The more you know thread

Non-religious reason why homosexuality is immoral.

>For an action to be moral, it has to have positive consequences if done universally.
>If homosexuality was practiced universally, it would end the human species.
>ending the human species=/=morality

The more you know

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Also they are 25x more likely to be child molesters (2% of population, 50% of child molesters). They have on average between 500-2000 lifetime sex partners in ways that causes diseases to spread more easily as well. Together with niggers, they keep hiv alive.

Can dipping your wee man in human faeces be considered immoral?

Kantian ethics, everyone. Just as retarded as it sounds.

Homosexuality's immorality is self-evident. It's as equally unnatural as murder or abortion. Twists the natural into the unnatural, ignores an entire bodily system, is obviously linked to trauma or heightened sexual pervasiveness, is tied to deviant sexual desires and impulses, and cannot be defended against.

But, simply: you're starting from the wrong premise. Don't try to argue that it is immoral. Try to argue that it's moral and see how far you fucking get.

Extrapolate any answer to what it also covers. "It's just how two people show they love each other" Then why not pedos, incest, multiple partners, etc.. "It doesn't hurt anyone" then why not Necrophilia? Zoophilia? Ephebophilia?

How do you make a homo have sex with a woman?.....

Throw some shit in her cunt... oof

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>positive consequence
Positive according to whom?
Subjective morality is not morality but merely differing groups desired outcomes pitted against each other. Valiant effort by Kant but a failure. Morality can only come from God.

Homosexuality isn't unnatural you retard, neither is murder nor abortion. It is a product of nature. Authority from nature is a dumb argument anyway, just because black widows kill their mates after reproduction doesn't mean that human should do the same.

That's a nice false equivalence you got there by the way. Equating a relationship between two consenting adults to sex with dead bodies, animals and children who are literally incapable of consent.

>>ending the human species=/=morality
From the standpoint of the planet, wiping out humanity is completely moral.

Positive as in not catastrophic. Stealing a pen is not immoral for one person, but if it was the moral law for all, it would be a catastrophe. THerefore we consider theft immoral. See niggers.jpg

What 181195327 said. It leads to pedophilia and all gays know it. I'd like to add a few more reasons.
>Gays degrade and debase whatever art form they invade. The art becomes dramatic and simple minded and focused solely eventually on the naked male physical form. Good novels and art cannot arise from this limited material.
>Gays degrade and debase families by targeting and influencing women, and lying to these women friendships with them are superior to normal romantic and sexual relationships with heterosexual men. By the time the women wake from the deception they are no longer viable as mates for straight men and this has a deleterious effect on the nuclear family and its formation. Gays know this and because they despise and envy the nuclear family put considerable effort into this targeting and brainwashing campaign.
>Gays are unserious, frivolous, and incapable of successfully running companies. Feminine hiving, gossiping and treachery always emerge and the companies wind up in financial default then ruins.
>Gays are hypersexual and nonmonogamous and cannot form stable nuclear families. They usually also molest the children they adopt, creating further gays generations down. This endangers the continuation of life.
>Gays are impulse driven and lack personal sexual control. This leads them to uninhibited and dangerous drug and sex combination behavior and directly led to the rise of HIV and AIDS. Despite heavy heterosexual financing and campaigning for various AIDS initiatives, gays continue to contract the disease at breakneck rates, ignoring social and medical warnings, usually owing to impulsive desire for the most hedonistic and dangerous sex conduct with anonymous, untested partners.
>Gays strongly prefer multiple anonymous sex partners under unsanitary conditions. When combined with "bisexuality", this creates an unprecedented and deadly disease vector that has infected heterosexuals.

Need more reasons?

Statistics on gays and marriage:

Science on gays as parents:

The benefits of gay marriage:

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:

Does conversion therapy work:

HIV information:

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?

Is being gay a mental illness?

>Morality can only come from God.

Dipshit, your so called "morality" comes from a fairy tale book written by delusional peasants 2000 years ago. Is that a valid source of morality? Not it isn't.

We need to revolutionize the way we think about morality and make it come from the inner good spirit of humans instead.

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I think culture has ways of shaping sexuality beyond the physical and there is wider moral agency to be exploited. Look at the Ancient Greek writings; there's a lot of frank man-boy attraction talked about. Reasons beyond just the physical are needed, reasons born in time.

>But, simply: you're starting from the wrong premise. Don't try to argue that it is immoral. Try to argue that it's moral and see how far you fucking get.
This Dixieanon gets it. Read his superb post again.

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Always a leaf.
ALWAYS a leaf

Greek civilization crumbled soon after they started practicing faggotry

I doubt it was written by peasants. They would have been illiterate. It was Roman-Jewish aristocratic propaganda meant to satiate the masses in a time of tax revolts. That said, either way it is simply a lie. Repeating a lie doesn't make it true.

>Repeating a lie doesn't make it true.
"Gay is normal"
"You must secretly want to be one of us"
"You fear us"
"Not at all! We and pedophiles aren't the same thing in fact there are more heterosexual pedophiles than" etc.

The categorical imperative judges on the contradiction of a presupposed value one necessarily and simultaneously holds when doing an immoral action, not consequentialist good vs bad outcome if the action is universalized. I.e universalized stealing contradicts private property and is therefore self-defeating for someone seeking to amass property, universalized lying contradicts the usefulness of talking to other humans and is therefore self-defeating, breaking promises contradicts the concept of contracts, murdering contradicts life, cheating contradicts relationships, etc.

>Jow Forums attempting to do philosophy

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>inner good spirit of humans

whew lad... if you cannot realize that the best, brightest minds worked thousands of years to develop the bible and Christendom precisely because the nature of man is not exactly good, then your naivete will be your own undoing.

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And gave way to the Romans? Also pedophiles. Man-boy love is an ancient Indo-European tradition. Unnatural repulsion to the flower of a man's youth is a kike trait.

>argue homosexuality is immoral
>fail to define morality
>act like complete douchebag
>miss the point where OP actually defines morality in a reasonable fashion which agrees with your point

Imagine being this retarded.

Oh, and:

>1 post by this ID

>Various awesome reasons
Was about to unironically say 'notall' but since i believe that's a non factor in deciding immigration policy; You're right. Hang em high.

Yep that's true. I don't think peasants have it in them to do something so shitty as to create a religion like Christianity. Definitely a product of Jewish aristocrats.

Let's not forget that Christianity is literally Judaism but with Jesus as the supposed Messiah. Only difference between Christians and Jews is that Jews are still waiting for their own Messiah while Christians have accepted the Jesus Messiah.

Nice try, faggot kike

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But see that's the thing. Nobody is lying to you about gays. You are just lying to them about religion to justify your bigotry and hatred.

The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.

A 1996 study from the Journal of Abnormal Psychology found that homophobic heterosexual men were most sexually aroused by gay male porn than non-homophobic hetero men.

A 2012 study of 785 college students published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that “self-described highly straight individuals” who “indicated some level of same-sex attraction” were significantly more likely than others to “express greater implicit hostility toward gay subjects” including supporting anti-gay policies.

A 2017 study published in the journal Sex Roles said that men who felt insecure about their masculinity were more likely to make homophobic and sexist jokes to appear more manly.

Look at Diogenes and look at Christ. Their teachings are remarkably similar, despite the former being a lewd and irreverent character and the latter being pure. They were both homeless people who gathered followers. Christianity is a plebian religion, it rose from the trash, and many writers from the period remarked on the pattern of Christianity first making conversions in the dregs of society, the homeless, the weak, etc.

Jesus never existed.

All the texts supposing he did were only transmitted to us in modern form by Christian scholars. Any original texts untouched by Christian hands makes no mention of Jesus, apart from it being a common name in the time period.


The Census of Quirinius was a census of Judea taken by Publius Sulpicius Quirinius, Roman governor of Syria, upon the imposition of direct Roman rule in 6 CE.[1] The author of the Gospel of Luke uses it as the narrative means to establish the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:1-5),[2] but Luke places the census within the reign of Herod the Great, who died 10 years earlier[3] in 4 BCE.[4] No satisfactory explanation of the contradiction seems possible on the basis of present knowledge,[5] and most scholars think that the author of the gospel made a mistake.[6]


Bible is riddled with errors and contradictions.

Anybody else noticed yet LGBTQs have yet to apologize to heterosexuals for the AIDS plague? Millions have died, including children and babies; yet 40 years later STILL NO APOLOGY.

Why are they still running shops, shitposting, raping boys, demanding cake and even alive breathing and bothering us right now in 2018, Jow Forums?

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not whether its done universally, you pleb. its whether the MAXIM for the action can be WILLED and done so CONSISTENTLY.

Nope. All religious leaders worldwide have explicitly condemned homosexuality, Studys from your kike-aversities with obvious lgbtp agendas dont hold a candle.

>your bigotry and hatred
Repulsion, disgust, anger and general feeling of "that does it, this is my society too and I've seen enough"

Yeah and they are all lying through their teeth because their religious books were written by humans to justify hatred and bigotry from generations before. Repeating lies doesn't make them true. Popularity doesn't make things true, either.

kant was a pleb
this logic of yours is hilariously shallow

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How is "its dangerous" not enough reason get right

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>The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals.
So since you dislike pussy you're secretly lesbian and want to eat one then. Got it.

We feel exactly the same way about you. Everyone acts in their self interest, and now we can marry, and you can't stop us, so it looks like nobody is really listening to you anymore, apart from in shithole countries that you are welcome to move to!

that's why barbarians were superior, they killed faggots

>For an action to be moral, it has to have positive consequences if done universally
Why did you post a picture of Kant? This has nothing to do with his view on ethics.

The recent Supreme Court decision on cake echoed America. Look up the percentages and polls. Normal America is sick of your kind. You can "sass" as much as you want, you degenerate freak. Your pride means nothing except you're secretly embarrassed at what you turned out to be. No straights are fooled. We know what you are and how awful it is. It's why your kind is ever so nonsuicidal and stable. The wrong cake frosting will make you off yourselves.

The American tide has turned and you will soon be dancing on the ends of ropes from coast to coast. Nobody likes gays really and the moment a march is truly on to eradicate you you're going to be pretty shocked at what so called straight friends of yours point your homes out to us.

Be assured of that.

It will be news to you faggot but not everybody acts in their own self-interests. Some people act for the good of society, their families, higher morality and interest in God. All of these are barred to fags.


Jack Phillips still does not even sell wedding cakes, even after the ruling. The ruling did not state he can flout state law. It stated the state commission had acted in bias.

The decision was evasive. If it is legal to discriminate against gays in spite of public accommodations laws forbidding it, go ahead. See how you fare in court.

Bullshit. Take your sanctimonious tripe elsewhere. Nobody believes you.

The Court ruled in his FAVOR.
Shut the fuck up and accept it, butt bandit.

We're heterosexuals. We don't have to be "believed". :)
We're the majority.
You are doomed.

AIDS moar fag.

They simply ruled that the state commission had acted with bias. They did not rule that he may violate Colorado's discrimination laws. He still does not even sell wedding cakes.

Then why is gay acceptance increasing while religious acceptance is declining?

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All religious leaders have told us homos bring plagues. Now we know it does. Plagues in body and in culture. Just another thing that every generation has said, that we didnt get until we tried it. Kind of like "dont get divorced"

Why do gays even want to get married? They can't have kids and they aren't monogomous. It is just to piss off people like everything they do

Apologize for AIDS, freak.
Apologize for ruining our schools.
Apologize for raping and infecting our children.
Apologize for pedophilic content in the arts.
Apologize for "piss Christ".
Apologize for brainwashing women you're their friends while calling them fish behind their backs.
Apologize for groping straight males then lying about them to cover your tracks once accused.
Apologize for turning women's fashions into whore costumes.
Apologize for ruining rock, rap, pop, and all other forms of music.
Apologize for hijacking the Democratic Party.
Apologize for your "pride marches" aka mental illness parades.
Apologize for the entire trans movement.
Apologize for existing.
>Then kys.
>You better before 2020, because 2019 is the year everything changes, and by 20 you'll all be a memory.

>for an action to be moral it has to have positive consequences if done universally
>sacrifice yourself for your country
>all of your countrymen do the same
>no country left
this is a fun game

What are you talking about? He constantly took an action in the particular, and applied it to the universal.

there is a flaw in your logic.
all moral arguments reduce to whether or not god exists.
quid ergo there is no such think as non-religious moral argument.
immoral is not to be confused with undesirable.
hence, something can be against the law or illegal without it being immoral.
immorality does not exist in nature.

>for an action to be moral, it has to have positive consequences if done universally
Kant was literally autistic and made axiomatic pronouncements like this that only make sense if you are willing to arbitrarily constrain your world view to something calculable.
He comes out of the tradition that still believed in the project of dominating reality with the rational mind. He's honestly like a little baby.

Your so called "morality" comes from peoples subjective opinions.

Catastrophe according to whom?
>subjective morality is not morality

People are not believing your lies so much anymore. Many churches are empty, or only have old people. Meanwhile gay acceptance and self-identification increase with nearly every new poll.

Why does anyone want to get married?

Gays have kids via surrogacy, adoption, and from prior heterosexual relationships. It doesn't even matter to me to make a rational argument here since you aren't listening and don't care. Just know that people are taking your lies and hatred much less seriously in developed countries with every passing year.

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The study, titled “Choices: Perspectives of Younger Gay Men on Monogamy, Non-monogamy and Marriage,” was conduced by researchersBlake Spears and Lanz Lowen. They surveyed over 800 single, monogamously-coupled, and non-monogamously coupled gay menages 18-40 years about their relationships. A handful of “monogamish” men were also interviewed.

“The most striking finding of this study is younger gay men’s greater inclination toward monogamy,” the researchers report. “We see this in the overwhelming number of relationships that are monogamous (86percent). In addition, 90percentof the single younger gay men were seeking monogamy. This is a sea change compared to older generations of gay men.”

Not to forget their forgone time horizon. Since homosexuals aren't going to produce offspring they have a much higher time preference, focusing on the now rather than saving up for future generations. Societies appreciating homosexuality thereby automatically embrace decandency.

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Same-sex marriage policies are associated with reduced adolescent suicide attempts:

A majority (37) states had already legalized gay marriage when the Supreme Court decided to legalize it:

Gay marriage makes older LGBT adults happier:

>Then why is gay acceptance increasing
Only among your circle jerk of little Twatter/Tombler buddies. Trust us.

>while religious acceptance is declining?
Absolutely Brand New To Jow Forums: The Post

Lurk moar and you'll see church attendance and devotion to God skyrocketing that will make your loose lipped anus spit out its coffee enema for FEAR. Gen Z is having none of that fag bs you and your millennial fucktards roll with. Just you wait..... ha ha, just you fucking faggot wait!

DOTR is 2019 you AIDS-infected brain boiled pedophile freak. Doorknob yourself with your leather collection before we find you..

These are nationally regarded polls.

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As an individual who supports freedom and the free market this post makes me so happy

>>while religious acceptance is declining?
I'm Atheist, by the way. You asked for a philosophical, non-religious list of reasons faggotry is a species-killing anomaly. I delivered it.

You gays seem CONVINCED disliking you and religiosity go hand in hand. Explain me and other antigay Atheists then.

You really talk and act as though your "partner" shat you out onto a cradle pillow yesterday.

Hes butthurt because he can only have sex with poop. Id be upset too

I think people see through your lies and hatred. You think you hold the moral high ground, and constantly virtue signal, and people just aren't buying your act anymore, religiously motivated or otherwise.

You have no valid grounds for denying us our rights and resort to petty personal attacks.

Not even going to bother. I can return similar-looking, medically VETTED polls with opposite results to you and you would remain convinced of anything that enables you to continue your narcissistic assfuckery and boy buggery. You stay on your infected side and we'll stay on the clean side of the street.

Day is coming mobs will cross onto yours. Your cake shit pissed an entire planet off and the hour is almost here you pay for that.

But you actually cannot. You have to resort to older sources and fringe sources that have never been independently verified. Like you are quoting one line from some 20-40 year old survey and claiming it is nationally representative now, and people aren't buying it.

Again with the personal attacks because you have no rational argument, just unjustified hatred.

You think people don't see right through you, but they do. Deal with your own problems and insecurities and stop harassing us.

>I think people see through your lies and hatred.
I don't care what faggots think.

It's rumored the shit actually turns them on. Yet "this isn't a mental illness" and it's "love"

It isn't just gay people. Jow Forums represents a fringe minority who has little to no influence in real life politics anymore. That's why you are stuck on here blasting your opinions, and not actually harming us in real life.

>You think people don't see right through you, but they do.
Quit target spreading and invoking an imaginary audience. Nobody in this fucking thread agrees with you and Jow Forums literally IS how America thinks and believes but has been made afraid to say.

Just you wait until the day no American feels fear anymore.

The categorical imperative has nothing to do with whether the results are positive or not.

Why should I care about what people in an internet thread think? In reality, gay rights are advancing almost continuously. Jack Phillips STILL does NOT sell wedding cakes because he won't sell them to gay people!

nope, Kant isn't the end all on this, Christ is.

exercise for the reader: (1) Find me an action that is moral, that if universally practiced would result in negative consequences. (2) Find me an action that if practiced universally would have positive consequences, but is immoral.

>not actually harming us in real life.
If that were true, Prop 8 wouldn't have made you all suicidal. Look, faggot, jump off a bridge or something. I hate you and don't care what you believe or think, I'm simply committed to stopping what you do and seeing society pay you back for an entire SHITSTORM of blessures you've inflicted on us. Unironically light up some meth with your latest trick tonight and die in an apartment fire tonight.

Not one person will mourn or come to your funeral, including the radioactive landwhales you've trained to tell you you're awesome. You know it's true.

How does knowing that feel?

>Why should I care about what people in an internet thread think?
If you didn't neither you nor your cheap slide discord thread would be here.

Or tell him to fuck her arse. I remember a story of a woman who got HIV after she and her male homosexual friend got drunk and had anal sex.

>Jack Phillips STILL does NOT sell wedding cakes because he won't sell them to gay people!

No, he cannot. Colorado state law prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

yeah until theyre pushed too far and then people will shut it down. Homosexuality makes most people feel sick, they feel like they are good by overcoming this and waving the little flag.People only take so much bullshit constantly put in their face which homos will never stop doing because the foundation of everything they do is PRIDE LOOK AT ME

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Loving the posts tonight, the silent majority doesn’t give a fuck and stands on the side of love. Don’t let the hate bring you down, just gotta figure out how to somehow integrate radical peeps into the greater way more chill and accepting reality.

Accept the future mfs freedom is reality, raise your kids in a box if you want.

"God I just HATE myself for not going to Fluffy's funeral yesterday morning. And don't you dare @ me with any homophobia I LOVED HIM AND HIS BF AND LOVE IS LOVE but dammit my manager put me on double shift and I was tired and my car isn't working and one of my tires is flat and my best friend is in town and I had to get my hair re-colored and is that American Horror Story on Netflix oh yea binge watch fuck yea and where are we going for dinner tonight and do you like my nails and should I get a dog and Nooooo h8"

"I love my gay brothers 4ever don't you @ me"

>t. Full disclosure: she couldn't stand you and one of us looked across the room at her
>You and your polls and rainbow flag fell right out of her mind :)

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Supreme Court is federal, fucktard. He can start a new bakery right over in Oklahoma and not serve you and you and your kind CAN'T SAY A FUCKING THING :)

I didn't know sockpuppets came in rainbow

"That was yesterday? Fuck. Missed it."

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you're misunderstanding the categorical imperative

But his bakery isn't in Oklahoma, it is in Colorado where state law forbids discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. He doesn't sell wedding cakes, the Supreme Court decision simply failed to address the merits of the case beyond stating that the state commission was biased and therefore its ruling was to be thrown out.

Again he, like you, are free to move to shithole states where you can hate on gays.

How would Kant redpill us on the evils of homos then?

this is low-tier bait but this isn't true; for instance, Kant's ethics are based on it's ability to adhere to reason via a priori transcendental principles of our mind

They do, that’s the nature of freedom. Everything exists, welcome to your reality.

It may unsettle to you to know I am a 4Chad who has beat up more pussy than this entire thread. ‘Normal people’ don’t care if someone is gay or straight, they care whether or not they have good character. 4channers aren’t normal people, this is an echo chamber and it’s a really lame one to get stuck in. There’s plenty more fun out there to be had, this much hatred requires so much effort and denial. I hope you guys realize that one day.

So he's cool with transgender people, then?

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Lol. You couldn't sound more like a sock puppet.GTFO