A Christian clerical fascist caliphate would be the best thing to ever happen to this world.
Kevin King
>this is what christcucks actually believe
Henry Garcia
Wtf is wrong with you all? Do you see normal this shit?
If that so maybe the blackpill is real and we are too far gone.
Is hot as fuck >38 c. and the me are in pants (except the fag in short) like WTF
Easton Fisher
Top tier incel post, literally foaming at the mouth because a woman wears something slightly more revealing than a plain t-shirt and shorts.
Josiah Carter
OP, being a massive faggot, failed to notice that all those "men" are "New Europeans" for whom 38 C is not terribly hot. jeans and a t shirt is not "normal" its fucking casualwear, the sort of clothjing one wears when it is fucking hot. if the "men" were wearing suits and jackets then OP might have a point. except OP is, as previously stated, a rampant homosexual.
William Walker
it's an advertisement. previously the job of advertising a women's fertility was performed by the family and mediated by standards of propriety and rituals of courtships. now in the liberal modernist shitheap world they just act like sluts for chad because they're incapable of making rational decisions for themselves.
Mason Kelly
I can't tell french people from north africans, most russians can't.
Imagine being this gay. No wonder you whiteys dont have the virility to save your species. My grandkids will learn about you in history books.
Benjamin Wilson
Shut up Ernesto, go back to Ciudad Juarez
Dylan Jenkins
she is wearing clothes you fucking freak
Elijah Rodriguez
Because that's the only way to get Chad Thundercock's attention, dress more slutty than all the other bitches that keep trying to steal him.
David Cooper
Threads like this are the only reason I still come here.
Nice Autism there OP.
Cameron Torres
>My grandkids will learn about you in history books. Yes.
Asher Peterson
why does Jow Forums hate when women dress slutty? I LOVE looking at hot women. you guys are weird.
Luke Gutierrez
I get it. she is signaling the chads that she is free to fuck
Is just hard for me to understand why through history women have been allways in such urges to show their bobies to the masses
Brody Russell
>top blackpill I get it now
Blake Thompson
>why women have always such urge expose themselves? because women are literally like children. They need to be ruled over by a man. Someone to tell them "no" or else they'll, like a child, do stuff like what you've mentioned. They want what "they" want, regardless of if it's actually good for them or not. Now what does that sound like, a woman or a child? Perhaps both?
Jaxon Price
It's ridiculous, I know men should dress like whores stop being such prude and show your belly buttons
Josiah Hernandez
>faggot >grandkids
Hudson Ward
Keep typing away whitey. Furiously getting defensive on your keyboards will surely save the fairer race.
Connor Moore
Here's why OP: feminism has taken away from women their main strength and purpose: childrearing and homemaking. Now they are competing with men in the workforce and increasingly act like men, just as men increasingly act like women.
That means that men only really have one use for these women: sex. So as we "progress" under feminism, women will be become increasingly sexual as they compete with each other for the only remaining "market share" that females have: sexual desire.
Grit your teeth and plunge into her cunt, otherwise you forfeit your race.
Lucas Ramirez
Women shouldnt wear bikini tier shit outside the beach or club.
Elijah Richardson
Nice freedom.
Lucas Flores
Calm down Mohammad
Cameron Bennett
Your argument is....?
Leo Perry
Islam will dominate the west soon enough
Christopher Wright
Just because she's not draped in bed sheets doesn't mean she's dressed like a whore. Her outfit is cute and appropriate for the weather. Go back to Pakistan.
Josiah Martinez
This is cute user . That cute (((outfit))) is for cheap sluts.