post em
Attached: abortedgf.png (998x781, 32K)
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Dumping what I've got
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>western motherhood
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when virtue signaling goes wrong
Attached: illegal immigrants.jpg (612x612, 91K)
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>Hitler did nothing wro-
Attached: barbarossa.jpg (350x263, 29K)
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It's 15-D chess you shareblue shill!
Attached: img.jpg (999x1080, 280K)
>.t boomer meme general
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>friendship froggy meme magic
Lost it
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>JIDF this far behind while trying to catch up
a respectable meme good sir
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unironically powerful
thank God for abortion, imagine the world with twice as many people in it, you'd be sleeping in pods like the Chinese and eating insects by now
fuck people seriously, the fewer the better
Attached: 1527950070986.png (2000x1200, 282K)
sad to watch them try so hard. I wonder if they're actually oblivious to how transparent it all is?
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Attached: a fucking leaf.webm (640x360, 1.51M)
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Think how how many more niggers there would be without abortion
Here's your (you)
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Wait a minute... that's not a golden retriever.
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Vivec? Like the God?
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Not so fast, globalist!
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