I get why pol hates shitskins and kikes. But why does pol hate white women? They're one of us...

I get why pol hates shitskins and kikes. But why does pol hate white women? They're one of us. It's almost as if you guys have suffered years of rejection by them.....

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Don't fall for every meme, kid.

They are the bane of western civilization Should've never been given the right to vote, in any country

I love women, I just hate feminazis but I guess they are subhumans so they don't really count as women.

I breed one. Love our white family.

>They're one of us.
They're not actually.

They don't hate white women.
They're envious of men who get white women. They're jealous, against being strong and successful and actually getting the attention of white women, so they blame white women instead of blaming themselves for being so insolent and autistic.
Don't fall for the MGTOW virgin cucks.

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American white women are the worst white women.

Dating a white chick now would love to gas her

I'd say maybe 3 of those girls are natural blondes. And that's being generous.

is it strange i dont find any of those basic bitch roasties really attractive?

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Because they're not circumcised and uncircumcised women are all cock guzzling whores.

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Ok in what regard? They vote red even ones under 21 in 2016. And pic related. Also Mississippi is actually like 3%.

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Only American women really, and they're shit because they're eternally undersatisfied by kike-cut burger cock.
Our white women are in fact fine if not the best.

White women have contributed to maybe 2% of human accomplishment in history, and nearly 100% of feminism which hates white men. Don't throw this on Jews. White women eat feminism up.

I wanna take the chick four from the left and spank her

Then I'll make her call me "daddy" and slap her then stick my dick down her throat

>But why does pol hate white women?

Act of rebellion against their single mothers

It's ironic because Jow Forums wants so badly to be anti-feminist, but they just can't get rid of the feminist tenets that mommy taught them

No because everything about them is false advertising. Excessive makeup, dyed hair, heels, and pushup bras.

But they all look like Mormons

I love white women who are hot.

Says the gynocentric beta male that uses ineffective feminist shaming tactics to silence other men. Who do you think you're fooling?

white women are the niggers of women

no their vapid and phoney

Your point?

Only shills do user.

The broken women are all coal burners so it's no loss in fact it improves American blacks, that is the reason our blacks are the highest Iq in the world.

Every man has faced rejection from a woman. It's just part of the game. You'd know that if you even played.

It's not a hatred of white women.
It's a disgust towards the ridiculous influence that 'liberated women' have on a stable culture. Large numbers of them eventually become weaponized retards in the left's 'coalition of the aggrieved' who they then use in (((democracy))) to vote against the interests of the civilization itself and to advance Marxist agenda.

a lot of them are traitors

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Why do you post blondes?

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I’m pretty sure that’s Jenna Marbles.

>But why does pol hate white women?
Jow Forums doesnt
Reddit does

it's the eyes that matter, not the hair
>green eyes apply too

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because women betray the tribe for violent invaders

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they have no ass

I hate them

Literally getting beaned.

I fucking hate this shit

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Time for another round of Fuck, Marry, Kill, Sell to ISIS, Chop Up and Put In Freezer

Because we're gay?

Jow Forums is Jow Forums 2.0 with extra edge

These early suicide victims wish white women would love them as much they hate themselves and because that will never happen, they joined one of cringiest movement in existence.

They refuse to leave their house and get a white women then bitch 24/7 about how they are seeing them hook up with non-whites.

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>They're one of us.
One of the hardest redpills to swallow is that men and women have different interests to a large degree. Women in the west have been pushing their identity politics hard for the last 100+ years and have gotten lots of resources and rights and freedoms as a result of that. Men and women are not allies and if you don't controlled women than they will undermine your society.

>it's the eyes that matter, not the hair
BS. Ginger minge for the win.

This is not fair criticism. You're being dishonest.

We hate white feminists, not white women. Jesus Christ, read more.


Btw. Both men and women have to serve the family unit - which has the goal of producing many strong children. I don't hate women. I just recognise their nature and the fact that you cannot allow them to have any power.

2 Fuck
1 Marry
4 Sell to ISIS
6 Chop Up put in Freezer

Just type "m'lady" next time. It will save space.

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Bullshit. If you raise them right they will do all of your bidding to the T

Everyone here minus (((shills))) love them.

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dear god please be a 2 or 7

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>we both get 0

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Castizas are the future

Bruh just end your life if you care so much about saving space. No one takes you losers seriously besides yourselves.

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>If you raise them right they will do all of your bidding to the T
Not true. Women also have self interests and they have in group bias towards other women. Men don't have that towards other men.


fuck it deail it

Yes brown goblins are the future unless we kill them and drive out the survivors

allah's willing

>2 or 7
Great taste. Rawling for one of those

lets go 1 come on now


oh damn look at those trips

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muzzie gets nothing lol

And yet you're the one all butt blasted who posted a wall of text to explain how butt blasted you are. Here, have a black pill.

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well shit. joined permavirgin club.

???? That means nothing if you are a good father with a strong Red Pilled wife

simbly ebin

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>a strong Red Pilled wife
from where?

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You're not responding to my points. Do you disagree that women as a group have in group bias or that women are self interested?

i like 3 and 5

I want to hear number 4 gagging

gonna try this shit again, I want 1, 4, 6, 5 , or 8

roll for 5 or 7

>why does /pop hate white women
If when you're thinking of /pol you mean people like me then no /pol doesn't hate white women.
Pol is infested by a bunch of racial groups, liberals, triggered blacks, Semitics both Muslim and Jewish, journalists, dicklets, ANTIFA and a million other activists. They pretend to be us and slide in and out just like the dildos up their asses.
/pol is what to you?
I'm an Anglo Saxon. I can prove it any time instantly, but you might be talking to an Indian under my flag and you wouldn't know.
Women are easily swayed. Used by the NWO. I don't hate them.
Everyone on earth recognises that they are the most beautiful creatures on earth too, generally.
Oh I didn't mention faggots too. They bitch as well.

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titty fuck material

worst girl ;_;

He'll say church. They always do. Meanwhile...

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I got one from the Internet from Texas. I was lucky
Met her on Omegle no less

Shut up fag

bro, an American white woman is more right-wing than an average European white man.

You've never had a woman devote herself to you have you? It's otherworldly. Having a daughter (which I've yet to have) is like having a wife that is unwavering in her devotion to you. If you treat her right, like what was done not too long ago in the old days, she will laud you, praise you, and do your bidding for the rest of your days.


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I met her on Omegle like a real user

christ you just can win, I feel envy for those fuckwads who had a girl since childhood or have an arranged marriage

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I didn't ask you where you met your fat wife.

You're answering my points.

Lol enjoy your incel life fagboy

I agree with you, but a woman's relationship with her father can have preeminence or critical weight when it comes to her decision making. How do you think "slut shaming" all adds up with women? It starts with the father and mother.

HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!

Communists called all HERESY! fascism.

Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.

Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"

They call people who speak HERESY! names.

You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.

When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.

But it tells us ALL about YOU

It's not hate, it's tough love.

To me pol is what the general consus of this board believes. And I've been seeing a lot of posts full of faggots shitting on white women and glorifyng asian women. You do have a point that pol has been overun by shills but I doubt they are behind all the women hate posts.

I'm not an incel. But enjoy your dying institution.

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How the fuck do you want me not to hate them?

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>It's almost as if you guys have suffered years of rejection by them.....

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Enjoy your childlessness and lack of legacy

Going on Spring break, taking BBC, and being a feminist is sooo right-wing

Get a grip

>Children can only happen if marriage
Your fat wife's low IQ is rubbing off on you.