How did you contribute to (((capitalism))) to day Jow Forums?

How did you contribute to (((capitalism))) to day Jow Forums?

Attached: capitalism o.jpg (623x960, 348K)

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>Poverty related cause of death
I always hear this meme in these propaganda images. What did it actually mean?

Communism is also jewish you retard. Are you not a Natso because your non-white or are u just that stupid.

>but the poor
comunism kills more poors

>Implying I care about non Whites dying

Attached: 1533007540848.jpg (500x500, 70K)

>Amnesty (((International)))

Yep, more anti White propaganda. We don't care about the third world.

Attached: 1531071402693.gif (800x667, 1.23M)

>shitpost brought to you by my magical electronic device created by capitalism


Attached: images (7).jpg (351x419, 23K)

>Blame third world starvation on capitalism
>But real communism hasnt been tried