having a kid with real shit, like telling them "hey you have cancer you are gonna die" much harder then "hey fucker take your speed and stop acting like a re".

At an age when I could have understood that I wasn't struggling in school because I was stupid, and I needed to take responsibility for my condition. I think a young teen person needs to be aware and learn the skills to cope and not just go through life struggling like I did as a MBA student, as a college student, as a high schooler, as a kid in a Catholic school locked in a office for being "disruptive". I was a good kid, a smart kid, just different.

I asked my mom, she says no, but i don’t believe her

>We are all some form of fucking autists

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thats when you say
>bitch im not retarded, i have standards, dont touch my bun with your filthy seed

>be me
>reviewed by a psychologist in elementary school
>more or less decides I was different but
>not full blown sperg diagnosis
>Later in middle school
>be at teachers desk
>misread notes teacher's desk
>reads "user HAS a learning disorder"
>instead of "does user HAVE a learning disorser"
>cry because nobody told me i was retarded