>He warns about Liberal Media in the 90s
>He Predicted Obama would fail
>Hates Hollywood
>Still going!

Pay tribute

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>Predicted Obama would fail
No, he said he HOPED Obama would fail. He didn't though. 8 years and beloved by everybody.

That's really not a hard thing to do these days.

>8 years and beloved by everybody.
Do you live under Obama's nutsack?

pill popping neocon faggot

Lol heres your (you). Spend it wisely.

I don't know anybody who listens to this asshole prattle. Didn't they have to pass a law in Florida because he was so hooked on hillbilly heroin?

fuckin dittoheads

Most FOX News neocons have faded from the spotlight. I haven't heard of this faggot since the Bush years. Do people still listen to these kikes?

I bet he unironically supports Israel.

lol @ conservatives worshiping this oxycontin popping loud mouth buffoon

the guy wouldnt stfu about obamacare for 8 years- republicans come into office and fail putting forth any legislation

all that hot air about obamacare and it was a bluff

its easy to criticize when you're not in power and say the grass is greener on the other side

truth be told haters like limbaugh bitch a lot- but dont have many solutions

This, but new faggots won't understand

>admiralty flag
What did he mean by this?

>predicted Obama would fail
LOL literally best president in the last 100 years

he unironically supports opioids and viagra in his system. He's a fat faggot.

In what fucking sense did Obama fail, you lunatics? Do you think anyone cares what some right-wing nutjobs think? He won a Nobel-prize and got re-elected.


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this guy gets it

his legacy was completely erased

I feel bad, how many things Rush talked about were entirely right? Fuck, Jon stewart and Colbert did a number on me growing up.

>appeal to authority fallacy
>appeal to popularity fallacy
Any arguments?

It didn't drop until Republicans took control of the House to reign in spending

>He won a Nobel-prize

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Rush can't infuriate people he's just a Boomer
>Reads comments

of course obama would fail

he was a nigger

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Rush is comfy as fuck. He may not provide you autists with the full-1488-edge you’re addicted to but has been fighting the good fight against the left for longer than most of you have been alive, and single-handedly at first, against the entire judeo-communist media complex. He has kept the spark of white consciousness alive through very trying times even if implicitly, explained Trump to boomers in a way that gave them permission to support him, and had a whole segment on Sarah “Is she Chinese or Japanese” Jeong the other day. Also fellow Missourian. Heil Rush!

>the good fight
He's been a neocon Reagan-tier corporatist shitbag for decades, and is finally starting to 'get' Trump nationalism. He's tolerable these days, better than Hannity at least.

love Rush
listen to his show almost every evening

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Trump is the result of Obama's divisiveness.

he also stood against trump and championed the never trump movement during the election, only came around when his viewers began deserting him.

Rush has always been based
back in the early 90's he used to say
>long-haired, limp-wristed faggoty FM types

then you're a boomer civic nationalist

He's ok, he will never mention Israel or Jewish influence though.

Listen to Mike vicarro if you want Israel hate. At what really happened on YouTube. He's half based

He criticized republicans many times when Trump was asking them to bring it to a vote again, but suddenly since it had a chance of passing they refused.

I don't think he ever could. The moment he does, it'd be his last show.

he also put cheetos on his face in an attempt to try and beat trump he even forced his lacky to put spicy cheetos on their face

he is kind of a faggot that only boomers like op is probably some guy in his 50s that likes Israel and wants to go to war with iran and north korea because neocon shit.

that was glen beck you fucking retard

Isn't the the pill popping pedophile?

2 years ago a caller made it through and brought it up and Rush discretely acknowledged the JQ without outright saying it. It was a real 'holy shit' moment while I was listening to it.
He definitely knows

El rushbo unironically has the best show intro tune. That bass line is already stuck in my head

>Obama's nutsack
You know he's a eunuch, right? Michael is the one packing in that relationship.

>wins nobel peace prize
>sucks teeth
>bombs over three percent of the planet in a day
>if if if if ok okie doie, im out!

>He won a Nobel-prize
He won the Nobel Prize for being a nigger and managing to get elected to the US presidency (without shooting anyone first.)

he's a good guy.

He has usage rights from Chrissie Hynde. She is a wacko leftist and donates all of the money to peta or something stupid

Yes, I will give you that, he is a bit of a neocon Reagan-tier corporatist shitbag, but he was still /our/shitbag. Always hated illegals and now has bent the knee to Trump on tariffs. The God Emperor is not a meme, Trump can defy the laws of physics, warp reality, and most difficult of all, change boomers’ minds.

>and now has bent the knee to Trump on tariffs
k i didn't know this, there's hope in his boomer mind yet I suppose.

I was somewhat relieved to find out he sided with Trump over neocohens.

here we go again. pol now unironically supports junkie shock-jock rush Limbaugh. I have no doubt ya'll were the types to support the Iraq war and vote for bush since he's the candidate "you'd most like to have a beer with."

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*that we know of


Rush is a God and anybody that isn't a liberal faggot would not disagree if they actually listened to him for three days

His audience has exploded because of Trump. Rush isn't a goddamn idiot. He knows who is buttering his bread.

No boomers on this board pls

he demanded exit strategies (Powell Doctrine) when Clinton was considering military intervention but not when Bush entered Iraq.

love this board

He just talked about McCain fucking over everyone with obamacare and Republicans doing nothing to stop it. How about you listen to him before you run your dumb nigger mouth

Unironically based and redpilled, he's shat allover basketball Americans in the past and come as close as he can to naming (((them))) without jeopardising his livelihood. Also is part of the reason so many who supported Rubio and Cruz ended up supporting Trump. Anyone who thinks he's another boomer neocon is either a shill or a moron.

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Q predicted this

LOL! Asshole that has never listened to Rush pretends to know what Rush says. The definition of retarded. Good work.

try this one leaf

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